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Two dimens. imaging

Chapter 12 Edelman

What type of image does a mechanical scanner produce? Sector shaped images
How many active elements are in a mechanical scanner? One
What type of image does a linear phased array scanner produce? Sector shaped images
How many active elements are in a phased array scanner? Many
What type of image does a linear sequential scanner produce? Rectangular, and never wider than the transducer
Which has a smaller acoustic footprint, linear phased arrays or linear sequential arrays? Linear phased arrays
With linear sequential arrays, how many crystals are fired at a time to create a sound beam? A small group of crystals
A curved active element is what type of focus? Internal
Placing a lens in front of the active element is what type of focus? External
Can linear sequential array transducers steer sound beams electronically? Yes, forming a parallelogram shaped image
True or false: the sound beams transmitted from a convex or curved array are parrallel to each other like a sequential array? False, they are arranged in an arc
What type of image does a convex, curved or curvilinear scanner produce? Blunted sector shaped images
True or false: vector array transducers are a combination of linear sequential and linear phased array technologies True
What type of image does a vector array produce? Trapezoidal
Which type of transducer when the active element is damaged has no loss of image or drop-out, but has eratic steering and focusing? Phased array
Which two types of transducers have mechanical steering? Mechanical and annular phased
What are the three types of resolution in imaging? Axial, lateral and slice thickness or elevational resolution
True or false: Disc shaped crystals found in mechanical and annular phased arrays produce the best elevational resolution. True
True or false: 4-D imaging refers to real time 3-D imaging. True. It's a 3-D image with motion.
Three dimensional data acquired during an US using a 2-D probe creates an image. What word describes this action? Rendering
True or false: Side lobes and grating lobes create artifacts, degrade lateral resolution, and reduce image quality. True
Reducing the strength of side and grating lobes can be achieved through a process called what? Apodization
True or false: grating lobes can be eliminated if the strength of the electrical spikes differs from element to element in the probe. True, this is called apodization.
When the US system changes the number of active elements used along the face of the probe, this is called what? Variable aperture or dynamic aperture
Modern tranducers are called what? Arrays
Mechanical transducers have what type of a focal depth? Fixed focus or conventional or mechanical focus
In a phased array transducer, the sound beams are steered rather than the crystal being mechanically moved. This electronic steering is called what? Phasing
True or false, phased array always means "adjustable" or "mulit-focus." True
The line of electrical signals that excite the pzt's are called the what? Spike line
True or false, the sector shape image of an US is created due to the slight variations in the slope of the electrical pattern of the spike line. True
The electronics within the ultrasound system that create specific patterns is called what? The beam former
True of false, when a spike pattern is a straight line, an unfocused sound beam is created. True
The curved pattern of a spike line creates a _________ sound beam. Focused
If there is no predominant slope to a spike line the sound beam will be directed in which way? Straight down
A severe curvature of a spike line creates a shallow or deep focus? Shallow
An electrical spike pattern that is convex or D-shaped creates what kind of a beam shape? Defocused, but this is only of academic interest and has no application in diagnostic imaging.
A smaller diameter PZT creates a _________ focus beam, whereas larger diameter crystals create __________ focus beams. Shallow; deeper
Acoustic footprint refers to what? The area of the transducer that comes in contact with the skin
Annular means what? Ring-shaped
In both linear array and convex sequential array transducers, the active elements have a width of about_____ __________. One wavelength
True or false: In subdicing, a crystal is divided into a group of smaller crystals called sub-elements. These sub-elements are electrically joined, and act as if they are a single crystal, which reduces grating lobes. True
In apodization, ________ electrical signals are used to excite the inner crystals, and progressively ________ electrical spikes excite the outer crystals. Stronger; weaker
Created by: gillybruursema
Popular Sonography sets




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