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Ch. 3 & 4 Vocab

key terms

Active Transport Requires ATP (energy) for transport. (transport pumps, endocytosis, exocytosis)
Cell Cycle sequence of events from one division to the next. (TWO phases)
Cell Membrane Plasma membrane. separates intracellular from extracellular.
Cells Structural & functional unit of ALL living matter.
Cytoplasm Gel like substance,inside cell. (outside nucleus)
Differentiate process that causes cell to become specialized.
Diffusion Most common transport. (HIGHER concentration to LOWER)
Endocytosis Intake of food/liquid by the cell membrane. (too large for diffusion) (2 types PHAGocytsis & PINocytosis)
Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) in cytoplasm. (2 types Rough [RER] & Smooth [SER])
Equilibrium No further net diffusion. (equal balance)
Exocytosis Moves substances OUT of cell.
Facilitated diffusion A passive transport. (Substance HELPED across cell membrane by a molecule within membrane.)
Filtration Substances is PUSHED across (in/out)of the cell membrane by pressure. (a syringe)
Golgi Apparatus Finishing touches on protein that were received by Rough ER.(pinches off sac to release protein.)
Lysosomes Contains powerful enzymes. (Digestive organelles)["CLEAN HOUSE" like LYSOL cleaning products]
Mitochondria "POWER PLANTS" Produce MOST of the energy the cell requires. (Two layers Outer layer smooth & inner layer called Cristae)
Mitosis (1 of 2 types of)Cell Division. Splitting of 1 cell into 2 daughter cells. [Making "IDENTICAL" cells]
Nucleus The control center of the entire cell. (contains genetic info. & controls ALL protein synthesis)
Organelle Each organelle have a specific role.("little organs")
Osmosis Diffusion of WATER. (From HIGHER concentration to a LOWER)
Passive Transport Requires NO additional ATP.
Ribosomes Organelles. Protein synthesis. (Some attached to RER others float around in cytoplasma)
Phagocytosis Cell is EATING. (a solid particle)
Pinocytosis Cell is DRINKING. ((a water droplet)
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum Protein synthesis. (Ribosomes on outside surface. sandpaper-like appearance)when done it is passed to golgi apparatus.
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum Steroids & Lipids synthesis. (No ribosomes)
Aerobic catabolism Needs O2 to breakdown glucose.
Amino acids Building blocks for protein. (about 20 amino acids)
Anabolism building up to larger (complex) substances. (ex. amino acids)
Anaerobic catabolism Does NOT need O2 to breakdown glucose. (two steps pyruvic acid then to lactic acid)
Base-pairing Adenine/Thymine & Cytosine/Guanine
Base-sequencing list of bases (GAC/CAA)
Carbohydrates Organic compounds. (has C, H & O2) (classified Monosaccharides, Disaccharides, Polysaccharides)
Catabolism Breaking down of large complex substances.
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
Glucose Used for cell energy. (Most important)
Metabolism A series of chemical reactions to use raw materials. (2 types anabolism & catabolism)
Monosaccharides Single sugar compound. [includes a 6 carbon molecule = glucose, also includes fructose & galactose]
Peptides bond
Proteins most abundant organic matter in the body. (include enzymes, most hormones, hemoglobin & contractile proteins)
Ribonucleic acid (RNA)
Created by: 531876320
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