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Complex Med Surg

Week 10

What are the four types of burns one could get? Thermal Burns, Chemical Burns, Electrical Burns, Radiation Burns
Alkaline burns penetrate deeper than what kind of burns? Acid burns
Severity of electrical burns depend on what two things? Type of duration of current, Amount of voltage
Electrical burns take a path of ______ ___________ least resistance (muscles, bones, vessels, nerves)
In electrical burns, what leads to tissue necrosis? Blood coagulates at the site of injury
What must be done when a person is experiencing contractions (clamping down) on an electrical source? You must shut off the power
Definition of flashover? Current travels over moist areas rather than deeper structures below the skin
What is the usual cause of death from lightening? Cardiopulmonary arrest
Superficial burns involve only the ____________ layer of the _____________ Superficial burns involve only the OUTERMOST layer of the EPIDERMIS
What are the three classifications of burns? Depth, Extent, Severity
The depth of a burn depends on what two things? Temperature of burning agent, Length of contact
Partial Thickness is a result of what? Brief exposure to flame, hot surface or dilute chemical
Superficial Partial = ? Blisters (detachment of epidermis and dermis, causing collections of secretions between these two layers)
Other than superficial partial, the other partial thickness is what? :) Deep Partial Thickness
Full thickness is a result of what? Prolonged contact with flames, steam, chemicals, or high voltage current.
Extent of burns is always a what? A percentage
What are the two Total Body Surface Area assessments? Rule of Nines (rapid), Lund and Browder Method (more accurate)
Rule of nines is based on what? A man's hand is 9% of his body surface area
Special care areas for burns? (7 of them) Eyes, Ears, Face, Hands, Feet, Joints, Perineum
Major burns are treated where? At a Burn Center
Why don't burns bleed? The process of platelets aggregating, fibrin trapping more platelets to form a thrombus, and local vasoconstriction makes it possible to WALL OFF WOUND FROM THE SYSTEMIC CIRCULATION.
Leaking fluid into tissues surrounding burn, and fluid leaks into the burn (and then evaporated) leads to what? Hypovolemia: BURN SHOCK
The bigger the _____ the more fluid is lost to ________ and ________________ The bigger the BURN the more fluid is lost to EDEMA and EVAPORATION.
Inflammatory Stage happens when? At the time of the injury.
Proliferation happens when? 2-3 days post burn.
Proliferation lasts until the wound is completely ____-______________ Re-epithelialized (which means covered)
What cells stretch and try to cover the wound by joining with others on the other side? Epithelial cells
Another way to help cover a wound (other than epithelial cells) is what? Skin grafting.
Remodeling may last how long? Years
What is a hypertrophic scar? Overgrowth of skin that remains in the wound boundaries
What is a keloid? A scar that extends beyond the wound boundaries
What are the three risks with having an open wound? Risk for fluid volume deficit, Risk for Infection, Risk for Hypothermia
The deepest part of a wound is where? In the center
What is eschar? Hard black crust over the wound in initial stage, harbors necrotic tissue.
What must be done with eschar? It must come off!
Due to constriction, eschar can stop what below the injury? Circulation
Management of burns? Debride, Cover, Prevent Infection
How does a major burn effect the cardiovascular system? Hypovolemic Shock, Cardiac Dysrhythmias, Peripheral Vascular Compromise (Compartment Syndrome)
What is Compartment Syndrome? Compartment syndrome is the compression of nerves and blood vesselswithin an enclosed space. This leads to muscle and nerve damage andproblems with blood flow.
If a major burn might have any effect on the respiratory system, what should be done early? INTUBATE EARLY! "once edema starts, you will NOT get on in later!"
What should be done before a patient with a major burn starts to show ominous signs: hoarsness, labored breathing, and stridor. Intubation
Myoglobulins are from the break down of what? Muscle
Renal failure and Myoglobulinuria produce what color of urine? Dark brown urine (also tea, coke, mohaggany)
Myoglobins occlude the renal tubules leading to what? Renal Failure
Created by: 760250533
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