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Geography - Urban Issues

What is 'urbanisation'? the increase in the proportion of a country’s population living in urban areas
Urbanisation in HICs the majority of the population live in URBAN areas
Urbanisation in LICs the majority of the population live in RURAL areas
Urbanisation in NEEs urbanisation is occurring rapidly
Rural-urban migration the movement of people from countryside areas to towns or cities
What causes rural-urban migration? push and pull factors
What are 'push factors'? things that make people want to LEAVE an area
What are 'pull factors'? things that make people want to MOVE TO an area
Why is rural to urban migration high when a country industrialises? because people move to urban areas to work in factories
What is 'natural increase'? the increase in a country’s population because the birth rate is higher than the death rate.
Why is natural increase high in NEEs? as the country develops health care and diet improves so life expectancy increases.
Why is natural increase higher in urban areas? there is better access to medical care and clean water
What is a 'megacity'? an urban area with over 10 million people living in it
Where are megacities? 2/3 are in NEEs and LICs due to rapid rural-urban migration
What is 'urban deprivation'? An area where the standard of living is lower than the rest of country
What does urban deprivation mean for people? they do not have decent housing, jobs or services
What are 'brownfield sites'? Land that has been built on before and is now not used
What are 'greenfield sites'? land that has not been built on before usually in the countryside
What is 'urban sprawl'? The unplanned growth of urban areas into the surrounding countryside
What is 'commuter settlement'? where the majority of residents leave each day to work in other places
What is 'urban regeneration'? The improvement of old parts of the built‐up area
What is 'sustainable urban living'? things that do not damage the environment and support local people with things that last into the future
What is 'population density'? the number of people living in 1 square kilometre
Created by: samfitter
Popular Geography sets




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