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Toki Pona Wordlist

All the words in toki pona

a [interj] ah, ha, uh, oh, ooh, aw, well (emotion word)
akesi [n] non-cute animal, reptile, amphibian
ala [mod] no, not, none, un-; [n] nothing, negation, zero; [interj] no!
ale, ali [n] everything, anything, life, the universe; [mod] all, every, complete, whole
anpa [n] bottom, lower part, under, below, floor, beneath; [mod] low, lower, bottom, down
ante [n] difference; [mod] different; [cont] otherwise, or else; [vt] change, alter, modify
anu [conj] or
awen [vi] stay, wait, remain; [vt] keep; [mod] remaining, stationary, permanent, sedentary
e [sep] (introduces a direct object)
en [conj] and (used to coordinate head nouns)
ijo [n] thing, something, stuff, anything, object; [mod] of something; [vt] objectify
ike [mod] bad, negative, wrong, evil, overly complex, (figuratively) unhealthy; [interj] oh dear! woe! alas!; [n] negativity, badness, evil; [vt] to make bad, to worsen, to have a negative effect upon; [vi] to be bad, to suck
ilo [n] tool, device, machine, thing used for a specific purpose
insa [n] inside, inner world, centre, stomach; [mod] inner, internal
jaki [mod] dirty, gross, filthy; [n] dirt, pollution, garbage, filth; [vt] pollute, dirty; [interj] ew! yuck!
jan [n] person, people, human, being, somebody, anybody; [mod] human, somebody's, personal, of people; [vt] personify, humanize, personalize
jelo [mod] yellow, light green
jo [vt] have, contain; [n] having; [kama] receive, get, take, obtain
kala [n] fish, sea creature
kalama [n] sound, noise, voice; [vi] make noise; [vt] sound, ring, play (an instrument)
kama [vi] come, become, arrive, happen, pursue actions to arrive to (a certain state), manage to, start to; [n] event, happening, chance, arrival, beginning; [mod] coming, future; [vt] bring about, summon
kasi [n] plant, leaf, herb, tree, wood
ken [vi] can, is able to, is allowed to, may, is possible; [n] possibility, ability, power to do things, permission; [vt] make possible, enable, allow, permit; [cont] it is possible tha
kepeken [vt] use; [prep] with
kili [n] fruit, pulpy vegetable, mushroom
kin [mod] also, too, even, indeed (emphasizes the word(s) before it)
kiwen [mod] hard, solid, stone-like, made of stone or metal; [n] hard thing, rock, stone, metal, mineral, clay
ko [n] semi-solid or squishy substance, e.g. paste, powder, gum
kon [n] air, wind, smell, soul; [mod] air-like, ethereal, gaseous
kule [n] colour, paint; [mod] colourful; [vt] colour, paint
kute [vt] listen, hear; [mod] auditory, hearing
kulupu [n] group, community, society, company, people; [mod] communal, shared, public, of the society
la [sep] (between adverb or phrase of context and sentence)
lape [n, vi] sleep, rest; [mod] sleeping, of sleep
laso [mod] blue, blue-green
lawa [n] head, mind; [mod] main, leading, in charge; [vt] lead, control, rule, steer
len [n] clothing, cloth, fabric
lete [n] cold; [mod] cold, uncooked; [vt] cool down, chill
li [sep] (between any subject except mi and sina and its verb, also used to introduce a new verb for the same subject)
lili [mod] small, little, young, a bit, short, few, less; [vt] reduce, shorten, shrink, lessen
linja [n] long, very thin, floppy thing, e.g. string, rope, hair, thread, cord, chain
lipu [n] flat and bendable thing, e.g. paper, card, ticket
loje [mod] red
lon [prep] be (located) in/at/on; [vi] be there, be present, be real/true, exist, be awake
luka [n] hand, arm
lukin [vt] see, look at, watch, read; [vi] look, watch out, pay attention; [mod] visual(ly)
lupa [n] hole, orifice, window, door
ma [n] land, earth, country, (outdoor) area
mama [n] parent, mother, father; [mod] of the parent, parental, maternal, fatherly
mani [n] money, material wealth, currency, dollar, capital
meli [n] woman, female, girl, wife, girlfriend; [mod] female, feminine, womanly
mi [n] I, we; [mod] my, our
mije [n] man, male, husband, boyfriend; [mod] male, masculine, manly
moku [n] food, meal; [vt] eat, drink, swallow, ingest, consume
moli [n] death; [vi] die, be dead; [vt] kill; [mod] dead, deadly, fatal
monsi [n] back, rear end, butt, behind; [mod] back, rear
mu [interj] woof! meow! moo! etc. (cute animal noise)
mun [n] moon; [mod] lunar
musi [n] fun, playing, game, recreation, art, entertainment; [mod] artful, fun, recreational; [vi] play, have fun; [vt] amuse, entertain
mute [mod] many, very, much, several, a lot, abundant, numerous, more; [n] amount, quantity; [vt] make many or much
nanpa [n] number; [oth] -th (ordinal numbers)
nasa [mod] silly, crazy, foolish, drunk, strange, stupid, weird; [vt] drive crazy, make weird
nasin [n] way, manner, custom, road, path, doctrine, system, method
nena [n] bump, nose, hill, mountain, button
ni [mod] this, that
nimi [n] word, name
noka [n] leg, foot
o [sep] O (vocative or imperative); [interj] hey! (calling somebody's attention)
oko [n] eye
olin [n] love; [mod] love; [vt] to love (a person)
ona [n] she, he, it, they; [mod] her, his, its, their
open [vt] open, turn on
pakala [n] blunder, accident, mistake, destruction, damage, breaking; [vt] screw up, *** up, botch, ruin, break, hurt, injure, damage, spoil, ruin; [vi] screw up, fall apart, break; [interj] damn! ***!
pali [n] activity, work, deed, project; [mod] active, work-related, operating, working; [vt] do, make, build, create; [vi] act, work, function
palisa [n] long, mostly hard object, e.g. rod, stick, branch
pana [vt] give, put, send, place, release, emit, cause; [n] giving, transfer, exchange
pi [sep] of, belonging to
pilin [n] feelings, emotion, heart; [vi] feel; [vt] feel, think, sense, touch
pimeja [mod] black, dark; [n] darkness, shadows; [vt] darken
pini [n] end, tip; [mod] completed, finished, past, done, ago; [vt] finish, close, end, turn off
pipi [n] bug, insect, spider
poka [n] side, hip, next to; [prep] in the accompaniment of, with; [mod] neighbouring
poki [n] container, box, bowl, cup, glass
pona [n] good, simplicity, positivity; [mod] good, simple, positive, nice, correct, right; [interj] great! good! thanks! OK! cool! yay!; [vt] improve, fix, repair, make good
sama [mod] same, similar, equal, of equal status or position; [prep] like, as, seem
seli [n] fire, warmth, heat; [mod] hot, warm, cooked; [vt] heat, warm up, cook
selo [n] outside, surface, skin, shell, bark, shape, peel
seme [oth] what, which, wh- (question word)
sewi [n] high, up, above, top, over, on; [mod] superior, elevated, religious, formal
sijelo [n] body, physical state
sike [n] circle, wheel, sphere, ball, cycle; [mod] round, cyclical
sin [mod] new, fresh, another, more; [vt] renew, renovate, freshen
sina [n] you; [mod] your
sinpin [n] front, chest, torso, face, wall
sitelen [n] picture, image; [vt] draw, write
sona [n] knowledge, wisdom, intelligence, understanding; [vt] know, understand, know how to; [vi] know, understand; [kama] learn, study
soweli [n] animal, especially land mammal, lovable animal
suli [mod] big, tall, long, adult, important; [vt] enlarge, lengthen; [n] size
suno [n] sun, light
supa [n] horizontal surface, e.g furniture, table, chair, pillow, floor
suwi [n] candy, sweet food; [mod] sweet, cute; [vt] sweeten
tan [prep] from, by, because of, since; [n] origin, cause
taso [mod] only, sole; [conj] but
tawa [prep] to, in order to, towards, for, until; [vi] go to, walk, travel, move, leave; [n] movement, transportation; [mod] moving, mobile; [vt] move, displace
telo [n] water, liquid, juice, sauce; [vt] water, wash with water
tenpo [n] time, period of time, moment, duration, situation
toki [n] language, talking, speech, communication; [mod] talking, verbal; [vt] say; [vi] talk, chat, communicate; [interj] hello! hi!
tomo [n] indoor constructed space, e.g. house, home, room, building; [mod] urban, domestic, household
tu [mod] two; [n] duo, pair; [vt] double, separate/cut/divide in two
unpa n] sex, sexuality; [mod] erotic, sexual; [vt] have sex with, sleep with, ****; [vi] have sex
uta [n] mouth; [mod] oral
utala [n] conflict, disharmony, competition, fight, war, battle, attack, blow, argument, physical or verbal violence; [vt] hit, strike, attack, compete against
walo [mod] white, light (colour); [n] white thing or part, whiteness, lightness
wan [mod] one, a; [n] unit, element, particle, part, piece; [vt] unite, make one
waso [n] bird, winged animal
wawa [n] energy, strength, power; [mod] energetic, strong, fierce, intense, sure, confident; [vt] strengthen, energize, empower
weka [mod] away, absent, missing; [n] absence; [vt] throw away, remove, get rid of
wile [vt] to want, need, wish, have to, must, will, should; [n] desire, need, will; [mod] necessary
Created by: GeorgeRyan
Popular Languages sets




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