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Stack #38948

RRC Maintenance - Thyroid, adrenal, pituitary

HYPERTHYROIDISM Clinical syndrome where there is a sustained increase in the synthesis and release of thyroid hormones from the thyroid gland
GRAVE’S DISEASE autoimmune disease of unknown etiology marked by diffuse thyroid enlargement and excessive thyroid hormone secretion
s+sx of hyperthyroidism Increase in plasma bound iodine, Weight loss, Diarrhea, Smooth, silky skin, Dyspnea, Chest pain, Increased pulse, osteoporosis, Hypertension, Heat intolerance, tremors, Mood swing, Blurred vision, muscle wasting, amenorrhea, Startled appearance
nursing interventions for exophthalmosis provide protective eyewear (sunglasses for light sensitivity) and moist gauze covering at night (to help prevent increased dryness, Restrict sodium intake (to prevent water retention),Elevate HOB (gravity will assist with fluid drainage)
medical interventions for exophthalmosis artificial tears, prednisone to decrease inflammation in eye, diuretics such as Lasix to decrease fluids, or surgical decompression (LAST RESORT AS IT CAN PERMANENTLY DAMAGE EYE)
diagnostic test for hyperthyroidism Serum T3/T4 -> extreme elevation, Resin T3 uptake, TSH stimulation (no response to slight increase), Radioactive iodine uptake and scan -> increased uptake
clinical manifesation of thyroid storm Severe tachycardia ( ³130BPM), Systolic hypertension (systolic BP 160-200/?), Fever ( >40C), Dehydration, Hyperglycemia, Delirium, seizures, coma, Congestive heart failure
lithium bicarbonate inhibits thyroid hormone release
iodine solutions (Lugol's, potassium iodine) Inhibits the release of thyroid hormone by increase the amount stored in the gland. Suppresses the iodination of thyrosine thus inhibiting thyroid hormone synthesis; decreases vascularity and size of gland
Why can't METHIMAZOLE be used in pregancy or in breast-feeding mothers? crosses the placental barrier and breast milk and could cause the infant to become hypothyroid
PROPYTHIOURACIL (PTU) and METHIMAZOLE Blocks thyroid hormone synthesis and inhibits the peripheral conversion of T4 to T3 … DOES NOT INTERFERE WITH THYROID HORMONE ALREADY PRODUCED
hypothyroidism Results from insufficient circulating thyroid hormone
s+sx of hypothyroidism Hair loss, dry scalp, hair and skin, Yellow skin, Brittle nails, Stolid mask-like appearance, Constipation, Goiter, Extreme sensitivity to medications, Obesity, Cold intolerance, Fatigue, somnolence, Impaired wound healing, Decreased vital signs, Menstrua
levothroxine synthetic replacement of thyroid hormones and need to be taken for life
s+sx of myxedema coma Severe bradycardia (HR= 40-50BPM), weak and thready, Hypothermia (<36.5), Fluid accumulation in periorbital space, Cerebral hypoxia, Slurred speech, Decreased CNS stimulation, Weight gain
addison's disease Deficiency of ATCH following destruction of adrenal cortex which can result suddenly as a result of stressors such as trauma, surgery or infection
s+sx of addison's disease MANIFESTATIONS TEND NOT TO BECOME EVIDENT UNTIL 90% OF ADRENAL CORTEX IS DESTROYED…THEREFORE ADVANCED DISEASE BEFORE DIAGNOSIS…Weakness, fatigue, Anorexia, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, Fever, Restlessness, emotional instability, confusions
medication therapy for addison's disease Hydrocortisone, Prednisone, Fludrocortisone acetate, Antibiobiotic or TB-therapy
addison's crisis Shock, Circulatory collapse, Dehydration, Severe nausea and vomiting, Hypotensive crisis
cushing's disease Is a spectrum of symptoms associated with prolonged elevated plasma concentration of adrenal glucocorticoids; Overproduction of minerelocorticoids - aldosterone, glucocorticoids, androgens
clinical manifestations of cushing's disease Growth arrest, Obesity, Heavy trunk and emaciated arms and legs, Thin skin, ecchymosis, Muscle wasting, Osteoporosis, Edema, HTN, Wet chest sounds and S3 heart sounds, Hyperglycemia, Increased susceptibility to infection, Mental changes, virulism
Created by: bella83
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