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Unit 3 Vocabulary

Unit 3 Culture - Vocabulary and Definitions

Artifacts The material manifestation of culture, including tools, housing, systems of land use, clothing, etc. "What a culture uses"
Mentifacts The central, enduring elements of a culture expressing its values and beliefs, including language, religion, folklore, and etc. "What a culture believes"
Sociofacts The institutions and links between individuals and groups that unite a culture, including family structure and political, educational and religious institutions. "What a culture does"
Architecture the art or practice of designing and constructing buildings.
Cultural relativism the idea that a person's beliefs, values, and practices should be understood based on that person's own culture, rather than be judged through the eyes of another culture
Custom something that a group of people does repeatedly that becomes part of their culture (for example, bowing instead of shaking hands in Japan)
Ethnocentrism judging people or traditions based on your own cultural standards
Caste System a rigid set of social classes that provides privileges for the higher classes and limits on the lower classes - a person is born in a caste and castes only change upon reincarnation
Indigenous people the original settlers of a given region, in contrast to groups that have settled the area more recently
Sequent Occupance the idea that the current cultural landscape is a combination of all the societies who lived there previously and the changes each group made
Sense of place a strong feeling of identity that is deeply felt by inhabitants and visitors of a location
Creole or creolized language a language that began as a combination of two other languages and is spoken as the primary language of a group of people
Diaspora the scattering a of people from their homeland (especially the Jews from the Holy Land)
Lingua franca a language that groups of people who don't speak the same language use to communicate often for trade or business
Cultural convergence when two cultures become more similar because of frequent interactions
Cultural divergence when a culture splits into different cultures because of lack of interaction
Indigenous language a language that is native to a region and spoken by indigenous people
Language extinction a language that is no longer spoken by anyone as their native language
Dialect different forms of the same language used by groups that have some different vocabulary and pronunciations
Ethnic (folk) culture the cultural traditions that are generally held by a specific ethnic group, often localized in a specific area
Ethnic religion a religion that is focused on a single ethnic group (often in a centralized area) that doesn't attempt to appeal to all people
Language family a collection of languages that are all descended from an original, proto-language
Universalizing religion a religion that attempts to appeal to all people and has a worldwide focus as opposed to a regional focus
Acculturation adoption of cultural traits, such as language, by one group under the influence of another
Assimilation the process of a person or group losing the cultural traits that made them distinct from the people around them
Multiculturalism when various ethnic groups coexist with one another without having to sacrifice their particular identities
Syncretism the blending traits from two different cultures to form a new trait
Secularism a philosophy that interprets life on principles taken solely from the material world, without recourse to religion.
Taboo something that is forbidden by a culture or a religion, sometimes so forbidden that it  is often not even discussed
Monotheism belief in only one god
Polytheism belief in more than one god
Branch a major division within a religion
Gender For our purposes in class, it refers to the cultural differences in how men are treated differently than women
Pilgrimage a journey to a location that has religious significance
Relocation diffusion Involved the actual movement of the original adopters from their point of origin or hearth to a new place.
Expansion Diffusion Culture/innovation stays strong at the hearth while expanding elsewhere. Includes Contagious, Stimulus and Hierarchical
contagious diffusion Innovation or culture spreads outward through direct person to person contact.
hierarchical diffusion when culture spreads from the top to bottom
reverse hierarchical diffusion when culture spreads from the bottom to top hierarchy
Stimulus Diffusion Type of cultural diffusion that occurs when an element of culture changes as it spreads to new areas.
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