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Dental Terminology
Term | Definition |
Active Patient | A patient whose status in the PMS is Active and has had a completed visit within the last 18 months. |
ADA Procedure Codes (American Dental Association) | Codes used to categorize procedures; used for ease of scheduling and marking procedures as completed on a patient’s ledger. |
Partner | Consulting firms we partner with that utilize our software at their contracted practices (ACT, Next Level, Fortune Management, Dental Coaches – Susan Leckowicz, TTI, Practice CFO, PDA, ToPS, BENCO, Killer Shark Marketing, 5M Mastermind, etc.) |
Partner Customer | Customers that were sold through an affiliate partner. The customers full or partial service is paid through the affiliate partner |
Attrition | The number of patients that have not had any completed production in the last 18 months or who’s status in the practice management system was change to “Inactive” (the loss of patients) |
Average Production Per Visit | The average of what you produce per patient visit. It is calculated by dividing the Total Gross Production by the total number of Patient Visits (appointments) |
Broken Appointment | An appointment that is either classified as a no show or cancellation (difference between cancelation and no show is the amount of notice the patient gives the office: more than 24 hours = cancellation, less than 24 hours = no show) |
Cancellation | An appointment that was broken with more than 24 hours’ notice. |
Collection Percentage | The amount of dollars actually collected in the practice divided by the gross production of the practice for a specific period of time. |
Collections Board | A portion of Dental Intel that gives customers data to track customers’ accounts and insurance claims. All things Collections are on this board - patient value, avg. amount of time it takes to collect your patients’ balances etc. |
Follow Ups | A feature in Dental Intel that is used to track all patient contacts. Allows practice to track the performance of team members efforts made reaching out to patients for whatever purpose. |
Hygiene Case | Metric that tracks all patients that were presented hygiene treatment during an exam and whether or not they accepted that particular treatment. Hygiene Case is Hygiene treatment. |
Hygiene Reappointment | A patient who came into the office for a hygiene visit and left scheduled for their next hygiene visit. |
Ledger | Where the dental office records all completed procedures, adjustments and payments for the family. It also will display the balance or credit on the account. Insurance payments and patient payments are also shown. |
Lost Patients | Patients that haven’t been in for an appointment for more than 18 months or that have been marked as ”inactive” in the practice management software |
Morning Huddle | A group meeting performed by the dental office before patients arrive to discuss schedules, new patients and any other matters pertaining to that day. |
New Patient Hygiene Re-appointment | All patients that have completed production for the first time and are scheduled for their next hygiene visit before they leave the office on their first visit. |
No Show | An appointment that was broken with less than 24 hours’ notice. |
Perio | A very common gum disease that damages the gums and can start to destroy the jawbone. We classify these procedures and the production that follows as hygiene but usually required every 3 months instead of 6. |
PMS | Practice Management System A software that dental practices use to track patient information (We integrate with Eaglesoft, Dentrix, and OpenDental). Used for scheduling patients as well as tracking their completed procedures and financial information. |
PPO (Preferred Provider Organization) | Insurance: A group of patients encouraged to use the insurance company’s network of preferred doctors (Doctors do not get to claim as much through this type of organization. |
Pre-appointment Percentage | The percentage of the practice’s Active Patients that have a future visit scheduled. |
Prophy (Prophalyxis) | Commonly known as a cleaning, these are generally done by a hygienist where the goal is to remove plaque and calculus to prevent more serious problems. We classify it as hygiene production and required every 6 months for patients. |
Provider ID | Comes from PMS and is matched to User Profile in Dental Intel to categorize production and appointments. |
Recaptured Patients | A patient that is “reactivated” (meaning they came into the office after not being in for at least 18 months) or were marked as Active in the PMS after having had the status of Inactive. |
Recare | The practice of rescheduling existing patients. |
Resync | When our nightly sync process ceases to perform correctly (usually interrupted by the server being turned off or a power-outage), we must log onto the customers server computer and perform a manual resync to re-engage the nightly auto-sync. |
Salesforce | Our CRM (customer relationship manager). We use Salesforce to track all new, existing and possible customers. Here you can find records of contact that we have had with a customer, track your calls, and find info on any of our customers. |
SRP (scaling and root planing) | Known as conventional periodontal therapy, non-surgical periodontal therapy, or deep cleaning, is a procedure involving removal of dental plaque and calculus (scaling or debridement) and then smoothing, or planing, of the (exposed) surfaces of the roots. |
Sync | Action that Dental Intel performs each night to pull the information from the practice’s PMS |
Treatment | The procedure/s that patient’s need to be healthy again. |
TX Plan | A set of procedures that is presented to a patient to restore their oral health. |