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ethics RPE

Alevel, Edexcel

G E Moore (๐Ÿ”‘)(Language) Critiques JS Mill's Ethical Naturalism as naturalistic fallacy Goodโ‰ pleasure, if this were so then the question of whether good=pleasure would have a quick easy answer, but is an open question. Fallacy-Good/Yellow=irriducible conceptsโ‰ reduced/described
A J Ayer(๐Ÿ”‘) Logical positivist, inspired by Hume's fork (emotivism, noncog) Ethical language is symbolic, represent how we interact with the world: how we ought to live. But all moral judgement is only emotional expression rather than factual truth so meaningless
Hume (Extra) The is-ought gap. There is a gap between what we should do eg killing is wrong and what we actually do- people still kill others Due to the fact value distiction, morals are values that do not have a direct causal line. facts do eg ice melts into water
J S Mill (extra) (Ethical Language) Ethical naturalism Ethics can be found in nature We want happiness Personal happiness is good for the individual Personal happiness is good for us all Good is pleasure
Mackie (Extra) Critiques Moore's Intuitivism (We automatically know what is good) Moral values are relative - culturally, historically, socially etc For example polygamy is devisive
Hare (Extra) Prescriptivism (Non Cognitivist) Disagrees with Ayer's understanding that moral facts are emotional expressions. Moral judgements are evalutations by humans:what they feel should be universal actions. Eg by saying wine is good you're recommending it.
Vardy (Quote) Non cognitivist approach to discussing ethics, particularly the Emotivist non cog approach (Ayer) reduces all ethical discussion to "just so much hot air and nothing else"
JS Mill (Quote) (Utalitarianism/Ethical lang) "Pleasure and freedom from pain are the only things that are desirable as ends"
Mackie (Quote) "There are not objective values"
Genesis 22:1-19 Part where Abraham is commanded and almost sacrifices his son Isaac until God steps in last minuite to stop him. Dawkins uses this to show why morality is directly opposed to religion, it gets people to do seriously immoral acts.
Dawkins (Quote) (immoral religion) "Any modern legal system would have prosceuted Abraham for child abuse, and if he had actually carried through his plan to sacrifice Isaac, we would have convicted him of first-degree murder"
Define theonomous ethics Morality comes from God: the creator of all moral goodness and our motivation to do good (Divine command theory: what is good is absolute, universal and eternal and originates from God)
Quinn (Extra) Defends divine command theory God does "move the goalposts" on occaison but argues we should accept his commands for that very reason (God is omniscient and knows best) It allows God to adjust the moral truths and set standards applicable to the context
Plato (Extra) Euthyphro Dilemma (1)Is X good because God commands it, or(2)does God command X becuase it is good. 1Omnibelevolance;If god is source of morals then we shouldn't praise His goodness. Command evil 2omnipotent;God is restricted by exterior good standard
Adams (Extra) We must trust that God would always be all loving. Although he appears to command evil it is all for the greater good, eg Abraham first of God's people We must do as commanded as God is at an epistemic distance from us.
Define Autonomous ethics Morality is independent from religion We have a personal conscious that exists independently of God
Kant (Extra) (Religion/morality) Thiest arguement for God All humans have a good will, good person acts out of good will and does duty, via this we seek summum bonum so this should be achievable (but not in this life as we arn't all knowing) โˆด there must a moral rational God to do this
Kant (Quote) (How we know stuff) "All our knowledge begins with the senses, proceeds then to the understanding, and ends with reason. There is nothing higher than reason"
Kant (Quote) (Happiness) "Morality is not the doctrine of how we may make ourselves happy, but how we make ourselves worthy of happiness
Sharpe (๐Ÿ”‘) Anti-Thiest moral case against belief Religions can get morality wrong and people only follow religious morality for there own gain in afterlife EG Paul VI's encyclical unequivocally states that artifical contreception is sin But theorist questions why
Dawkins (๐Ÿ”‘) Athiest we would be best off w/out religion. References Hell Houses and Biblical parenting where kids are scared into submission and indocrinated Muslims sufferโˆตfaith-cruel We have morality due to evolution, communal species helps eachother to advance.
Sharpe (Quote) "Is it remotely conceivable that God should be interested in whether people use a condom rather than the rhythm method of contraception?"
Fred Phelps (1955) Founded Westburo Baptist Church US Hate group, believe natural disastaters and 9/11 are evidence of God's wrath on US for supporting gayness. Believe most people go to Hell Picket at funerals of soldiers who died abroad in battle
Quiverfull Movement Conservative Evangelical Movement Have kids to build 'God's Army', each kid is a blessing so no contreception/abortion: God will not give more kids than you can handle. Inherently Patriarchal, women (Womb man (Campbell)) have to raise kids, Above rubies
Psalm 127:3-5 "Behold, Children are a heritage from the Lord. the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth. How joyfull is the man whose quiver is full of them!"
Dawkins (Quote) (immoral God) The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all of human fiction
Deuteronomy (20:10-15) Describes God commanding that if the Israelites drew near to city that did not surrender, then "you shall besiege it" Everything in the city belongs to the attackers:"You shall enjoy the spoil of your enemies, which God has given you"
Revelation 20:7-10 In the NT War is either wrong or only done to combat evil. "but fire came down from Heaven and consumed them, and the devil who had decieved them was thrown into the lake of fire..."
Augustine (๐Ÿ”‘) Parts of the Roman Empire were under threat, so he considered just war. Bascially it was okay if not for greed. Principles- JAB- whether to fight Last resort(Peace no) Legit Authority(God) Right Intention (not greed) Just Cause JIB- conduct in wars
Augustine (Quote) (duty as the pious) "True religion looks upon as peaceful those wars that are waged mot for notives pf aggrandisement or cruelty, but with the object of securing peace, of punishing evil doers, and uplifting the good"
Augustine (Quote) (Peace) "We do not seek peace in order to be at war, but go to war that we may have peace"
Define Just Cause in Jus ad bellum in the JWT War may be response to an act of agression or to preempt one
Define Last resort in Jus ad bellum in the JWT War may be acceptable if EVERY other alternative at securing peace has been observed (Unlike the US/UK govt invading Iraq 2003)
Define Legitimate Authority in Jus ad bellum in the JWT For Augustine this meant God or the Pope. In modern terms this may prioritise democratic nations The UN may also be okay
Define Right Intention in Jus ad bellum in the JWT You have to want to defeat tyranny (the US/Uk invading Iraq for Oil vs Invasion to remove (Imaginary) nuclear weapons)
Define Probability of Success in Jus ad bellum in the JWT Added by Aquinas We should not engage in war if we are sure to lose. However shouldn't Ukraine etc defend themselves even if the outlook orignally looked bleak
Define Discrimination in Jus in bello in the JWT Only attacking legitimate targets in war, eg not civilians, only combatants.
Define Proportionality in Jus ad bellum in the JWT Offensive action should be level with objectives (Shouldn't level Dreden just to destroy German Morale in WW2)
Define Responsibility in Jus ad bellum in the JWT Attacker should be held accountable for any unintended harm Eg also do not obey immoral orders
Abu Ghraib Prison in occupied Iraq. Horrendus treatment and torture of prisoners by night staff
Define jus post bellum Ethics after the war added by 1970s Bishops Punishment of offenders (Nuremburg trials) Compensation (Allow nation to rebuild, people should retain rights) Proportionate(Not Treaty of Versailles) Discrimination (Only punish leaders/perps not innocents)
Matthew 26:52 "Then Jesus said to him, 'put your sword back into its place. For all who take the sword will perish by the sword"
Matthew 5:39 "But I say to you, Do not resist the one who is evil. But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also"
Matthew 5:44 "But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you"
Who were the Mennomites Church grew out of Prodestant reform in 1500s refuse to take part in military action=Jesus said love thy enemy
Who are the Quakers Founded 1650, reject violence Fought the Militia Service Act (1916) (Conscription) by doing things like volunteering as Friends Ambulance Service for victims of bombs etc
Define Absolute Pacifism Complete and universal rejection of war as all life has intrinsic value (Quakers=God's love in everyone) War is a contridiction as 2 wrongs cannot make a right, only compassion
Define Relative Pacifism Extremely important in WW2 Many people feel war is wrong unless fighting true tryanny (Hitler) or if facing invasion (Ukraine)
Define Active Pacifism Political engagement fighting for peace, keeping it in the public eye and ear Campaigns eg Stop Killer Robots target specific weapons/wars
Define nuclear Pacifism Form of selective pacifism- only against some forms of warefare The Campaign for Nuclear Disarment (CND):pressure group. Nuclear weapons can never be proportionate/discriminate Even storing nuclear weapons is wrong, eg by creating power imbalance
Logical argument against pacifism It is our duty as CITIZENS to defend our country as we got all these rights etc
Aquinas (๐Ÿ”‘) (JWT) Took Augustine's ideas around Just war theory and developed them further into the categories recognised today. He added Chance of Success to JAB
Einstien (Quote) "My Pacifism is an instinctive feeling,a feeling that possesses me because the murder of men is disgusting. My attitude it not derived from any intellectual theory but is based on my deepest antipathy to every kind of cruelty and hatred"
Peter Vardy (๐Ÿ”‘) Author of the Puzzle of Sex Sex inconsistancies- age of consent differs from 13(puberty)-18 across world,Pre/extramarital, homo same Sex=commodity, for enjoyment not divine union, porn ok so changes in marriage/divorce rates
1Corintians 6:13 "The body is not meant for sexual immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord of the body."
1 Kings 11:1-13 Description of King Solomon who had 700 wives and 300 concubines, all gentiles. They pulled him away into supporting alterior Dieties This angered God so after Sol died God had his Kingdom divided (Some was left to Sol's son: Sol was David's loyal son)
Overview of OT teachings on sex โœ…Love story of Ruth and her 2nd hubbie Boaz (after her 1st hub died) โœ…Song of Songs (Praise of sex) โŒIncest stories of Lot โŒSexual revenge stories Sex with gentiles forbbidden as tempt away Adultery is theft stoning Women: be virgins when married
What did Jesus argue about sex we should live as part of the Kingdom of God and to live justly to one another (consent?) Although does recommend against divorce (if divorce no remarriage as that is adultery Matthew 5/19) but does recognise that this ain't for all.
St Paul on Sexual Ethics Takes a Plato approach of moving from body to soul pleasures Does not appear to like homo Marriage is like a relationship between Christ and the Church
Roman Catholicism on sexual ethics Based on Aquinas' NML Sex is only for procreation, so no homo sex(infertile?) Sex:divine unity between parteners so no divorce, pre/extra marital sex as breaks bond No surrogate as breaks bond No artificial contreception/IVF unnatural, embryos die
Pope Francis Accepts birth control in principle, esp when facing HIV or Zika virus abortion is evil though
Dominian (๐Ÿ”‘) Critic of RCC, mariage counsellor. Marriage should reflect God's love:loving space, best place for kids, sex celebrates life Couples need premarital counselling RCC is too hierarchal-does not trust people to make rational decisions Condoms/homo ok
Fletcher (Extra) (Liberal Protenstant view) Sex is the expression of human love which is central to human relationships. Homo/cohab ok Divorce is ok if agape comes first (marriage broken down) Contreception ok to keeps small-better QoL IVF and surrogate ok-joy to infertile folk
Dominian (Quote) "Everytime we make love we are in the presence of God"
Evangelical teachings on sexual ethics Wide variety, conservative Protestants Sex is for enjoyment and divine unity(best4kids) Divorce= necessary evil Homo is sin but no hatred of homo folk Conversion therapy may be okay IVF-embryos can be tested on for 14 days Surrogate-breaks union
JS Mill (Extra) (sexual ethics) Harm principle If there is consent for sexual acts etc, then they should be permissable Sexโ‰ procreation Rises questions on the ethics of porn and prostitution (bad effects on watchers and workers)
MacKinnon (Quote) "Women may be so conditioned that they are not even aware of the disempowered status" (Sex will never be moral until women are free and sex is no longer about male dominance over women)
Singer (๐Ÿ”‘) Rejects SoL as outdated and absolutist. We should use QoL arg for life because we should have the choice if in pain etc Rejects idea that human life is worth more than animal life, we are not special Key in light of medical advances
Singer (Quote) The notion that human life is sacred just because it is human life is Medieval
Glover (๐Ÿ”‘) Universal moral system is impossible to achieve Modern science can keep folks alive indefinatly even if QoL is poor Although he accepts broad legislation, we should deal with this is issue with frank convos between Drs and patients on case to case basis
Uk law on embryo research Embryos cannot be older than 14 days apres fertilisation for experitmentation, after this arbitary number, it is human experimentation
Why do we create embryos Valuable tool in medical science eg finding cures to genetic and long term illnesses eg Parkinson's Created in IVF, and we would experiment during PGD
Why are embryonic stem cells better than cord blood cells Embryonic stem cells are completley undiffentiated so have more uses Cord blood stem cells (those found in umbilical cord after birth) are considered adult (partly differentiated)
Pope Francis (2019) (Quote) (PGD) Human life is sacred and inviolable and the use of prenatal diagnosis for selective purposes should be discouraged with strength
UK law on abortion 2 Drs must consent Abortion must take place up to 24 weeks after conception It may take place later if mother will die or Foetus is invioable
Pope Francis (2018) (Quote) (Abortion) Is it permissible to contract a hitman to solve a problem?
Islamic teachings on abortion? It is not punishable if before 120 days Mother's life is at risk eg ectopic pregnancy Foetus is not viable
Thomson (Extra) 1971 Paper, the defence of Abortion. Thought experiment of being attached without consent to a Famous violinist to keep them alive for 9 months. But this example only seems to justify abortion after rape
Don Marquis (Extra) Abortion is wrong because you're depriving the foetus of having a "future like ours". This is a extension of why murder is wrong (particularly of a kid) But this view does not account for kids with severely life limiting conditions or poverty
Define active euthansia When something is actively done to end a life, eg an injection
Define passive euthansia Ommission, eg withdrawing care/food. Wrong for RCC however not in the sense that if you turned off a life support machine and the person would die naturally because that means God wants them (different from starving someone)
Define voluntary euthansia This one has less ethical concerns as this is when the person has actively said they seek euthansia, often when life is unbearable. However there may be issues over state of mind eg does depression/ pain interfere with judgement
Define involuntary euthansia This is (hopefully) when the patient cannot express any feeling, eg vegative state, infant, disability This is often in the form of switching off a machine for 'their best interest'
Example of Tony Nicklinson Had a stroke and developed locked in syndrome. Denied the right to have care etc withdrawn as his Drs claimed he had some QoL. He died 6 days after court hearing by refusing food BBC:he would be angry that laws had not changed enough over a decade on
Example of Charlie Gard Baby born with severe life limiting genetic condition. Parents campaigned to keep him on life support but Great Ormond Street won the court case to withdraw. He was dead within 1 day of withdrawal
Wilcockson (Quote) The moral basis of sustaining life and allowing death is in transition
JS Mill (Quote) (Medical Ethics) A person may cause evil to others not only by his actions but by his inaction, and in either case he is justly accountable to them for the injury
Define the Doctrine of the Double Effect How the RCC and NML deal with euthansia This would be the admisistering of pain killers to relieve pain, knowing full well this will result in death.
What is the extraordinary argument in euthansia For the RCC God commands us to make ordinary attemts to save ourselves, eg seek treatement. This does not have to extraordinary eg going through a treatment that may not work but will be painfull Argument behind palliative care
Define Palliative care Measures taken to make a termanilly ill person as comfortable as possible, eg removing pain and other symptoms with no hope of treating condition
JS Mill (Extra) (Medical Ethics) Euthansia may be permissable if it does not break the harm principle, if a person is suffering and it is in the best interest, then their death may lead to greater overall happiness Law should be separate from morality (Wilcockson:impossible)
Define the wedge arguement If we legalised euthansia, it would lead to the legalisation of other forms of killing including involuntary euthansia. People may feel pressured into conforming eg not to be a burden Singer-no empirical evidence eg Digitas in NL
Qur'an (Quote) (Environment) 'But waste not by excess, for Allah does not love the wasters'
Hadith (Quote) (stewardship, ought) 'Live in the world as if you were going to live forever.'
Qur'an (Creation) 'Your Lord is Allah, who created the heaven and the Earth in six days. Then established Himself upon the throne' Reason humans should obey Allah.
Genesis 1:26 Then God said, 'Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the Earth.'
Hadith (Quote) (Stewardship, duty) 'The Earth is green and beautiful and you have been appointed steward over it'
Who was born in 1929 and was then assissinated in 1968? Martin Luther King Jr: Birth/ death dates
Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) increased protection of people with disabilities.
When did the Equality act come in? What legislation came in in 2010 that took over from the DDA (1995) It emphasized the legal duty of education providers/ employers/Service providers to make reasonable adjustments so disabled people can have lives.
When was Slavery abolished in the US? What happened in 1869 in the US?
St Francis of Assisi (QUote) environment If you have any men who will excuse any of God's creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who will deal likewise with their fellow men
Naess on Environment (Quote) Deep Ecology seeks to 'preserve the integrity of the biosphere for its own sake'
Aquinas on environment(Quote) "He that kills another's ox, sins, not through killing the ox, but through injuring another man in his property."
Lovelock on environment(Quote) Geological change usually takes thousands of years to happen but we are seeing the climate change... year by year
Revelation 21:1 (environment) Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away
Peter Singer environment (Quote) "The life of a newborn baby is of less value than of a pig" this is because they are not born self aware etc
what is the kingdom of ends? Kantian ethics: A metaphorical realm to which belong those persons acting and being acted upon in accordance with moral law.
define categorical imperative Kantian ethics: An unconditional moral obligation which is binding in all circumstances and is not dependent on a person's inclination or purpose.
define hypothetical imperative Kantian ethics: A moral obligation that applies only if one desires the implicated goal.
What are Fletcher's 6 fundamental principles? 1. LOVE: only thing intrinsically good 2. Love overrides all other laws 3. LOVE=JUSTICE 4. AGAPE: love has no favourite 5. ONLY ENDS JUSTIFY MEANS 6. SITUATIONAL: love's decisions are made situationally, not prescriptively.
What are Fletcher's 4 working principles? 1. Pragmatism 2. Relatism 3. Positivism 4. Personalism
What would be the 'Medical Model' of disability? โ€ขPeople view are disabled by their impairments or differences โ€ขSeeing only what's 'wrong' with people rather than what they need โ€ขIt creates low expectations for disabled people
Define Enfranchisement The giving of a right or privilege, especially the right to vote.
How long did the US bus boycott last? What lasted over 350 days causing Alabama to rid itself of bus segregation laws?
What would be the 'Social Model' of disability? โ€ขPeople ate disabled by their exclusion from society, not their impairment. โ€ขie people's attitudes or assumptions โ€ขRemoving barriers creates equality and offers people more freedom/choice/control
Eve in the Bible Created as Adam's "Companion" so equal however was tempted first by the sneak and ultimately had the worse punishment eg childbirth pains
Ephesians 2:22 Wives submit to your husbands
1 Timothy 2:12 I do not permit a women to teach or exercise authority over a man
Matin Luther on role of Women To take expressive role like Aquinas' 5 precepts
Women ministers across denominations Quaker/SA- always Catholic/orthodox- Never CofE- since 1994 Baptist- 1920s
JS Mill Utilitarianism (and equality) (Quote) The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilised community.... is to prevent harm to others
Exodus 21-21 For the slave is his money
Leviticus 19:34 You shall treat the stranger... as the native among you, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt
Galatians 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male or female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus
1537, Pope Paul III on slavery (Quote) Anyone that kept a black person as a slave would be excommunicated
Martin Luther King (Quote) Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere
Martin Luther King on action (Quote) Non violent action seeks... to dramatise the issue so that it can no longer be ignored
Leviticus on disablism (Quote) None of your offspring... who has a blemish may approach to offer the bread of his God
Leviticus 19:14 You shall not curse the deaf or put a stumbling block before the blind,but you shall fear your God
Luke 8:43-8 (summary) A women with an eternal period is healed by Jesus. pros- Jesus healed her because of her faith cons- she was barred from the synagogue because of the blood
Joni Eareckson Tada (Quote) He has chosen not to heal me but to hold me
Aristotle on NML (Quote) Every action and decision seems to aim at some good; hence the good has been well described as that which everything aims
Aquinas on NML (Quote) Man has a natural inclination to know the truth about God , and to live in society: and in this respect, whatever pertains to this inclination belongs to natural law
Hoose on NML(Quote) It is never right to go against a principle unless there is a proportionate reason which would justify it
Cicero on NML (Quote) True law is right reason in agreement with nature
Aquinas NML (Quote) Natural law is nothing other than the sharing in the eternal law by intelligent creatures
Romans 2:15 They show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts
Aquinas NML reason (Quote) To disparage the dictate of reason is equivalent to condemning the command of God
Kant on Categorical imperative (Quote) Act only in accordance with that maxim that through which you can at the same time will that it become a universal law
Kant on intrinsic value of humans (Quote) Always recognise that human individuals are ends in themselves and do not use them as a means to your end
Aristotle on virtues (Quote) The virtues are neither passions nor capacities, all that remains is that they should be states of character
Aristotle on habits (Quote) The virtues we get by exercising them
Taylor on VE (Quote) VE is 'an ethic of aspiration rather than a ethic of duty'
MacIntyre on VE(Quote) The exercise of virtues is itself a crucial of the good life for man
Foot on VE(Quote) Anyone who thinks about it can see that for human beings, the teaching and following if morality is something necessary
Bentham (๐Ÿ”‘) Act Utilit (Classical) Ultimate good is pleasure (of all kinds) and pain is evil Utility Principle:Greatest good for greatest number reduce pain first but some pain for lots of good is good Hedonic Calculus-more tallies, more good Abortion Law linked
Bentham (Quote) (Hedonsism) Nature has placed mankind under the governance of 2 soverign masters, pain and pleasure. It is for them alone to point out what we ought to doas well as determine what we shall do.
Bentham (Quote) (Principle of Utility) An action may be said to be conformable to the principle of utility... when the tendency it has to argument the happiness of the community is greater than any it has to diminsh it
Points of Bentham's Hedonic Calculus Intensity Duration Certainty(sure outcome?) Remoteness(Immeadiate Grat?) Fecundity (Domino Effect?) Purity (Will the joy/pain be with its opposite) Extent(Number of folks involoved)
JS Mill (๐Ÿ”‘) Rule Utilit Differs between higher level (mind) and low level (body) pleasures (Quali >Quant) Moral framework eg do not kill, good because people less likely to be killed and less fearful of death (But these rules kinda undermine utilit) Harm Principle
JS Mill (Quote) (Utilitarianism) It is bettwe to be a human being dissatified than a pig satisfied;it is better to be Socrates dissatidied than a fool satisfied. And if the fool, or the pig, is of a different opinion, it is only because they only know their own side of the question
Nozick (extra) In Anarchy, State and utopia:Thought Experiment. Machine that could make you feel all, eg joy of writing a novel Utilits argue for it but no: We like the acomplishement of doing Only a man made reality We want to be people not 'a blob' in a tank
Singer (Extra) (Utilitarianism) Preference Utilitarianism Good action must consider preferences, eg what pleasure do they like. Folks may step in to act in 'best interests' for child, PVS etc Also sitting examโ‰ fun but good long term outcome We defend rights But good morales only
Popper (extra) (Utilitarianism) -ve Utilit Focus-reducing pain State/welfare should be responsible for reducing suffering to 0 Pleasure is a private endevour state can only provide tools/opportunity, you must feel
GE Moore (Extra) (Utilitarianism) Ideal Utilit Max goods, hedonic and intrinsic eg beauty/knowledge Eg chemo=pain but good long term Smoking=good but bad in long term Art has intrinic value beyond joy of beholder
Fletcher (Quote) (Agape) The ruling norm of Christian decision is love: nothing else
British Council of Churches (1966) (Extra) Published Sex and Morality after a meeting, nervous of sexual awakening/abortion/Condoms/pill/divorce law proposed sex education mandate in schools top provide guidance to youths (focus on abstinence but a step)
JAT Robinsion (๐Ÿ”‘) First developer of sit ethics Dymyth God into every day life Sex an act of holy communion and divorce ok esp in abusive marriages (think of kids) NT teaches love and acceptance so we must do so by Golden Rule (Agape) highly critised by religious folk
Romans 13:18 "Owe no one anything, except to love one another, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law"
Fletcher (๐Ÿ”‘) Jesus is a situationist:mean between legalism and antinomianism Justice=love in practice We need rules as guidlines only, love must override laws 4 working presuppositions 6 Fundamental principles 4 case studies Barclay is critical:irrational folks
Fletcher (Quote) (absolute) "Love relativizes the absolute, it does not absolutize the relative"
Fletcher (Quote) (Justice) "Love and justice are the same, for love is justice distributed, nothing else"
Outline Fletcher's four case studies Women asked to 'involve' a married man she is spying on German women gets guard to get her pregnant so she can leave Soviet POW camp ill man could live 3 years with treatment, but in a year his insurance will expire, bankrupting fam WW2 ended by Abomb?
Barclay (Extra) Believes there is no such thing as private morality, all things we do effect all of us ("Men are not Islands")
Lovelock(๐Ÿ”‘) Gaia Hypothesis Greek personification of the Earth, humans are greedy so causing climate change Biosphere-life-sense Atmosphere-oxygen-lungs Lithosphere-structure eg rocks-bones Hyrosphere-water-blood Senses are unessential so Earth will cont w/out
Naess (๐Ÿ”‘) Deep ecology All life is equal and needs protecting, holistic Reduce pop of humans Live in samlle communities Give up economic goals Conserve species diversity Ecosophy=move away from anthropocentric views
Cornwall alliance (Extra) Critical of envrionmentalism, we must be responsible for natural world but not fight global warming as this will be bad Instrinsic value of life is panthiesm=wrong
Aquinas (Extra) We were give dominion over the earth by God
Evangelical Environment Movement (Extra) We must protect what God gave us/appointed us stewards over Aim to prevent activity that damages Earth
Martin Luther King (๐Ÿ”‘) President of Montgomery Improvement Association of Alabma 1955 Campaigned tirelessly for Civil Rights despite death threats etc 1964, peace prize 1968 assassinated Aimed to end Jim Crow laws for actual freedom
Joni Earekson Tada (๐Ÿ”‘) Disabled in diving accident in 1967 Friend Steve showed her Jesus and ended her suidcidal thoughts Written books (some films) Wheels for the world Family retreats Field Service- spread faith and disability awareness
UK Christian Churches (Extra) Racsism has no place in this world, involved in Race relations act
Catholic Church (Extra) (Equality) 1537, Those who owned a black slave would face excommunication from Church 1980/90s Condemned slave trade/arpartheid
Hick (Extra) Soul making thedicy We suffer in this life to make ourselves more in line with God's Image (rather than just likeness)
Aquinas (๐Ÿ”‘) (NML) Primary precepts reproduction life education ordered society faith Secondary Precepts-rules based on Prim Prec Action=good=good intent/conceq/precepts Purpose=better understand God Doctrine of Double Effect if precepts conflict eg abortion
Hoose (๐Ÿ”‘) Watered down NML, modern/flexible Contains desirable characteristics (integrity/dignity) Does not allow for suffering A rule can be overcome if there is a proportionate reason eg Euthansia for suffering patient
Aristotle (Extra) (NML) We follow laws but there is also a universal law that we have reason to follow it. Fullfillment=do function
President Truman (Extra) Example of Doctrine of Double Effect Ending WW2 with the "unintended concequence" of causing Genocide by dropping the A bomb on Hiroshima and Nigasaki
Ross (๐Ÿ”‘) Prima Facie Duties Fidelity Justice Self Improvement Gratitude Non malfeasance (no harm) etc Binding duties but allows for exception in extreme times They are inate and logical (crit derrived from socialisation)
Nagel (๐Ÿ”‘) Agent Relative-personal desires/projects Autonomy (desires) Deontological (no harm) Obligation (duty to others) Agent Neutral-Consider everyone, objective (Do these really exist?)
Kant (Extra) (Kantian Ethics) What is good is goodwill and performing your reason given, universally applicable duties Universal Maxime-Cannot be contridictory to nature, or goodness and people gotta be ends in themselves (not means to end)
Foot (๐Ÿ”‘) Critical of duty based ethics, return to Virtue Some critical of her:virtues may lead to bad end, but it can only be a virtue if end is good (if not=vice) Eg loyalty is bad if towards Hitler Correctives-virtues are like correcting a log, keeps us good
MacIntyre (๐Ÿ”‘) Virtue ethics is best for telling us how to act, rather than just expressing a preference We live in emotivist culture-do what we feel=alternative=virtue Two types of good Internal-specific to activity eg donate External-Moral value result eg to folk
Aristotle (Extra) (Virtue) What is our purpose is good Passions-bodily appetites eg joy/pain Capacities=natural eg sight or math skill Virtues-States of character, dispositions Vices-opposite virtues
Taylor (Extra) VE focuses on growth (aspiration) rather than act (duty) It is not prescriptive VE and Christianity have opposing purposes, Christ actively discourages any kind of growth (meek inherit Earth) breed medicracy and weakness=reverse of VE, encourages growth
Created by: abbey_ant
Popular Religion sets




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