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Digestive System voc
Vocabulary of the digestive system
Question | Answer |
alimentary canal | long,muscular tube that begins at the mouth and includes the pharynx,esophagus,stomach,small intestine,large intestine |
anus | narrow canal(hole)fecal material or stool. The final waste product of the digestive process,is expelled through this opening |
colon | contains several divisions |
digestive system | gastrointestinal system,responsible for the physical and chemical breakdown of food so that it can be taken into the bloodstream and used by body,cells,and tissue |
duodenum | first nine to ten inches |
esophagus | muscular tube dorsal to the trachea |
gallbladder | small muscular sac located under the liver and attached to it by connective tissue |
hard palate | bony structure that forms the roof of the mouth and seperates the mouth from the nasal cavities |
ileum | final 12 feet of small intestine and it connects with the large intestine at cecum |
jejunum | approximately 8 feet in length and forms the middle section of the small intestine |
large intestine | final section of the alimentary canal |
liver | largest gland in the body and is an accessory organ to the digestive system |
mouth | buccal cavity,receives food as it enters the body,it is tasted broken down,physically by the teeth |
pancreas | glandular organ located behind the stomach |
peristalsis | move the food in a forward direction |
pharynx | (throat)tube that carries both air and food |
rectum | the final six to eight inches of the large intestine and is storage area for indigestibles and waste |
salivary gland | the parotid,sublingual and submandibular,produce a liquid called saliva |
small intestine | coiled section of the alimentary canal |
soft palate | seperates the mouth from the nasopharynx |
stomach | enlarged part of the alimentary canal,recieves food from the esophagus |
teeth | special structures in the mouth that physically break down food by chewing and grinding |
tongue | muscular organ that contains special receptors called taste buds |
vermiform appendix | small projection |
villi | walls of the small intestine are lined with finger like projections |