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Damera vocab


state A country; a politically bound area controlled by an established government with authority over its internal affairs and foreign policy
nation a group of people with common cultural characteristics that do not necessarily have a country
devolve The movement of power from a central government to regional governments during the breakup of a state; breakdown of country’s power
sovereignty the authority of a state to govern itself or another state
Amnesty grant an official pardon to; to give sanctuary
Abstract Summarizes the major aspects of a paper/ its overall purpose
Academic Journals A publication where researchers showcase their findings on a specific scholarly topic
Primary Source documents, images or artifacts that provide firsthand testimony or direct evidence concerning a historical topic
Secondary Source works that analyze, assess or interpret an historical event, era, or phenomenon
Annotated Bibliography a list of sources (books, articles, websites, etc.) with a short paragraph about each source
Unitary country where a single power has authority and control over all government operations
Federal system of dividing up power between a central national government and local governments, which are connected to one another by the national government
Territorial the ownership of an area of land or sea in defense of that area
Antecedent preceding in time or order; previous or preexisting
Subsequent coming after something in time; following
consequent following as a result or effect
delimit determine the limits or boundaries of something on a map
demarcate set the boundaries or limits of something using a physical barrier
demilitarize remove all military forces from (an area)
maritime connected with or border the sea
Redistrict divide or organize (an area) into new political or school districts
Gerrymandering manipulate the boundaries of a voting district to favor one party or class
Infrastructure the basic physical and organizational structures and facilities ( buildings, roads, etc.) needed for the operation of a society or enterprise
Supranational having power or influence that transcends national boundaries or governments
Separatism advocacy of cultural, ethnic, tribal, religious, racial, governmental or gender separation from the larger group
Created by: Damera 14
Popular AP Human Geography sets




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