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PRAXIS 053/Strategy

Teaching Strategies and Methods

ability grouping Placement of students in educational activities according to performance and academic achievement levels.
accommodation An adjustment that enables a student to participate in educational activities.
active student response A measure of the engagement of the learner in tasks and activities.
adaptation A change made to the environment or curriculum.
authentic learning Instruction using real-world projects and activities to allow students to discover and explore in a more relevant manner.
chained response The breaking down of a task into compnenet parts so a student finishes the task by starting with the first step in the sequence and performing each component progressively until the task is completed. (Used to gain adaptive behavior)
chaining A technique in which student performance is reinforced so the student will continue to perform more complex tasks in the sequence.
choral responding Oral response of students (in unison) to a question or problem presented by the teacher.
chunking A strategy that allows a student to remember and organize large amounts of information.
Cloze procedure The use of semantic and syntactic clues to aid in completing sentences.
concept generalization The ability for students to demonstrate concept knowledge by applying the information to other settings without prompts from teacher.
content enhancements Techniques used to aid in the organization and delivery of curriculum such as guided notes, graphic organizers, mnemonics, and visual displays.
contingent teaching A strategy for helping a student and eventually fading out the support as he gains mastery.
cooperative learning Classroom is divided into groups to work together to complete a task or participate in an activity.
cues and prompts Provides assistance to ensure adequate support of instruction.
diagnostic-prescriptive method Individualizing instruction to develop strengths and remediate weaknesses.
differentiated instruction To address the varying abilities, strengths, and needs of learners and their styles of learning by imposing a choice of learning activity, tasks that suit the learning style, student groupings, authentic lessons, and problem-based activities.
direct instruction A systematic approach of teaching with specific goals, active learner engagement, and positive reinforcement for student performance (synonymous with explicit instruction).
direct measurement Checking on student achievement during a period for a specific opportunity to perform and recording the response.
facilitated groups Students engage in active learning with lessons designed and overseen by the teacher but managed by the students.
fluency building A measure that encourages practice of skills to improve the accuracy and rate of use.
generalization The ability to use skills learned across various settings.
graphic organizer A visual-spatial organization of information to help students understand presented concepts.
guided practice Providing opportunities to gain knowledge by offering cues, prompts, or added sequential information.
learning centers Specific areas or activities that enhance the curricular content and allow independent or small group instruction.
learning strategy An approach that teaches students how to learn and remember particular content.
mediated scaffolding A procedure that provides cues and prompts, while gradually removing them so students can perform and respond independently.
mnemonics A strategy that enhances memory through key words, acronyms, or acrostics.
modeling A method that helps make connections between the material to be learned and the process to learn it by acting out sequences while students observe and then imitate the task.
modification Changing the content, material, or delivery of instruction.
multiple intellligence strategies The nine areas of learning that are addressed in classroom instruction: linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalistic, and existential.
naturalistic teaching Procedures that involve activities interesting to students with naturally occurring consequences.
peer tutoring Under the guidance of a teacher, a non-disabled student with competencies in a particular area works with a student with a disability who needs assistance to enhance an area of study.
precision teaching An approach that identifies the skills to be taught and uses direct daily measure of the student's performance to acquire the skills.
prompting A technique in which a visual, auditory, or tactile cue is presented to facilitate the completion of a task or to peform a behavior.
tiered lesson Extension of the same lesson presented for children who possess differing abilities (Basic, medium, high levels).
remediation A program technique to teach students to overcome an exceptionality through training and education.
repetition Continual work on a specific skill or content concept to help build rote memory skills.
response cards A method that allows all students to answer simultaneously by using signs, cards, or items held up to demonstrate responses.
scaffolding Applying stages to learning content and tasks by first observing the student to see what she can do and then helping her understand the how and why until she can perform herself (direct instruction, tutoring, modeling, independence).
skill drill Repetition and practice of new skills until the learner performs without cues and prompts.
strategic instruction A planned, sequential instruction to show similarities and differences between acquired and new knowledge.
systematic feedback Providing positive reinforcement and confirmation to improve learning.
task analysis A strategy in which the goals are broken into smaller steps and sequenced while keeping the learner's pace in focus.
time trial A procedure that improves fluency of new skills through time limits.
transfer of stimulus control Providing instructional prompts to aid in correct responses.
universal design The concept that everything in the environment, in learning and in products, should be accessible to everyone.
Created by: pkooyman
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