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Ch 19 Vocab
Term | Definition |
Human Development | The processes involved in the improvement of people's freedoms, rights, capabilities, choices, and material conditions |
Gross National Product (GNP) | The total value of the goods and services produced by a country's citizens and companies both domestically and internationally in a year |
Gross National Income (GNI) Per Capita | The total value of goods and services globally produced by a country in a year divided by the country's population |
Formal Sector | Businesses, enterprises, and other economic activities that have government supervision, monitoring, and protection and are also taxed |
Informal Sector | Any part of a country's economy that is outside of government monitoring or regulation; sometimes called the informal economy |
Human Development Index (HDI) | A measure that determined the overall development of a country by incorporating three key dimensions of human development: life expectancy, access to education, and standard of living |
Gender Development Index (GDI) | A measure that calculates gender disparity in the three basic dimensions of human development: health, knowledge, and standard of living |
Gender Inequality Index (GII) | A measure that calculates inequality based on three categories: reproductive health, empowerment, and labor market participation |
Women's Empowerment | Women's options and access to participate fully in the social and economic spheres of a society |
Labor-Market Participation (LMP) | Rate that measures an economy's active labor force, calculated by taking the sum of all employed workers divided by the working age population |
Microloans | A very small short-term loan with low interest intended to help people in need |
Stages of Economic Growth (Rostow) | A model that suggests that all countries can be categorized on a spectrum from traditional to modern and that to become modern, countries need to pass through distinct stages of economic growth in succession |
Dependency Theory | A theory that describes the development challenges and limitations faced by poorer countries and the political and economic relationships poorer countries have with richer countries |
Commodity Dependence | An aspect of dependency theory that occurs when more than 60% of a country's exports and economic health are tied to one or two resources |