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Arches and Dev Strct
Dental Embryology DENT-125
Arches/Pouches | Future nerves and muscles | FutureSkeletal struct & ligam |
First arches | trigeminal nerve, muscles of mastication, mylohyoid and anterior belly of digastric, tensor tympani, tensor veli palatini muscles | malleus and incus of middle ear, including anterior ligament of the malleus, sphenomandibular ligament, and parts of spheniod bone |
Second arches (hyoid arches) | Facial nerve, stapedius muscle, muscles of facial expression, posterior belly of digastric muscle, stylohyoid muscle | Stapes and parts of malleus and incus of middle ear, stylohyoid ligament,stylohyoid process of temporal bone, lesser cornu of hyoid bone, upper part of body of hyoid bone. |
third arches | glossopharyngeal nerve, stylopharyngeal muscle | greater cornu of hyoid bone, lower part of body of hyoid bone |
fourth through sixth arches | Superior laryngeal branch and recurrent laryngeal branch of vagus nerve, levator veli palatini muscles, pharyngeal constrictors, intrinsic muscles of larynx | laryngeal cartilages |
First pouches | tympanic membrane (with first branchial or pharyngeal groove) tympanic cavity, mastoid antrum, auditory tube | first pouches |
Second pouches | crypts and lymphatic nodules of palatine tonsils | second pouches |
Third and fourth pouches | parathyroid and thymus glands | third and fourth pouches |