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1 Ch - Phy Sci M 2B

Apologia Physical Science Module 2B

Density can be used to identify substances because density is unique to each substance.
Friedrich Mohs 1812, German geologist, developed a scale of harness for minerals
malleability the ability of a solid to be hammered, pressed, or rolled into thin sheets without shattering
viscosity the physical property of a liquid to resist flowing
melting point the temperature at which a substance changes from a solid to a liquid (identical to the freezing point) (at a given pressure)
boiling point the temperature at which a substance changes from a liquid to a gas (at a given pressure)
Physical properties are used to separate substances in a mixture.
Physical properties can be used to observe or measure a substance without changing its composition.
Chemical properties are the properties measured or observed when matter undergoes a change and becomes an entirely different kind of matter.
The ability to burn is a chemical property because new substances are formed when something burns.
Two chemical properties are flammability and reactivity.
flammable materials wood, paper, gasoline, fabric, etc.
non-flammable materials water, nitrogen, brick, glass, etc.
Oxygen is a highly reactive element. Helium, however, almost never reacts with any other substance.
You can change the volume or a substance by changing its temperature.
When you increase the temperature of a substance, in general, its volume increases.
phase change reversible physical change that occurs when a substance changes from one state of matter to another
evaporation the change in phase from liquid to gas
condensation the phase change from gas to liquid
deposition when a gas changes directly from a gas to a solid, skipping the liquid phase
solubility the ability of one substance to dissolve in another
baking a cake an example of a chemical change
A change in color, such as observed with the Statue of Liberty, is an example of a chemical change which created a new compound.
cutting hair an example of a physical change
Chemical changes produce new substances while physical changes do not produce new substances.
Melting is a physical change; it can be reversed. Nothing new is produced.
Bleaching a red shirt is most likely a chemical change; it cannot be reversed.
Created by: MrsHough
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