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U.S History

Brown vs. Board of education overturn Plessy vs. Ferguson, segregation is illegal
Dr. Kenneth + Mamie Clark segregation has psychological impact on children, which doll is better? white or black?, children though white was better
Emmet Till 14 year old black teenager who died from an incident in a grocery store, accused of inappropriate behavior towards white women
Montgomery Bus Boycott boycott of city bus system, won't ride buses until integrated
Little Rock Central High started by integrating 9 black kids selected by grades
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) nonviolent strategies, no self defense, no reaction, arrested for protest
Sit in sit in segregated space until integrated
Freedom Riders protestors riding buses until integrated, beaten at bus stops, federal government gets involved, FBI does not help protestors with police
Freedom Summer college students in southern states to help with voter registration, local police try to do everything to prevent black people from voting
Bull Connor Head of police in Burmingham Alabama, makes national news for reaction to protestors, brought out police dogs, pressure washed
COINTEL PRO FBI program, monitors Civil Rights activists, views them as a danger to society and safety, undermines civil rights movement, hires people to try to start incidents
Civil Rights Act prohibited discrimination based on race, religion, national origin or sex, form of legislation that can be used in defense
Voting Rights Act targeted any discriminatory practice to keep people from voting (literacy tests and polls taxes
Betty Friedan Female journalist who was also a wife and mother, writes Feminine Mystique, thinks women cannot be filled by just motherhood
Federal appeal courts Title 7, employment discrimination
Miss America Pageant represents unrealistic beauty expectations, protesting with throwing feminine things in the trash can
Gloria Steinem emerges as leader, confounds magazine, Ms. Magazine, talks about different women's issues, breaks stereotypes of women's movement
Educational opportunities can study women's history, opens up different fields for women
Billie Jean King tennis player, argues for equality for women in sprots and professionally
Male chavist pig journalists who objectify women
Roe vs. Wade makes abortion legal, up to the states to decide
Equal Rights Amendment Alice Paul wrote the bill against the laws restricting women, blanket statement of not discriminating against sex
Phyllis Schlafly Against ERA, conservative, patriarchy=good, women are not victim, viewed as hypocrite
Ho Chi Minh leader of Vietmese nationalist movement, wanted Vietnam to be their own country not a colony
Vietcong military force, supportive of communist government and Minh, US sticks by Diem
Gulf of Tolkien U.S. and Vietcong, US ship on gulf watching Vietcong, claims for security, torpedo sent to ship. ship is not destroyed, but claims act of war
Gulf of Tolkien Resolution president can takes all necessary measures to repel acts against the US forces to prevent further aggression
Tet offense lunar new year, Vietcong attacking the American bases in Vietnam, Americans feel misled and decreases moral
My Lai Massacre Americans do not find our until 1 year later, soldiers started killing and sexually assaulted unarmed women and children
Students for Democratic Society against the war, non violent resistance, arguing for human rights and social justice
Agent Orange chemcial poured on countryside of Vietnam, killing jungle grass, cancer causing agents, people die because of pollution and water and air, takes food sources away
Napalm sticky substance dropped by bombs, setting things on fire, kills civilians, leaves permanent damage
Kent State stidents peacefully protesting, campus calls national guard and shoots into crowd killing 4 students
Rust Belt large industries move over seas , jobs lost by Americans, little pay for labor and bigger profits , factories are abandoned, major job loss
counter culture younger generation is lazy, hippies, anti-wat, rejects consumerism
New left civil rights, women's liberation
new right those opposed to the new left
Southern strategy moved by new right to get south to switch political parties
Silent Majority convinces south that voices have been ignored, civil rights and women's liberation is the loud minority, thinks this needs to change
Watergate Nixon, leaked documents of department of defense to New York Times, talks about Vietnam War, team of operatives are hired, to figure out who leaked, uses campaign funds
Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein reporters, investigate Watergate, believes it can be traced back to the president, finds out Nixon used money illegally
Marl Felt gave information to bernstein and woodward, turns to national scandal
Gerald Ford becomes vice president was not elected by American people, grants full pardon to Nixon
Iran Hostage Crisis Jimmy Carter is president, former leader of Iran has cancer, asks to be admitted to us temporarily, admits him, holds people hostage at American Embassy until leader is released, not released until Reagan is presdent
Trickle-down economics government intervention in economy, gives tax cuts to large companies, trickles down to working class and does not work
Welfare queen stereotypes of people living on welfare
War on drugs do not drugs campaign, educational program for kids, response to counterculture, morality problem in the country, longer sentencing for drug abuse
Strategic Defense Intiative spent 20 billion dollars on missile system that attacks other countries, never used
Afghanistan Soviet Union invades to support communism US intervenes by supplying weapons
Iran-Contra Affair Nicaragua, different forces (against and for communism), because of Truman doctrine US helps contras by sending weapons
Berlin Wall way of communicating, separates east and west berlin. 1989 wall is torn down, 2 years later Soviet Union dissolves
genocide destruction of nations, races and religious groups with intent to completely destroy
Rwanda one ethnic groups destroys the other, Tutsi are destroyed by Hutus, 100 days 800,000 people are killed with machetes
Rodney king pulled over by police and brutally beaten, permanent brain damages, police officers are released with no charges, sparked protests
BLM Movement sparked by 17 year old Trey Von Martin, killed by George Zimmerman for looking suspicious and found not guilty
Iraq War Bush wants to invade Iraq because of mass weapon claim 2002-2011
War in Afghanistan does not withdraw until 2021, confronts taliban forces, 9/11, 6.4 trillion dollars spent
Israel and Palestine state of Israel is established for Jewish people in Europe, starts war with Palestine
Created by: lwomer
Popular U.S. History sets




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