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anatomy of the ear
Question | Answer | purpose |
helix | fold surrounding the auricle (pinna) | |
tragus | prominence over and in front of the acoustic meatus | |
lobe | fleshy part at the base of the ear | |
antitragus | ear projection opposite the tragus | |
concha | deep fossa of the external ear | |
pinna | soft cartilaginous outer portion of the ear | purpose is to collect sound and direct it down the ear canal |
external ear | pinna (auricle) and ear canal | enables sound to be collected and directed to the middle ear through the acoustic meatus (ear drum) |
ear canal (external auditory meatus) | canal of the temporal bone that carries sounds to the eardrum | 1/3 is made up of cartilage 2/3 made up of bone (ossius) |
Eardrum (tympanic membrane) | slender resistant elastic membrane that vibrates when sound waves are received from the ear canal, then transmits waves to the middle ear (ossicles) | |
where is the auditory mechanism located | in the temporal bone | |
cochlea | bony structure, part of the internal ear that receives sound vibrations from the ossicles and converts them into nerve impulses before sending them to the brain | |
eustachian tube | Mucus membrane canal that connects the middle ear to the nasopharnx | allows equalization of air pressure on both sides of the eardrum |
Malleus (hammer) | first ossicle of the middle ear | |
Incus (anvil) | middle ossicle of the middle ear | |
Stapes (stirrup) | ossicle of the middle ear connected to the incus on one side and the oval window on the other | |
ossicles | the smallest bones in the human body, held in place by muscles and ligaments and held together by membranes | they amplify vibrations of the eardrum |
middle ear | air filled cavity hallowed out of the temporal bone | it receives sounds from the external ear, amplifies them through the auricles and transmits them to the internal ear |
internal ear | liquid filled cavity hollowed out the temporal bone | transforms sound vibrations into nerve impulses to be interpreted by the brain |
oval window | The oval window is the demarcation between the middle ear and the inner ear functions. It provides a platform for the foot-plate to vibrate on. | |
round window | a membrane-covered opening in the wall of the inner ear | The round window dissipates the pressure generated by the fluid vibrations, thus serves as the release valve: It can push out or expand as needed. |