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Nursing Verbs
Verb | Answer |
Acknowledge | to admit to be real or true; recognize the existence, truth, or fact of: to acknowledge one's mistakes. to show or express recognition or realization of: to acknowledge an acquaintance by nodding. |
Affirm | to state or assert positively; maintain as true: to affirm one's loyalty to one's country; He affirmed that all was well. |
Assess for | to fix or determine the amount of (damages, a tax, a fine, etc.): |
Clarify/Sought clarification | to make (an idea, statement, etc.) clear or intelligible; to free from ambiguity. |
Commend | to present, mention, or praise as worthy of confidence, notice, kindness, etc.; to entrust; give in charge; deliver with confidence: |
Contract | to become reduced in length, width, thickness, etc., by drawing together; become smaller: The pupils of his eyes contracted in the light. |
Elicit | to draw or bring out or forth |
Evaluate | o judge or determine the significance, worth, or quality of; assess: |
Facilitate | to make easier or less difficult; help forward (an action, a process, etc.) |
Fluctuate | to change continually; shift back and forth; vary irregularly |
Identified | Biology. to determine to what group (a given specimen) belongs. |
Provided feedback | a reaction or response to a particular process or activity |
Reinforced | Psychology. to strengthen the probability of (a response to a given stimulus) by giving or withholding a reward. |
Recommended | to represent or urge as advisable or expedient |
Validated | to make valid; substantiate; confirm |
Isolate | to keep (an infected person) from contact with noninfected persons; quarantine. |
manifest | to prove; put beyond doubt or question |
sparing | marked by or practicing careful restraint (as in the use of resources) |
Resuscitation | A method used to support a client's breathing and circulation until the body can do so on its own or the client is mechanically supported. It involves maintaining an open airway, providing artificial ventilation through rescue breathing, and promoting art |