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APUSH Period Six


Chinese Exclusion Act Didnt allow immigration of chinese people to the U.S
Old Immigrants typically Germans, English and Irish, which were protestant
New Immigrants typically Southern and Eastern Europe, Catholic, didnt have money or speak english
Social Darwinism Believing that the white race in inherently superior to all other races
Boss Tweed helped immigrants find jobs and housing in return for votes
Jane Addams Hull houses which help new immigrants with childcare and learning english
William Jennings Bryan canidate in 1869 that argued for more money in the west
People Party farm based politcal party
Fredrick Jackson Turner said americans democraccy was shaped by frontier, worriedabour democracy
Oregon Trial wagon path from missouri to oregon
Dawes Act forced american indian to assumulte, like carlisle indian school
Reservation Policy restricted movement of natives
Massarce @ Wounded Knee traginc end to native resistence
Indian Reorganization Act restored some native land back to tribes
Thomas Edison inventor of lightbulb
Alexander Graham Bell inventor of telephone
Andrew Carnegie U.S. Steel industry, intergration of vertical (owned each step)
Transcontinental Railroad transformed west americana economy
Laissez Faire Policies market free from government
John D Rockefeller oil industry , horizontal integration (doesnt own all steps)
Knight of Labor want worker rights, 18 hour child week labor
Overthrown of Hawiian Government queen was taking powers away
White Collar Workers office workers
Sears Mail Order redidents would buy through range
The Giled Age was glittering wealth but had lots of corruption
Homestead strike Carniege cute wages=mad worker=pinkerton army and overall major setback to workers
Causes of Industrialization raw materials, new immigrants+big labor pool, transportation , technology, money
Causes of Labor Discontent dangerous conditions+low pay
Sharecropping werent enslaved but same jobs and conditions
New South hop that they would compromise and intergrate
Causes of Immigration push: overcrowd in europe and religous prosecution pull: had jobs free religon and Boom bigger steamship and cost less
Ghost Dance Movement natice dance to fight whites out of land
Plessy v. Ferguson ruled "equal but seperate"
Booker T. Washington believed black economic advancement rather than jim crow system
Jim Crow Laws system of racial discrimination and segregation through laws
Poll Tax restricted black people voting rights
W.E.B. DuBois advocated for full equality
Ida B. Wells documented lynching and exposed as scare tatic used by white people.
Created by: anisassyed
Popular U.S. History sets




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