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Monroe & Era Of Good

Four Results Of War Of 1812 America keeps independence / rise of Nationalism / growth of American industry / America is feeling good
The Era Of Good Feelings Is Called The Era Of Good Feeling Because... there was a high morale and economic prosperity post war
The Federalist Party Is On A Decline Because... the proposed amendments are making there lives a lot harder
Rush-Bagot Agreement Problem USA & England continued to sail warships on the Great Lakes
Rush-Bagot Agreement Solution both USA & England limited their naval presence to just a few armed ships
Convention Of 1818 Problem fishing and territory disputes with USA & Great Britain
Convention Of 1818 Solution 49th parallel to divide border of USA & Canada in Louisiana Territory / shared Oregon Country with Great Britain / shared fishing territory with Great Britain
Missouri Compromise of 1820 Missouri enters USA as a slave state / Maine enters USA as a free state / 36-30 line determines slavery in Louisiana Territory
Above The 36-30 Line, The States Were... free states
Below The 36-30 Line, The States Were... slave states
Missouri Coming In As A Slave State Would Threaten Northern Congressman Because... there would be an imbalance in Senate with a slave state advantage
Florida Was Important To The USA Because... it had access to both the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico
Spanish Had Problems In Latin America Because... they had trouble controlling their Indians in Florida
Violence Erupts In Florida Seminole giving a safe haven to runaway slaves / Georgians accused Seminoles of raiding their towns / Monroe sends Andrew Jackson to end conflict (New Orleans Hero)
International Incident Jackson crosses USA army into Florida & seizes Spanish forts / two British officers sent to gallows for aiding Seminoles / Spanish and British outraged
President Monroe's Ultimatum control Indians in Florida OR hand over Florida
Cause Of The Monroe Doctrine afraid of European powers carving out territory
Authors Of The Monroe Doctrine James Monroe & John Quincy Adams
Four Provisions Of The Monroe Doctrine no new colonies in WH / no transferring colonies in WH / no European interference in the WH / no American interference in the EH
England Agreed To The Monroe Doctrine Because... it would prevent England's rivals from becoming rich
Elias Howe invented "perfect" sewing machine
Market Revolution transforming American businesses to global trade
Mass Production Advantages increased productivity / lowered cost / faster production
Mass Production Disadvantages inflexible / high starting costs
Samuel Slater built textile machines & opened first cotton mill in the USA
Francis Lowell hired women to work his machines & payed them to do so
Eli Whitney made interchangeable parts to make weapons & replace parts
America Industrialized After The War Of 1812 Because... they could no longer rely on England for manufactured goods
American Weaknesses After The War Of 1812 industry & trade booming too fast / broke from the war / problems with the National Bank / relying on state banks for loans & currency
Specie hard currency (gold & silver)
James Monroe overall successful President
Created by: abievans
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