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Useful things
Question | Answer |
hammer | martillo |
drill | taladro |
saw | serrucho |
torch | linterna |
stepladder | escalera |
screw | tornillo |
dustpan and brush | recogedor y escoba |
corkscrew | sacacorchos |
lighter | encendedor |
correction fluid | corrector líquido |
scissors | tijeras |
sellotape | cinta adhesiva |
washing powder | detergente |
plaster | yeso |
ruler | regla |
clothes pegs | percheros |
toothpast | pasta dental |
rope | cuerda |
wire | alambre |
pan | sartén |
cloth | trapo |
mop and bucket | trapo y un balde |
glue | goma |
tin opener | abrelatas |
rubber | borrador |
stappler | grapadora |
clips | clips |
needle and thread | aguja e hilo |
iron | plancha |
bandage | venda |
charger | cargador |