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Unit 2: Development

8th Grade SC History

Barbados Caribbean colony that was profitable in cash crops & use of slave labor. Became a model for SC
Plantocracy a ruling class made up of wealthy planters who hold great influence over a society's economic, cultural, and political life
Headright system a tract of land offered to settlers who would come and work the land.
middle passage Journey of West Africans to the Americas across the Atlantic Ocean for the express purpose of being enslaved
Gullah Culture brought by West African slaves to the Lowcountry. Included music, dance, food, crafts, language.
Geechee dialect containing English words and words of African origin spoken by the descendants of African-American slaves in South Carolina
Stono Rebellion Rebellion of Lowcountry slaves against their owners in hopes of achieving freedom in Florida
Slave codes law created to protect enslaved people from cruel slaveholders, but in reality it gave all power to slaveholders. They could treat slaves however they wanted without consequence.
mercantilism Economic theory stating that colonies existed to benefit the mother country
triangular trade Europe purchases slaves to send to the Americas. Slaves grow cash crops. Crops sent to Europe for manufacturing. Repeat.
raw materials unprocessed material that is used to produce finished goods.
navigation acts series of laws that controlled trade and shipping between Great Britain and the American Colonies.
indigo a plant from India used to make a bluish-purple dye. It did not become a successful crop in SC until Eliza Pinckney's experiments.
tariff a tax to be paid on certain imports or exports
William Penn member of the Quaker religious group responsible for creating Pennsylvania. He was a strong believer in religious tolerance.
King Charles II King of England during the colonization of South Carolina. Charleston is named for him.
Eliza Lucas Pinckney SC’s first female entrepreneur who successfully grew indigo which became a profitable cash crop
lowcountry Coastal area of SC from beach to 50 miles inland. Became seat of colonial government power
backcountry Rest of SC not on the coast. Poorly represented in colonial government
Created by: myarborough
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