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HCC Vascular

Skin(vein) Cyanosis, pallor, rubor(brownish/red coloring, of lower extrem., slow healing lesions, ulcerations, necrotic tissue.
Temperature(vein) Skin is normally warm to touch. Impaired peripheral venous circulation no change in temp.
Pain(vein) Tenderness along involved vein or in calf muscles.
Sensation(vein) In chronic venous insufficiency may exp. sensory deficits in involved extremity.
Vessels(vein) With circulatory impairment, there may be visible areas of reddening or tracking along the course of the vein, palpable tenderness.
Edema(vein) Usually ascending
Skin(artery) Presence of thin, shiny, or scaly skin w/decreased hair growth. Thickened nails, ulcers on feet or toes-slow to heal-progress to gangrene or necrosis.
Temperature(artery) Extremities are cool to touch.
Pain(artery) Tenderness or pain.
Sensation(artery) Unable to distinguish light, dull, sharp, and vibratory sensations w/eyes closed.
Vessels(artery) Bruits while auscultating over the aorta, renal, iliac, or femoral arteries.
Edema(artery) Pitting or non-pitting.
Pulses(artery) Decreased or absent peripheral pulses. Bounding w/increased pulse pressure.
Peripheral Arteriosclerosis/Atherosclerosis Pain(athero), rest pain occurs w/inactivity, dependent rubor, leg hair loss, thickened toenails, ulcerations, and edema. Gangrene-amputation.
Arterial Thrombus or Embolism Blood flow to tissue impaired, s&s associated with acute tissue ischemia.
Buerger's Disease (Thromboangitis obliterans) small/mid periph. arteries inflamed and spastic causing clots to form. Cigarette smoking #1 cause, dramatic exacerbations, tissue hypoxia increase risk for ulcer/gangrene.
Raynaud's Disease Episodes of intense vasospasm in small arteries fingers(sometimes toes), no identifiable cause, "blue-white-red disease"-skin color changes.
Deep Vein Thrombosis(DVT) 80% of all DVT's originate in calf, pulmonary emb. first indication.
DVT S&S Localized pain, redness, and warmth, palpable cordlike vein.
DVT Prophylaxis Low-molecular weight anticoagulants(lovenox), elevating foot of bed w/knees slightly flexed, early mobilization, leg exercises, elastic stockings, intermittent pneumatic compression.
Anticoagulant Therapy blah
Varicose Veins Irregular, tortuous veins w/incompetent valves, hemorrhoids, esophageal varices, varicose veins of leg, increased risk with venous stasis during pregnancy(virchow's triad).
Varicose Veins Treatment Improving circulation-compression stockings, regular daily walking.
Created by: mande747
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