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World Knowledge
Abandon | To leave, or give up the control of, something |
Abundant | In great quantity; well supplied in something, usually resources |
Adversary | A person or group that opposes; a foe or enemy |
Ample | Plentiful; of sufficient amount |
Apex | The peak, tip, or climax of something |
Assimilate | To conform to the customs and attitudes of a group or nation |
Blemish | A defect or flaw |
Brevity | Shortness of time; briefness |
Candid | Honest |
Cease | To stop |
Colleague | An associate |
Conclude | To bring to an end |
Confident | Full assurance; sureness in oneself |
Credible | Believable, trustworthy |
Depot | A place where supplies and materials are stored for distribution |
Dilemma | A difficult problem or situation |
Disdain | A feeling of scorn and contempt towards something |
Dissent | To disagree with or differ from the majority, often a political party, government, or church |
Dupe | To deceive or fool someone; a person who is easily fooled |
Effective | Adequate to accomplish a purpose; functioning |
Erect | In an upright position; to build or construct |
Frugal | Not wasteful; spending very little |
Impair | To damage or cause to become worse |
Incite | To encourage or prompt to action |
Induce | Bring about, produce, or cause; to persuade or influence someone |
Inform | To give knowledge about a fact or circumstance |
Jeer | To shout at or taunt someone |
Jeopardy | Hazard or risk of harm; danger |
Juvenile | Young; a young person |
Keen | Sharp; extremely responsive; intense in feeling |
Origin | The source of something; the first stage of existence of something |
Plight | An unfavorable condition or situation |
Potential | Possible; capable of being or becoming |
Prejudice | An unreasonable and damaging opinion formed of a group |
Punctual | Prompt; on time |
Recur | To occur again; to return to the mind |
Refrain | To abstain from doing or saying something |
Relish | Liking or enjoying something |
Resolve | Determination or firmness of purpose; to determine something |
Rogue | A mischievous or dishonest person |
Rout | A decisive defeat; a disorderly crowd |
Shun | To avoid or keep away from |
Sinister | Bad, evil, or wicked |
Stigma | A mark of disgrace on one’s reputation; a mental or physical mark that signals defect |
Strategy | A plan, method, or series of maneuvers used to obtain a specific result |
Sturdy | strongly built or composed |
Taunt | To mock in an insulting manner |
Timid | Lacking in courage or self-assurance |
Vacate | To give up possession of something or leave a space or position |
Vigor | Healthy energy or power; active strength |
Abate | To reduce, lessen, deduct or omit |
Abhor | To loathe or detest |
Accolade | An award or honor |
Adept | Very skilled or expert |
Admonish | To caution against something; to scold |
Alleviate | To make something easier to endure |
Anomaly | A deviation from a commonality; a peculiar condition or situation |
Ardent | Having or expressing intense feelings; passionate |
Brusque | Blunt; abrupt in manner |
Calamity | A great misfortune or disaster; an affliction |
Candor | Free from bias; the quality of being honest or sincere |
Clamor | A loud outcry or expression of emotion |
Consensus | General agreement; majority of opinion |
Copious | Large in quantity |
Covert | Concealed or covered |
Curtail | To cut off short |
Dearth | A scarcity or inadequate supply |
Debacle | A complete failure; a sudden downfall |
Decamp | To depart quickly; to depart from a camp |
Demise | Death or termination |
Duplicity | Speaking or acting in two different ways as an act of deceit |
Encounter | To meet |
Estrange | To keep at a distance; to turn away in feeling |
Hamper | To hold back or hinder; to interfere with |
Hasten | Hurry |
Hector | A bully; a domineering person |
Impotent | Lacking in ability or power |
Imprudent | Not cautious; lacking discretion |
Indigenous | Native; innate or natural |
Latent | Present but not yet visible or apparent; existing in potential |
Nominal | Being something by name only; of or relating to names |
Partisan | To support a person, group, party, or cause; a member of a light or irregular troop engaged in harassing an enemy |
Prevail | To be widespread; to become dominant |
Quell | To suppress or subdue |
Query | A question; to question or inquire about something |
Rampant | Raging; growing unchecked; violent in action or intention |
Reconcile | To cause a person to accept something; to settle a dispute or bring into agreement |
Recoup | To recover or regain |
Rectify | To make right or correct |
Redoubt | A temporary or supplementary fortification |
Relinquish | To surrender or give up |
Reprieve | To delay impending punishment or temporarily relieve from evil |
Respite | A period of delay; to relieve temporarily |
Rudimentary | Primitive; elementary |
Sanction | Permission or approval; something that supports an action or condition |
Tacit | Understood without open expression; silent, unspoken |
Tangible | Definite or substantial; capable of being touched |
Tedious | Monotonous, long, or tiresome |
Tenuous | Thin or slender; lacking sound reasoning |
Tirade | A long, often bitter, outburst or speech |
Abrogate | To abolish or put an end to something |
Amenable | Willing to answer, act, or yield; agreeable; submissive |
Camaraderie | Good fellowship; mutual trust and friendship |
Capitulate | To give up resistance; to surrender |
Chagrin | A feeling of disappointment or humiliation |
Chastise | To discipline or criticize |
Clandestine | Characterized by or executed with secrecy or concealment; private |
Clemency | An act of showing mercy or forgiveness |
Concoction | Something concocted (contrived or made up, often by combining ingredients) |
Corroborate | To confirm |
Cursory | Hasty; going over something rapidly and not noticing details |
Digress | To deviate or depart from the main topic or argument |
Discord | Disagreement or difference of opinion |
Disparate | Distinct or dissimilar |
Domicile | A place of residence; a home |
Enmity | Hostility or hatred |
Eschew | To shun, avoid, or keep away from |
Extraneous | Irrelevant; coming from something external |
Fortuitous | Lucky or fortunate |
Fraudulent | Involving fraud or deception |
Inexorable | Unyielding; not to be persuaded or moved |
Infraction | A breach or violation |
Instigate | To urge or provoke something to an action |
Insubordinate | Not consenting to authority |
Intrepid | Dauntless, completely fearless |
Lethargic | Drowsy or sluggish |
Litigation | A lawsuit or legal action |
Malevolent | Wishing harm or evil upon something |
Malign | To speak damaging lies against a person |
Negligent | Someone who is neglectful or careless |
Onerous | Troublesome; causing hardship |
Opulent | Wealthy; richly supplied |
Paragon | Someone who is excellent or exceptional |
Plethora | An excess |
Prolific | Producing something in large quantities |
Proviso | A condition or stipulation of something |
Quagmire | A situation that is very difficult to get out of |
Quandary | A dilemma or state of uncertainty about what to do |
Renounce | To choose to give up or put aside something |
Reprisal | Retaliation against an enemy |
Rudiment | The beginning or first appearance or form of something |
Superficial | Shallow, external; only being concerned with what’s on the surface |
Susceptible | Capable of being affected emotionally; subject to influence |
Squander | To spend wastefully |
Truncate | To cut short; to cut off a part |
Umbrage | Annoyance or offense; a vague feeling of doubt |
Vacillate | To be indecisive in opinion |
Vilify | To speak poorly of someone or something |
Vindictive | Showing revengeful spirit; inclined to revenge |
Vociferous | Outspoken; crying out noisily and openly |