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External Carotid
Dental Anatomy DENT-110
Question | Answer |
What are the anterior branches of the external carotid artery? | Superior thyroid, Lingual and Facial |
What are the branches of the Superior thyroid artery? | Infrahyoid, Sternocleidomastoid branch, Superior laryngeal artery, Cricothyroid branch(along with the inferior thyroid artery from the subclavian artery) |
What are the branches of the Lingual Artery? | Dorsal Lingual, Deep Lingual, Sublingual, Suprahyoid branch and tonsillar branch |
What are the Cervical branches of the Facial Artery? | Ascending palatine artery with it's tonsillar branches, Submental artery, glandular branches |
What are the Facial branchesof the FAcial artery? | Inferior labial artery, Superior labial artery, angular artery |
What are the medial branches of the external carotid artery? | Ascending pharyngeal artery |
What are the branches of the Ascending pharyngeal artery? | Pharyngeal, Meningeal and tonsillar branches |
What are the posterior branches of the External Carotid artery? | Occipital artery, Posterior auricular artery |
What are the branches of the Occipital Artery? | Sternocleidomastoid branch, Muscular Branch, Auricular branch, Meningeal branch, Descending branches |
What are the branches of the Posterior Auricular artery? | Auricular branch, stylomastoid branch |
What are the terminal branches of the external carotid artery? | Superficial temporal artery, Maxillary artery |
What are the branches of the superficial temporal artery? | Transverse facial artery, middle temporal artery, fraontal branch, parietal branch |
What are the branches of the first part of the maxillary artery? | Deep auricular artery, anterior tympanic artery, middle meningeal artery, accessory middle meningeal artery, inferior alveolar artery |
What are the branches of the inferior alveolar artery? | Dental and alveolar branches, Mylohyoid artery, mental artery, incisive artery with Dental and alveolar branches |
What are the branches of the second part of the maxillary artery? | Deep temporal arteries, pterygoid arteries, masseteric artery, buccal artery |
What are the branches of the third part of the maxillary artery? | Infraorbital artery, descending palatine artery, sphenopalatine artery |
What are the branches of the infraorbital artery? | Orbital and terminal branches, Anterior Superior Alveolar artery with dental and alveolar branches, Middle superior artery, if present |
What are the branches of the Descending palatine artery? | Greater and lesser palatine arteries |
What are the branches of the sphenopalatine artery? | posterior lateral and nasal and septal branches, nasopalatine branch |