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Medical Terminology
Term | Definition |
T | temperature |
P | pulse |
HR | heart rate |
R | respirations |
BP | blood pressure |
O1/SPO2 | oxygen saturation |
#/# (0/10, 5/10, 10/10) | pain scale 0-10 |
ABX | antibiotics |
CXR | chest x-ray |
DX | diagnosis (medical diagnosis) |
HX | history |
NDX | nursing diagnosis |
RX | treatment or perscription |
SX | surgery |
TX | treatment |
AC | antecubital (vein inside bend of elbow) |
ACHS (AC/HS) | before meals/before sleep |
ADL | activities of daily living |
ABC | airway, breathing, circulation |
ALOC | altered level of consciousness |
BM | bowel movement |
CBC | complete blood count |
WBC | white blood count |
RBC | red blood cells |
H&H | hemoglobin & hematocrit |
Hgb | hemoglobin |
Hct | hematocrit |
Plt | platelets |
BG | blood glucose |
UA | urinalysis |
C&S | culture and sensitivity |
Q or q | every |
Q daily or q daily | every day |
q2h | every two hours |
q8h | every 8 hours |
bid or b.i.d | twice daily/two times daily |
tid or t.i.d | three times daily |
qui or q.i.d | four times daily |
ac | before meals/on an empty stomach |
hs | before sleeping/at bedtime |
PO | by mouth or orally (per os) |
GT | by gastronomy tube (G-tube) |
IM | intramuscular (injection into muscle) |
SQ | subcutaneous (injection into adipose tissue/fat) |
IV | intravenous (infusion directly into the vein) |
IVP | intravenous push (inject directly into the vein) |
IVPB | intravenous piggyback (infusing into the main IV line) |
IVF | intravenous fluids (usually hydration or nutrition) |
hypo | deficient (too little) |
hyper | excessive (too much) |
pre | before |
ante | before |
post | after |
tachy | rapid (faster than normal) |
brady | slow (slower than normal) |
a | absent (without) |
dys | abnormal or painful (unable/painful to do something) |
macro | large |
micro | small |
mal | bad (not working correctly) |
trans | across or through |
hemi | half (one half of something) |
bi | two |
tri | three |
quad | four (quadrant) |
poly | many |
-itis | inflammation of |
-ism, -osis | condition of (disease of) |
-ous, -ic, -ac | pertaining to (about) |
-ectomy | escision (surgical removal) |
-plasty | surgical repair |
-otomy | cut into |
-scopy | to look at with a scope |
-ology | the study of |
-logist | practitioner of |
-pathy | disease or disorder |
-pelgia | paralysis |
ATHR | joint (skeletal system) |
BRONCH | broncus (part of the respiratory system) |
CARD | -heart (cardiovascular system) |
DERMA | skin (integumentary system) |
ENCEPHAL | -brain (neurological system) |
ENTER | intestine (gastrological system) |
GASTR | stomach (gastrological system) |
GLYC | sugar (glycemic) |
HEMAT, HEMO, HEME | blood |
HEPAT, HEPATIC | liver (gastrological system) |
MY | muscle (muscular system) |
MYEL | spinal cord (nervous system) |
NECR, NECRO | dead, death of cells/body (integumentary system) |
NEPHR, NEPHRO | kidneys (urinary tract and endocrine system) |
NEUR, NEURO | nerves (nervous system) |
OSTE | bone (nervous system) |
OX | oxygen |
OXY | oxygen (cardiac, cardiovascular system) |
PECTOR | chest (respiratory system, cardiac, cardiovascular system) |
PHLEB | vein (cardiovascular system) |
PNEUM | air, lung (respiratory system) |
PULMON | lung (respiratory system) |
REN, RENAL | kidney (urinary tract) |
THROMB | clot (cardiovascular system, lymphatic system) |
URETER | urether (urinary tract system) |
URETHR | urethra (urinary tract system) |
URIA | urine, urether (urinary tract system) |
VEIN | vein, venous (cardiovasular system) |