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Christianity (RPE)

Alevel, Edexcel

Charles Haddon Surgeon (Quote) "The Mind of God is greater than all the minds of men, so let all men leave the gospel just as God delivered it onto us"
John 1:18 (Quote) "No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God and[b] is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known."
2 Timothy 3:16 (Quote) "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,"
Define aprocryphal Biblical books often omitted or placed into a separate section as their divine status is questionable (The real question is how the rest is cannonical)
CCC 68 (Quote) "By love, God has revealed himself and given himself to man. He has thus provided the definative, superbundant answer to the questions that man asks himself about the meaning and purpose of his life."
What is the Tradition A Catholic thing It is knowledge passed down through the church over time and is needed to understand revelation properly It is agreed in Ecumenical Councils and by the Magisterium
Define Sola Scriptura 'by scripture alone' This is the Protestant method of understanding the religion. They reject the RCC idea that Priests/Bishops are our connection to God. We understand faith through careful individual study of the Bible
St John of the Cross (Quote) "The centre of the soul is God"
Romans 1:20 (Quote) "For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse."
Martin Luther (Quote) "God writes the Gospel not in the Bible alome, but on trees and flowers and clouds and stars"
Define Mysticism belief that union with the divine and understanding of knowledge not availiable to reason, can be gained through meditiation (RCC/Orth) It is not new revelation (as Jesus finished that) but 'illumination' (deeper understanding of revealed theology)
Rudolf Bultmann (Quote) " has to face the question whether the NT proclamation has truth dependent of the mythical world picture, in which case it would be the task of theology to demythologize the Christian proclamation"
Define Literary Critism Makes use of evidence within writings and historical context to determine author, date and audience Eg who wrote the gospels
Define Form Critism identifies various patterns in Christan texts Tractung origninal form to historical cointect allows a better understanding of what the audience wanted to communicate Eg metaphor v Scientific
Define Redaction Critism Looks at how writings have been put together by authors/editors for a purpose EG Matthew contains a lot of Isaiah- Jewish audience Mark sees Jesus facing rejection from Jews but faith amongst Gentiles- Gentile audience
Define Historical Critism Looks at historical context vs Other contemporary writings Eg understanding OT teachings compared to other Middle Eastern Religions eg Pedastery Gnosticism in scriptural expressions of Christianity
Philippians 2:7 and 9 (Quote) "rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant... Therefore God exalted him to the highest place"
Arius (🔑) Wanted to eliminate mystery over Jesus' nature; retaining his pre-emance over creation, while making something reasonable believable Jesus was created by God There was a time before Jesus Creation<Jesus<Father
Council of Nicaea (325) (Extra) Called to resolve the issue of balancing what Jesus could reasonable be vs his required role in Salvation Conc-Jesus was of the same substance as the Father (homoousios) so Jesus=Father
Athanasius (🔑) Bishop of Alexandria/main opponent to Arius In the Council of Alexandria(362) Brought Arius and Nicaea togther- Jesus, God and the HS are all of the same substance but three separate persons (essentially modern trinity)
Eusebius of Caesarea (Extra) Conservative Christian, did not want to go off Bible and argued that it was not up to the Council of Nicaea to dictate doctrine So Jesus is homoiousios (not homoousios)- of similar substance to the Father, not the same, but distinct.
Nicene Creed on Jesus' substance (Quote) "We believe... in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, begotten of the Fatrher, the only-begotten;that is,of the essence pf the Father...begotten not made, being of one substance with the Father"
Council of Chalcedon (451) Jesus' divinity was the same as the Father's but was still human for purposes of salvation= hypostatic union-two natures (human and divine) united in a single person/substance
The Confession of Chalcedon (Quote) "...truly God and truly man"
Martin Luther (🔑) Human sin warrants punshment from God (death) But God loves us so sent Jesus to sacrifice his life in an act of atonement accept Jesus as saviour=can be saved. Salvation is not through good works etc but by God's grace Mediator between God&us
Define Justification The act of God when a sinner is declared righteous (When God's good grace provides salvation According to Luther, this is through faith alone)
Hebrews 4:16 "Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need." (Because Jesus the 'high priest' was human so can empathise with human temptation and sin)
Calvin (🔑) Jesus as Prophet-speaks God's word, is the Word, reveals God's true nature Priest-OT priests make sacrifices for sins, JC did ultimate by being his own lamb King-Right hand of the Father, command over Church leaders Only Mediator between God&us
Moltmann (🔑) God is Passible in that He suffers in soldiarity with us and from this he learns love -God sees how we suffer by sin so sends Jesus -Jesus' suffering on the cross shows God's suffering/pain washed into divinity -Jesus died-God felt pain of abandonment
Exodus 3:7 (Quote) "The Lord said, “I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering."
Weinandy (🔑) God is immutable God may appear to change but these are just different expressions of the same love eg Anger/forgiveness God is still immanent by acting in creation/covenants/Jesus Through Jesus He became Passible to feel pain shown via ressurection
Jeremiah (31:33)(Quote) I will be their God, and they will be my people God as loving
Define Immutibility Unchanging nature of God's pure spirit
Augustine (Love) (Quote) God loves each of us as if there was only one of us
Define Buber's I-Thou relationship It leads to mutual respect and acceptance, as in perceiving others as having their own intentions and motives.
What is the meaning of free will according to Augustine? Free will was a dangerous gift from God, but it makes life worth living and is the source of our relationship with God
The three ways Creation may exist from God Emanation -> Creation comes from God like the sun Construction -> God lovingly created our universe Artistic expression -> Creation is a work of beauty and is personal to God and from nothing. (Dorothy Sayers)
Buber on what God wants (Quote) "For God does not want to be believed in... but simply to be realised through us"
How is God immutable? God is unchanging and this is reflected in His Will
Augustine (Existence) (Quote) Nothing that exists could exist without you [God]
Ezekiel 37:6(Quote) I will put breath in you, and you will come to life. God talking to dry bones, His power is breath
Isaiah 49:15(Quote) “Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you! God with Female imagery
Define Contingent Cannot explain its own existence (Thus evidence of a creator God)
?What re the 2 fundamental ideas about God God is the creator of all things God is personally involved in creation and humans' lives.
Buber on loving God (Quote) To love God truly, one must first love man. And if anyone tells you that he loves God and does not love his fellow-man, you will know that he is lying.
Define Buber's I-it relationship It is concerned with the objective nature of things, the It being the objective knowledge sought after, eg Aldi as a food vendor
How is God the creator in Augustine's eyes? God sustains the universe and the universe follows His law.
How are Christians (humans) one big family God loves everyone, Christian or not, as a father. Thus this may lead Christians to place a larger focus on aid work eg Civil Rights Protests
How does Buber perceive God differently from Augustine Instead of seeing God as a creator or judger, Buber sees God as manifesting within human relationships with each other. Community of mutual respect -> God manifests Like that song from a muppet's Christmas Carol
In Augustine's opinion, what is the meaning of life (Quote) It is to choose to enter a loving relationship with God and be obedient to Him to reach Heaven, as in the end times, God will judge us for our Earthly actions.
Exodus 14:21(Quote) the Lord drove the sea back with a strong east wind" Moses has God separate the Red Sea, God's power is the Wind
Why doesn't the analogy of 'God the Father' work? The Bible uses female imagery to refer to the love of God for humanity
How is God omnipotent He is the creator of a universe so detailed and complex that God must be al-mighty
Why would Christians take the role of Stewards Creation belongs to God and gifted to humanity so humans do not have dominion. This may push environmentally friendly practices (Unless you think this climate crisis was a sign of the end days or God's immutable will)
Why is the belief in Christian God positive It gives Christians the purpose of carrying out God's work on Earth and giving Him glory in doing so. Also, we have an eternal soul so we have Heaven to aim for.
Buber (Quote) The world is not comprehensible, but it is embraceable: through the embracing of one of its beings human love holds the answers to the universe
Why does Augustine think humans are incomplete? We are weak, mortal beings and so are unequal to God. To be complete we must become one with God.
Genesis 1:27 (Quote) So God created mankind in His own image
Why can God be omnipotent and not able to do everything... Quote from Aquninas If God is omnipotent then He should be able to do anything, but cannot do logical contradictions such as draw a 4 sided triangle "It was not that God was unable; simply that such things cannot be done"
Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) 199 (Quote) "'I believe in God': This first affirmation of the Apostles' creed is also the most fundamental. The whole Creed speaks of God, and when it also speaks of man and of the world it does so in relation to God.
How is God the 'eternal thou' according to Buber (Quote) God should never be perceived as a means to an end. We must have a genuine relationship with God as God us the eternal source of the world
Example of God's love in the Bible Passion story and salvation
What was the Focus of Buber? God can only be understood in terms of human relationships (rather than anything transcendent) so we should focus on this rather than trying to gain objective knowledge of what God is like.
How is the eternal soul evidence of God's love God wishes to continue a personal relationship with all of us, even after death so he made our spirits immortal
IN which two ways is God's spirit presented As Wind and Breath
What are some of God's attributes, and what evidence supports these? Wisdom -> creation Glory -> Jesus on the Heavenly throne Word -> Jesus the human person Spirit -> Personal and omnipresent
Athenagoras I(Quote) There is only one theology, but there are many theologians
Pope Benedict XV quote An important function of theology is to keep religion tied to reason ad reason to religion. Both roles are of essential importance for humanity.
Define Christian Theology It is an investigation into how Christians understand the nature of God, and how He was revealed to them. It is an academic discipline
CS Lewis (Quote) Either this man was, and is, the Son of God: or else a madman
Define Canonical These are books or teaches which are considered 'true' THese have been discussed and are agreed by most Christians
According to Jesus, all of God's law can by summarised into what? Love of God and others (neighbours)
What is the message behind Mark 2:27 (about the Sabbath) God made rules out of love, eg humans need to take rest. However, according to Jesus, these rules were never supposed to be burdensome, therefore you cannot use the Sabbath as an excuse to avoid a kind action.
What underpins the entire order of creation? loving relationships Either with God, each other, or the Earth
John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.
1 Corinthians 13:4- 7 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud...It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
What did Augustine teach in his first letter to John (Quote) "Love, and do what you will" Thus any action that expresses love is permissible
Where will Catholics look in terms of understanding God's Will in nature Magisterium - teachings of Popes and Bishops
Matthew 25:40 ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
What may the Trinity be understood to model? The perfect, loving relationship Eg independent yet reliant on each other
On what criteria does the Catholic Church encourage Christians to judge political and social structures in society Their attitude to the poor and powerless Eg Oppression is sinful as such policies do not reflect God's love
What would Roman Catholics teach about the conscious It is not always reliable so needs to be 'informed' otherwise it will become distorted and lead to sin. By informed this means to have an awareness of God's will in scripture and doctrine and relies on a strong relationship with God.
How can Jewish law be understood? A way of controlling human behaviour and uniting the Jewish community under one God and set of principles in the face of a pluralistic society that appeared to condone behaviours such as fratricide.
Matthew 22:34-40 (Quote) Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’
How do principles of justice apply to human sinfullness Humans must be punished for their sins
What is the key principle of Christianity? Love
Where is Jewsich law found The first 5 books of the Old Testament (the Torah (mostly in Leviticus))
What do Christians believe about the conscious God's law is written into their hearts and minds. God is omnibenevolent and so will have people's conscious lead them to good actions.
How did Martin Luther King explain the principle of Agape Love (Quote) The people who did not help the guy were thinking about what would happen to them if they did, but the Samaritan was all like: "If I do not help this man, what will happen to him?" Its about selflessness and loving for the best possible concequences
What does Situation Ethics teach about morality? That love should be your guide. Actions are not judged on a set of laws but on the outcome and calculable consequences.
What did MArtin Luther King say about the parable of the Good Samaritan (Quote) "I admire the good Samaritan but I don't want to be one... I want to change the Jerico road, so that everybody has a job, education, security, health"
What was the purpose of the incarnation To save humans from punishment for their sins (eg to forgive or teach a better way)
What did Leonardo Boff say about the trinity (Quote) It is a model for social relationships, because the love and equality present in the trinity mirrors how all societies should treat their members
How is the concept of God the Father a show of love Fathers are meant to be loving to their kids, as God is to us
Why is it that Catholics teach that the Conscious can be misinformed? Humanity fell in the fall s we may think an act is loving just because it looks that way when it is actually sinful.
What do Christians perceive the act of creation as? Outpouring of God's love, Earth being where humans are tested for their love of God, and Heaven the eternal reward
What did Jesus' ministry provide an example of Love in terms of God and each other. eg Jesus asked humans to call God their Father
What did Catherine LaCugna say about the trinity (Quote) Humans should live God's life with one another, the trinity is a model of the love we should have for one another.
Quotes from the Lord's prayer that may show God's love (Quote) "Deliver us from Evil" - caring and guidance "Give us this day our daily bread" - gives what is needed "forgive us our trespasses" - forgiveness may be the highest form of love
Where is the law of God revealed to humanity Scripture
What did Jesus teach on the Sermon of the Mount and throughout his minisrty in relation to the old Jewish laws. The way in which the Jewish teachers kept the law made it burdensome and had drifted from the Spirit that lay behind it.
What is an important principle of the Old Testament (beyond love) The oneness of God
What happens when an action frustrates God's Will or divine plan according to Catholics It cannot show any love to God nor his will even if it is apparently loving.
Matthew 21:28-32 (not a quote but a description) The parable of the two sons One son refuses to work but later changes his mind The other says he will work but then doesn't. The idea is that you can repent and be better than someone who only gives lip work to their beliefs
What is the issue with the moral principle of love? It is vague and Christians often disagree over it, particularly in the face of practical moral questions such as sexual, medical and war ethics
How do many Christians try to seek out God's Will By reading the Bible - if it prescribes against the action then it is probably sinful
1 John 3:18 Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.
Mark 2:27 The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.
Under what conditions does the Earth flourish and what does this mean? When humans are in harmony with the Earth it is good and in that harmony and care, humans express their love of God.
Matthew 23:9 And do not call anyone on earth ‘father,’ for you have one Father, and he is in heaven.
1 Corinthians 13: 3 "I may give away everything I have to help others... But I gain nothing by doing all of this if I don't have love"
Barth quote on purpose of theology "We have to inquire carefully into the relation of our knowing of God and God himself in His being and nature."
What did Augustine believe about the Trinity God, the Father is eternal and was never brought into being.
How is the Trinity alluded to in Genesis God (the Father) created "the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters" Genesis 1:2 God's Word (Understood as Jesus)
What was the argument of St Gregory of Nyssa (died: 388) (and also kinda Buber?) That Christians should accept the distinction between begotten and proceeds through faith because God is transcendent and it must be accept as part of His great mystery.
How may the doctrine of the trinity aid with a personal relationship with God. Father: their father and origin of Life (guidance) Son: Shared in their suffering (Empathy) Holy Spirit: Ever present and guiding.
Matthew 28:19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
What does Rahner's these focus on? Human experience of the Trinity. Rather than on some unfathomable description of the inner life of God on which he thinks doctrine before has focussed on.
What did Barth believe to be the purpose of theolgy To understand the meaning behind God's revelation
What is meant by the trinity as relational This looks at how the characters of the trinity are related to each other.
How is the Trinity generally referenced in the Old Testement? It is never mentioned directly but must be interpreted or are alluded to.
Give an example of when the doctrine of the trinity plays a role on Christian life. EG if you are baptised you are in the "name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit"
McGrath commenting on Rahner's ideas on the trinity "The same God who appears as a trinity is a trinity. The way in which God is known in self-revelation corresponds to the way God is internally."
What is the issue with words like "begotten" and "proceeds"? These Ecumenical councils never explained the difference between these terms... Why are they distinct?
Why did Barth think the trinity has to exist in terms of human understanding God is trancenden and almost unknowable so he uses 3 modes of being to comminicate with humans in ways we understand. Eg Themselves (Jesus) Power (holy Spirit) Parental Image (Father)
How may the Trinity impact the lives of Christians It is one of the key defining characteristics of Christianity., marking it from other faiths. It can help Christians to understand how God revealed Himself
What is the other fear of Barth's theolgy That a new definition of the trinity could cause new division in the Church as it moves aways from the norms, values and traditions of the Church.
How did Barth refer to the trinity and why? Modes of being, as he thought it closer to the Early church's thoughts. He thought Augustine only compromised with 'persons' due to varied interpretations of the word hypostasis.
Where does the Catholic church believe the Holy Spirit proceeds from? It is from both the Father and Son
2 Corinthians 13:14 May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
Isaiah 42:11 I will put my Spirit on him, and he will bring justice to the nations. Prophecy of the Messiah - its actually a neat chapter
What are the three disctinct parts of God that appear in the Old Testement Wisdom (similar to Gaia) Word (Will and purpose; guidance, judgement, salvation) Spirit (agent of new creation, present in Messiah)
How may the trinity not impact on the lives of Christians. Some believe the theology is too abstract and academic so has limited impact.
What was the Arian heresy It was the belief that Jesus was begotten from God but also made of a mutable substance, so the Son is subordinate to God. This is heretical as it reduces Jesus to a demigod and therefore stimulates polytheism
What does Moltmann accuse Barth of and why did Barth reject this For opening up a way back to anti-trinitarian heresy This was rejected as this did not imply that modes were just different perceptions, more like 'ways of being' It is thought this misunderstanding arose due to issues of translation
John 1:14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father,
Psalm 119:89 Your word, Lord, is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens.
Makachi 3:6 "For I am the Lord; I change not..."
Describe St Patrick's analogy And weakness The Trinity is like a Shamrock- a single leaf in 3 clearly identifiable parts. However, this is Partilistic in that God is divided into three parts which is heresy
What is Barth sometimes accused of? Modalism which is rejected by the church. It is argued this view suggests the only real difference between the father, Son and Holy Spirit is how they are percieved by the believer
What and when were the Ecumenical Councils In 500CE, meetings of bishops and theologians that: -Confirmed Christianity was monotheistic -The Trinity -And that God was indivisible and had no 'parts'
Define the filioque controversy It is the difference between where the Holy Spirit proceeds from: RCC: Father and Son EOC: Father only
What did Barth think the trinity meant The trinity was connected to the way in which God revealed Himself on Earth. Revelation would not have been possible otherwise
How does Rahner's theory limit God's power? It may threaten to limit God to human experience so humans can claim too much knowledge of God. We must understand our limitations in understanding the trinity.
According to Barth, what did god do in terms of human salvation God took initiative and revealed himself to humanity through the trinity rather than expecting humans to act.
Describe the water analogy and weakness The Trinity is seen in states of matter, eg gas, ice and liquid in comparison to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. However, it is important to note that God is all three states of matter at the same time. This theory is critised for being Modalistic
What was agreed by the 4th Lateran Council 1512 Taught that God is absolutely simple in substance: indivisible and therefore made up of no parts
Where does the Eastern Orthodox church believe the Holy Spirit proceeds from? It is from the Father only
What would some theologians suggest is a reason for the difference in the way God is talked about between the Old and New Testements In the New Testament, God is referred to as a trinity because between the Testaments human understanding has become more sophisticated; and then by the time of Paul, that trinitarian belief appears to have become a common belief.
What can Rahner's theory not explain? It cannot explain God's nature before the trinity concept.
What cannot sinful humanity do? Sinful humanity are deaf to God so cannot reach salvation
How would John Macquarrie describe the trinity from his existentialist perspective Father: Primordial being ("Ultimate act or energy") Son: Expressive (How father expresses Himself to humanity) Spirit: Unitive Being (Ties the Trinity together and develops unity between God and humanity)
How do Rahner's theories conflict with the concept of God's simplicity and indivisibility? God is meant to be unchanging, However, if God, through the combination of himself becomes also Son and Holy Spirit, then there must be a change in God's nature.
Theophilus and Antioch (c.120-85) (Quote) "the Trinity of God [the father], his Word and His Wisdom" The first time the trinity was ever mentioned
Define Deus Dixit What Barth called revelation to humanity
What is the issue with the Cappodcian church's explantation of the trinity It caused controversy in the early church as some interpreted the hypostasis part that the three parts of the trinity were three separate Gods. (tri-theism)
Nicene Creed on all parts of the trinity (Quote) "And we believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life. He proceeds from the Father and the Son, And with the Father and the Son is worshipped and glorified."
Define Immanent Trinity How God is. This is understood from Scripture and reflecting on salvation. This is because God has no reason to deceive us of His true nature.
How does the Cappodcian church describe the Trinity With roots in Greek philosophy, they differentiate between substance (ousia) and individual reality (hypostasis). God is one Ousia yet three hypostases. Thus unity yet distiction
Barth, supports prodestanism (QUOTE) In the Church of Jesus Christ there can and should be no non-theologians.
Psalm 33:6 By the Word of the Lord the Heaven were made, their starry host by the Breath of His mouth.
What did the discussion of relational theories of the trinity cause The schism between the east and West.
How may the dictrine of the trinity help Christians to understand their own existance. If God can be many parts and yet one, then this may help Christians to fight for mutual respect and agape love to share these ideals.
Describe the egg analogy and weakness An egg has three clear distinct parts yet is one thing. Eg shell, white and yolk. However, this is Partilistic in that God is divided into three parts which is heresy
Define economic trinity The way in which God reveals himself in history Occurs through Biblical teachings and the nature of Salvation.
What are Rosemary beads used for? to count number of prayers - it doesn't take much mental effort to do, leaving you free to focus on the actual prayers and their meanings
An example of when Rosemary beads may be used Following confession, you may be prescribed a certain number of Hail Marys - they can be counted easier
What are stations of the cross 2/3D representations of Jesus's suffering In seeing it, it can make it more real and immediate
What aids to prayer are linked to private devotion? Icons Rosary beads Stations of the cross
What aids to prayer are considered acts of public devotion? Walks of Witness Mystery Plays
What are Walks of Witness? When church communities walk together to mark events such as Good Friday They may carry a visual aid such as a cross
What is the purpose of Walks of Witness? They intrigue and attract non believers to the faith
Ludwig van Beethoven The vibrations of the air are the breath of God speaking to man’s soul. Music is the language of God. We hear his voice, we read his lips, we give birth to the children of God, who sing his praise. That’s what musicians are.
What are Mystery Plays? theatrical recreations of scenes from Jesus' life. originating from the Middle Ages
Exodus 20:4 “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below." 2nd commandment
What are the themes of the nativity Expression of incarnation Poverty of Jesus (he is with the refugees and exiles) Divinity eg gifts of Gold (King), Frankincense (Holy), and Myrrh (used to anoint the dead)
St Francis of Assisi (Extra) Credited with building the first nativity scene in 1223 believing the graphic representation would help (illiterate) Christians understand the Nativity, incarnation, divinity and it would deepen their devotion to Jesus
What are the 3 kinds of crucifix? Figure of Jesus - #suffering Christus Rex- Jesus overcoming Satan and ruling with the Father Empty cross- Jesus ressurected
Calvin (Extra) (art) (Quote) "Therefore whensoever a Crucifix stands mopping and mowing in the Church, it is all one as if the Devil had defaced the Son of God"
Thomas Cromwell (Extra) English Reformer, copied the extreme violence of the Eastern Iconclast Movement to remove and destroy Icons from Churches Inspired by the 2nd Commandment that forbids image Worship
How does the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) justify use of Icons? Images are Venerated (given honour to) God took human form in Jesus, so to replicate GOd's human form is to celebrate God's creation
How does the Orthodox Church justify use of Icons? They believe that the artists that paint icons are divinely inspired. The practice often requires long periods of time meditating and is linked to mysticim This means that icons are a glipse into the divine
CCC 1159 "... But now that [God] has made himself visible int he flesh... I can make an image of what I have seen of God... and contemplate the glory of the Lord, his face unveiled"
What is the general purpose of music in Christianity It is an expression of the full range of human emotion towards God- Love to Sorrow. They can help create a euphoric atmosphere (vibrant hymns) or help Christians to focus deeply on God by being calming (monanstic plainchant)
CCC 1158 "the voices of the faithful may be heard"
Michgelangelo (Quote) Only God creates, the rest of us just copy
Genesis 1:1-2 "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty,"
Define Geocentric The concept that the Earth is stationary and the rest of the universe revolves around it
Galileo (🔑) Supported ideas of Copernicus-Earth orbits sun Challenged RCC geocentric ideas in Genesis which challenged the authority of the RCC and that humans are special He had to retract his findings and put in house arrest. still denied by fundamentalists!
CCC 296 "...If God has drawn the world from preexisting matter, what would be so extraordinary in that?"
Darwin (🔑) (Quote) "We must, however, acknowledge, as it seems to me, that man with all his noble qualities.. still bears in his bodily frame the indelible stamp of his lowly orign. "
Hawking (Quote) "I believe the Universe is governed by the laws of science. The laws may have been becreed by God, but God does not intervene to break laws"
Darwin (🔑) Evolution-challenged RCC- We are not peak creation/stewards When did we get immortal souls/free will/Image Evolution≠Belief in God
Charles Kingsley (Extra) Attempted to find some philosophical links between Darwin's ideas and teleological theories of design (Anglican)
Humani Generis (1950) (Extra) upheld the idea that the soul is directly created by God, but also taught that evolutionary theories were compatible with RCC teaching. After Catholic scientists like Mendel and Lamarck correlated their findings with Darwin's
What are some examples of Christian responses to Science Deny- Fiedists/Fundamentalists epoused to creationism Reconciliation-linking science and religion Enrichment-(RCC) science deepens our understanding of creation and therefore God
Polkinhorne (Extra) Supporting Kuhn's paradigm theory, stresses science and religion are similar as both seek the truth and are always grappling with unsolved problems (operate in paradigms)
Polkinhorne (Quote) "Science and theology have this in common... the search for increasing verisimilitude in our understanding of reality"
How many people regularly attended church in 2015 (verses 35 years before) >4% Half than in 1980
Reasons for declining church numbers Rejection of authority-individualism Science-no one truth Philosophical empiricism-challenge 'fancifull beliefs' can damage reputation is some circles Commercialism-we want hedonism, church wants acsetism Negative assoc-abuse cases
Dawkins (🔑) Religion is opposed to science and is dangerous, God being a 'fixed false belief' He says fiedists are blinkered, and are indoctrinating their kids to limited critical thinking/free thought
Dawkins (Quote) (paradgmic nature of religion) "I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world"
Dawkins (Quote) (falseness of religion) "Religion is about turning untested belief into unshakable truth through the power of institutions and the passage of time"
Critisms of Dawkins Scientific fundamentalist with a 'fixed' belief in Darwin He is poorly versed in theology Does science even perform the functions necessary to replace religon, after all we have religion via evolution
Hitchens (🔑) Antithiest The influence religion has on politics is dangerous and insidious, a form of totalitarianism that prevents free thought/will (breeds intolerance)
Hitchens (Quote) (verificationism) "That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence"
Hitchens (Quote) (morality of religion) "We will keep on being told that religion, whatever its imperfections, at least instils morality. On every side. there is conclusive evidence that the contrary is the case and that fasith causes people to be more mean, more selfish, and.. more stupid"
Critisms of Hitchens's ideas Ignores the good of Jesus' example and that some do actually live by it Just war theories are theological as is sanctity of life igornes how much of our culture is based in religion(intellectual dishonesty)
Dalai Lama (Extra) (link to Hitchens) One of the loudest amongst a long list of religious teachers/leaders involved in condemning violence and esp nuclear proliferation
Saliba (Extra) (Quote) "Many of the new religions attract individuals by the promise of peace of mind... In doing so they stress their concen for the individual and highlight one's personal worth and self development"
What is the issue with the word 'religious' in NRMs? Many NAMs reject 'religious' asscociation due to links to oppressive organised religion esp as most cults are run more like businesses with clientel. They prefere the term "spiritual" as they aim to transform the everyday lives of believers,
Christian opposition to NRMs Many reject a need for God or reject Christian God Adopted non-canonical religious texts (3rd Testament) Some NRMs are sects which are dangerous Worship of a charasmatic human leader Separation of families
Gutiérrez (🔑) Gave lib th. its name Jesus came to help the poor/oppressed Some forms inspired by Marxist praxis so will use violence in extreme cases to free people from corrupt govts/systemseg in El Salvador Catholic movement but condemned by Pope as faith≠politics
Cone (🔑) Black th. USA 1960s Protestant Suffering of Black people=Jews in Egypt so Christians must better the lives of oppressed in this life=gives voice to oppressed A critique of white privilege and seeks to affirm that Christ identifies with Black pain
Gutiérrez (Quote) "Faith is not limited to affirming the existence of God. No, faith tells us that God loves us and demands a loving response. This reponse is given through love for human beings, and that is what we mean by commitment to God and our neighbour"
Luke 4:18 He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free,
Luke 1:52 He has brought down rulers from their thrones but has lifted up the humble.
Cone (Quote) The coming of Christ means a denial of what we thought we were. It means destroying the white devil in us.Reconcoiliation to God menas that white people are prepared to deny themselves(whiteness),take up the cross(blackness)and follow Christ(Black ghetto)
McFague (🔑) The gospel teaches equality however the male-focussed metaphors we use to refer to God have become fixed and so Christianty has become mysoginistic Must incorporate feminine metaphors for God=mother=crete more intimate relationship with God
1 Timothy 2:12 "I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man"
Galatians (3:28) "There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."
Fiorenza (Extra) feminist theology is the 'critical theology of liberation' gotta focus on praxis-real change to seek equality. If we do not have some sort of female interpretation or leadership then we lose half of God We need women to provide new insights on God
Marx (extra) (quote) "philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways; the point is to change it" Explains difference between praxis (action) and doxa (belief). Eg fighting poverty (praxis) can give us a better undertanding of God (Doxa)
Jeremiah 22:16 He defended the cause of the poor and needy, and so all went well. Is that not what it means to know me?” declares the Lord.
Which is the fastest growing group in Christianity Evangeliscm (probably: according to studies)
Describe pentacostal Christianity Named after the feast of Penacost after ascencsion where HS belssed aspostles with the courage to preach Rival to Catholics and liberation theology Instead of being active in politics and working to help everyone (LT) They taught the virtue of pulling yourself out of poverty through hard work and faith in God
What do Pentacostal and Charasamatic Christian do to attract followers They place great emphasis on the joyful proclaimation of the gospel in hope of helping people accept Jesus as saviour Often non liturgical worship with spontaneous prayer, singing, healing and tongues
Cardinal Ratzinger (1984) (Quote) But the'theologies of liberation',which reserve credit for restoring to a place of honour the great texts of the prophest and the Gospel in defence of the poor, go on to a disastrous confusion between the 'poor'of scripture and the'proletariat'of Marx
Critiques of Liberation theology Conern that it is confused with Marxism eg by employing violent action Pope Benedict XV said it dangerously deviated from orthodox teaching, tying faith to politics is a form of relativism-God should transcend all that
Critiques of Black theology for promoting conflict and racial tension by pointing out looming racism Some Christians feel it is inappropriate for a social group to attact ethnic labels to a theology - it should not be harnessed of behalf of any one group of God's people
Critiques of Feminist theology Some point to the divisons laid out in the Bible eg Apostles being Men (BUT many travelled with wives) eg what paul said about women being silent
1 Corinthians 9:5 "Don’t we have the right to take a believing wife along with us, as do the other apostles" So Apostles travelled with their wives-after all in a fairly segregated society, who would preach to women if women did travel with Apostles...
What are evangelical revivalist movements? Widespread amongst those with African roots who form part of the African diaspora- spread throughout Europe/USA due to colonialism/slavery 40% of African American Christians And others who believe some aspects of modern life are temptations from Satan
What is the challenge for Christians regarding multicultural societies Dispite laws banning intolerance and many Christians reevaluating their attitudes: It denies the monopoly of the truth Christians believe that you need God's Grace to get salvation so believe others follow falsehoods
Barth (Extra) Particularism Belief in the authority of one own's faith Salvation via God's Grace/accepting Jesus as saviour only- Grace would triumph over unbelief at end times Focus on incompatibilities
Plato (Extra) Philosophical ideas about pluralism: Believed in the 'Ultimate Reality' or Form of (the absolute) good A metaphysical world separate from ours; unchanging and perfect
Tillich (Extra) Philosophical ideas about pluralism Religious faith was just 'passion for the Ultimate' from studying REs he found that all religions had a concept of an abstract God. Christians would use symbols to make got more relatable
Hinduism (Extra) Philosophical ideas about pluralism Belief in Brahman: all gods etc are manifestations of Brahman, the ultimate reality-source of all and present within all
Rayner (🔑) Anonymous Christianity Jesus died to save ALL people and allloving God would not condemn all folks God exists in our conscience, so nonChristians who follow conscience and are true to their faiths are actually practicing Christianity=Salvation
1 Timothy 2:5 "For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus,"
Lumen Gentium (Extra) Second Vatican Council never stated "anonymous Christian" however alluded to the belief by affirming that those without access to Gospel could still be saved (salvation not for those who deny gospel)
Matthew 25:31-46 (description) Parable of Sheep and Goats Jesus separates people into Heaven and Hell based on an indiviual's moral behaviour rather than faith. But as they are still going to Christian Heaven it is only inclusivist
Rayner (Quote) If someone is commited to their faith (even if not Christian) they still "existentially is committed to the values which for the Christians are concretized in God"
Acts 4:12 "Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved"
Kung (Extra) It is essential to respect the the sincerity of other faiths We must discover a 'global ethic' as many religions share similar views on moral behaviour
Hick (🔑) Pluralism-no faith>than another Influenced by Kant where no religion can claim objective truths about God We only see through the same God through different lenses He also referes to any miracle etc as a metaphor to make it fit with every other view
Ecumenical Movement Undo work of Reformation/Schism by bringing Christians together
Anglican and Roman Catholic International Commission (ARCIC) seeks to find a common ground between RCC and CofEon issues of authourity and meaning of the Eucharist
What is the main struggle for the Ecumenical Movement RCC believes it is the true denomination so refuses to fully cooperate. (they are in subbodies) So although ½ Bill Christains are involved, they number less than RCC
Where has the Ecumenical Movement been particularly sucessful In Asia (esp India), Latin America, Africa it has been sucessful, gaining many numbers These divisions appear to be a Western issue
Old Testament teachings on Equality Jewish society was patriarchal:teachings about menstration in Leviticus,women as homemakers,Priests as Sons of Aaron But Deborah is a judge in Judges and women do have some rights in inheritance Miriam is refered to as a prophet in Exodus
Genesis 3:16 "...[your husband] will rule over you.”
New Testament teachings on Equality Jesus taught all people were equal Romans, Pheobe the Deacon Women present at crucifixion Male only Apostles (what of their wives?) Paul affirms female subserience to husbands and in teaching
Liberal Protestant iterpreatations of Bible passages regarding equality Jesus taught equality All abiguity is caused by contemporary interpretations eg Mary Magdelene was downplayed by Pope Gregory and Paul was getting faith to spread in mysoginistic places
Evangelical iterpreatations of Bible passages regarding equality Take the Bible litterally, rejecting relativism The Bible taught segreagted roles
Catholic/Orthodox iterpreatations of Bible passages regarding equality God chose to be a man/Apsotles are men so only men can be priests etc This has been affirmed by long standing Church tradition
Catholic dealings with Women in Christian Ministry Priests are chosen by God, and through ordination are given the gift of interpretation and the 'words of institution' in the eucharist Also In persona Christi and Apostolic Sucession bar women from leadership
Protestant dealings with Women in Christian Ministry Church leaders are elected ministers who perform duties of pastoral care/Worship leader etc 'Universal Priesthood'Every Christian has the ability to interpret texts This means women can and are faith leaders 1990sChurch of Scotland elected ♀️ moderator
CofE dealings with Women in Christian Ministry Via Media (middle ground between RCC/Prot) Allowed priesthood in 1994 Bishop 2015 Many accepted/welcomed this but many also deny it as it deviated too far from RCC teaching
Leo XIII, Rerum Novarum (1891) (Quote) "Women,again,are not suited for certain occupations; a woman is by nature fitted for home work"
Pope John Paull II, Letter to Women (1995) (quote) "Thankyou, women who work!... you mqake an indispensable contribution to the growth of culture... to the establishment of economic and political structures ever more worthy of humanity"
Pope Francis (2015) (Quote) "Why is it taken for granted that women must earn less than men? No! They have the same rights."
Frances Willard (Extra) The Methodist Church, of which __ are a member, have a long history of campaigning for rights ___ sought voting rights and full representation in church leadership leading the church to affirm equality
The United Methodist Church (Quote) "We affirm women and men to be equal in every aspect of their common life"
What was confirmed by a gathering of Lutherans in Missouri (1985) -women's rights were changing globally so the Church had to change -Men and Women=in enjoyment of God's grace -Equal social inclusion of men and women is commanded by God
Martyr (Quote) No one is allowed to partake (of the Eucharist) but the man who believes
Created by: abbey_ant
Popular Religion sets




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