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Prof Issues Final

According to 2018 data what percentage of students served under IDEA act were in public schools? 95%
If a public school is receiving Medicaid funding, whose regulations, do they need to follow? State
What is the multi tiered system of support? Used in general education classes , school and state specific, no formal diagnosis needed to get support, ensures students with behavioral and academic challenges are provided with early and systematic approaches to stay in gen ed as long as possible
In US censuses bureaus what factors impact the employment of audiologists and speech language pathologists? 6% of ASHA members are bilingual service providers 702 use ASL 64% of bilingual service providers speak Spanish 80% of ASHA bilingual service providers are White 42% of ASHA bilingual service providers are of Hispanic or Latino ethnicity
What are the (3) components of evidence based practice (EBP)? 1) Clinical Expertise 2) Client perspectives 3) External scientific evidence
What is clinical expertise in reference to being one of the components of EBP? the clinicians comfort level and experience with a particular assessment or intervention, includes insight from past outcomes and ability to judge generalizability of external evidence to a particular client
What is client perspectives in reference to being one of the components of EBP? experience, personality, culture and values of a client are taken into account. Clinician must educate clients on benefits, risks and inconveniences of any specific treatment. Client has ultimate choice of what their treatment plan looks like.
What is external scientific evidence in reference to being one of the components of EBP? typically patient centered and clinically oriented research. clinicians evaluate said research in order to determine how much weight it should have in their own clinical decision making process.
What is the process used to guide evidence based practice (steps 1- 3)? 1. Transform clinical problem into clinical question 2. evaluate internal evidence based on clinical expertise 3. evaluate internal evidence based on client and family perspectives
What is the process used to guide evidence based practice (steps 4-6)? 4. find external evidence that addresses the question 5. evaluate the quality of the external evidence 6. Evaluate the level of the external evidence
What is the process used to guide evidence based practice (steps 7&8)? 7. integrate internal and external evidence to guide a decision 8. evaluate outcome of your decision
What external sources would you use if you are trying to answer a clinical question? info found by broad level searchers on databases such as ASHA Wire, Google Scholar, PsycInfo, and Ovid. Also could utilize the Institute of Education Science's What Works Clearinghouse (for school based) or Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
What is responsiveness to instruction? differs by state, multi-tiered/multilevel, school wide prevention system to maximize student achievement/reduce behavior problems, involves screenings, progress monitoring, data-based decision making, involves SLP designing and providing interventions
When assessing bilingualism and language skills what language should the assessment be done? Both
What are the components of the clinical questions used to guide evidence based practice? P= Patient I=intervention/index C= comparison O= outcome
True or False: The basic interpersonal communication skill (BICS), cognitive academic language proficiency (CALP) dichotomy, oversimplifies the complex and dynamic nature of learning a second language? True
define sensitivity as it relates to diagnostic accuaracy measures? How accurate the index measure is in diagnosing people who truly have the disorder
define specificity as it relates to diagnostic accuracy measures? How accurate the index measure is in classifying people who truly do not have the disorder
define reliability? the consistency of results you obtain from a study/assessment
define validity? the accuracy with which an assessment measures what it claims to measure
define diagnostic accuracy? comparison of a measures from a newly developed assessment (index measure) with measures from an already existing assessment (reference measure) which is considered the best for diagnosing a specific condition
What is the percentage of hispanic and latino students in the united states? 25.9% or 18.1% ??????
What are the characteristics of typical bilingualism (name all 5)? (1) silent period, (2) code-switching, (3) distributed language knowledge across two languages, (4) language attrition (5) cross- language interference and transfer
What are the four different levels of bilingual education programs (1 and 2)? 1)mainstream/submersion =sink or swim, thrown into L2 2)Sheltered/structured immersion =modified curriculum and instruction to support L2 learning in mainstream L1 class
What are the four different levels of bilingual education programs (3 and 4)? 3) Transitional= taught in separate L1 class and then move to mainstream L2 class when sufficient skills in L2 are reached 4) Maintenance/Heritage Language=maintain L1 when learning L2, emphasis put on L1
Created by: Kmmiller
Popular Speech Therapy sets




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