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HIST 106 Exam 1

What could you find in the West? mining, cattle, farming, and land bonanzas
What are Bonaza Farms? large and very successful farms
What did the early western economy depend on? federal government
By 1900, how much of land was carved out by western states? most of it
How much of the U.S. population was Native American after the civil war? half of it
What happened to Native Americans by 1880? Put into reservations, culture was drowned out, and was no longer an independent people
Where did 2/3 of Native Americans live? great plains
What where the plains Indians like? Nomadic, war like, constantly moving, dependent on buffalo and horses
What did the buffalo supply for Native Americans? Food, clothing, and shelter
What did Native American Men do? Hunted, traded, ceremonial activity, and held positions of power
What did Native American Women do? Took care of children, artistic, grew food/made it, played in some political roles, economics, and religious roles
Where Native American tribes assigned boundaries? Yes, and was specific to each tribe
What was the Chivington Massacre? 1864 John Chivington ordered his men to kill everyone including women and children. This happened even when the Native Americans surrendered.
What was the Fetterman Massacre? 1866 in Wyoming, Fetterman decided to attack the Sioux Indians. The Indians killed fetterman and all of his men.
How did civilizing Native Americans go? U.S. thought Native Americans where savages and needed to be civilized. Native Americans were punished when trying to express their culture and did not really have a choice.
What was the Battle of Little Bighorn? (1876): Also called Custer's Last Stand, it was the most famous incident of the Indian Wars. Cheyenne and Sioux indians killed Custer and all of his men.
What is an "Ghost Dance"? Native American ceremony to restore their lost land
What is the Wounded Knee Massacre? mass killing by U.S. soldiers of as many as 300 unarmed Sioux at Wounded Knee, South Dakota, in 1890
What is the Dawes Severalty Act? (1887) Ended tribal life and divided land
How much land did Native Americans get, and what were they supposed to do with it? 160 acres per family and were expected to farm
When did the buffalo go extinct? between 1882-1884
How many Native Americans lived in the U.S. to start the 1900s? around 2000
How long did it take to move west? 3 months
What are some motivations for moving west? Adventure, escape from routine of factory/city life, and to improve life
Who made the decision to move West? Men
What did the families use to travel? In a wagon train on the Missouri River
What is the Homestead Act 1862? 1862 - Provided free land in the West to anyone willing to settle there and develop it. Encouraged westward migration.
Water problems and Newlands Act (1902) finance of irrigation from 16 states. Damns, cannels, and it helped cities grow
Spanish Speaking Southwest Southwestern states influence heavily by Spanish culture and language.
What is the California Gold Rush (1849) Mass migration of people looking for gold and was the template for other booms
What is Placer Minning? Requires little skill, shovel washing, used pan to find gold. Become expert business. Large corporations came and labor was unionized. Towns got industrialized. Moved west to east.
What is Comstock Load? Company formed 1873 and found gold /silver. 54 ft wide of gold/silver and made millions.
What is the Black Hills goldrush? In Dakotas and is a mining boom
How were mining towns organized/governed? Urbans areas on frontier. Could get anything you wanted. Need for gov and law enforcement. Miners organized rules and procedures.
Explain Women in mining towns? Not many women. More than 2 to 1 difference. If they weren't prostitutes men wondered why they were there. Better pay for women in mining towns.
How were foreign-born people treated in mining towns? Quarter of total pop was foreign born. In 1860s a third of miners were Chinese. Foreign miners were not liked.
What is the Chinese Exclusion Act (1882) Suspended immigration from China for 10 years and was extended. Number of Chinese in U.S. went down.
When was the Mining Bonanza over? by the 1890s
How did cattle get to northern markets? By train
What factors ended Cattle Bonanza? Farmers plant wheat on ranges, barbed wire cut across trails and divided up big ranches, and mechanical improvement modernized the industry
What are Exodusters? (1879) 6,000 African Americans came to west to establish free lives in Kansas. 20,000 acres of land.
What are some hardships of farming? Lumber was scarse, mud houses, elements difficult, crops would be eaten, and winters are bad.
What is the National Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry? 1867 Oliver H.K. early effort to organize farmers. Mostly in south and helped educate farmers. Setup purchasing, stores, pay as you go buying, insurance companies, and shared warehouses,
When does the most advancement in industrialization happen? In 3 decades after civil war
What did industrialization lead to? Cities grew, technology advanced, and farm production rose
What are the factors behind industrialization? Abundance of natural resources, abundance of labor, burgeoning population and expansion of markets
What created a national market? railroads
What is a Combine harvester? machine that harvests crop and separates out green or seed for transport
Did the government give land to manufacturers? yes
What is the American form of Government? stability to private property and regulate industry
What is one of the 19th centuries most significant innovations? railroads
What are the advantages of railroads? direct routes, greater speed, safety, and a comfortable way of travel
What happened because of railroads? ended isolation and self-sufficiency, tied people together, brought in outside products, and fostered interdependency
How did Native Americans see railroads? destroyed lifeways
When and where was the Transcontinental Railroad finsihed? May 10, 1869 and in Promontory Point Utah
What did the Transcontinental Railroad symbolize? American unity and progress
What is the Bessemer Process? A way to manufacture steel quickly and cheaply by blasting hot air through melted iron to quickly remove impurities.
Who is Andrew Carnegie? master of the steel industry
Who is John D. Rockefeller? owner of standard oil and controlled 90% of oil production
Who formed the suburbs? the middle class
Who is John H R Sul? designed skyscrapers
Where did the working class move too? into the cities
What are some perils of the city? Tenements/overcrowding, stink, alcoholism, dirty water and polluted air, street gangs, rising crime, and suicide
What are some motivates to immigrate? unemployment, food shortages, and threats of war
Who is a major political machine in New York? William "Boss" Tweed
How did political Bosses stay in power? Skillful political organization and immigrants made up the ranks/followers. Understood the poor and how to help.
Womens Christain Temperence Union women organization with 500,000 members
What are some causes of the spread of Jim Crow? 1.Northern Liberals, southern radicals, and paternalistic conservatives fade away and do not impose checks on racist extremism 2.North and South attempt political reconciliation following civil war 3.supreme court cases
What is Plessy v Ferguson? a 1896 Supreme Court decision which legalized state ordered segregation so long as the facilities for blacks and whites were equal
What is Williams v Mississippi? An 1898 Supreme Court ruling that allowed states to impose poll taxes and literacy tests.
What is the grandfather clause? A clause in registration laws allowing people who do not meet registration requirements to vote if they or their ancestors had voted before 1867.
Would African Americans be liched by mobs? yes
Who is Booker T Washington? African American leader and was against segration. Slow progress through self-improvement, show worth of rights, get professional career and college degree
What is the Atlanta Compromise? Argument put forward by Booker T. Washington that African-Americans should not focus on civil rights or social equality but concentrate on economic self-improvement.
Who is W.E.D Du Bois? believed African Americans should strive for full rights and was a Civil Rights activist
What is the "Talented Tenth''? 1/10 of intellectual elite of blacks to lead
Who is Jane Addams? the founder of Hull House, which provided English lessons for immigrants, daycares, and child care classes
What is Hull House? Settlement home designed as a welfare agency for needy families. It provided social and educational opportunities for working class people in the neighborhood as well as improving some of the conditions caused by poverty.
What did Democrats want? states rights, decentralized gov, limited gov, reduced spending/tariffs
What did Republicans want? federal gov to provide material wealth and promote moral progress, protect civil rights, high tariffs
What is the farmers alliances? Groups of farmers coming together
What is the Colored Farmers National Alliance? An organization of southern black farmers formed in Texas in 1886 in response to the Southern Farmers' alliance, which did not accept black people as members
What is the Ocala Demands? 1890 - The leaders of what would later become the Populist Party held a national convention in Ocala, Florida and adopted a platform advocating reforms to help farmers.
What is the Pullman Strike? One of the largest strikes in U.S. history. Cut wages 28 percent and 150 thousand workers went on strike. Dems leads the charge . Shipping and traffic in railroad system. Food and factories went down. Western US in shambles. Federal troops went to Chicago
What did the depression of 1890 lead too? 20% unemployment and children/women went to work
What is the league for protection of family? Got children out of work and into classrooms.
What happened to literature in 1870? pus towards realism and naturalism
What is the gold and silver election of 1896? Growing movement for free coinage or silver, Silverite love silver and want unlimited amount of it. Gov flooded economy with silver that economy would be good.
What did Silver symbolize? shift power from northeast and was in favor of working class
Did America have African American troops in the Spanish-American War? Yes 100,000 troops but where not treated very well
Battle of Manila Bay Spanish fleet destroyed and gained Philippines
Battle of San Juan July 1, 1898-One of the most important battles of the Spanish-American War. Roosevelt, the Rough Riders and Pershing's Buffalo Soldiers defeated Spanish on Kettle and San Juan Hill.
What did most soldiers die from in the Spanish-American War? disease
What is the Treaty of Pairs? Cuba recognized as independent, Spain assumed Cuba debts, Spain ceded Guam, Puerto Rico, Philippines
Philippine-American War 3 year war. Gorilla war. Major causalities for both sides. Emilo A leader of Philippine. Made Brian Taft gov Philippine after the war.
Who is Henry Ford? Creator of ford and lead to mass production/assembly line
Created by: cdtorgerson
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