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quiz Tuesday


medical abrvmedical term
LUQ left upper quad
LLQ left lower quad
ENT ear,nose, and throat
OU each eye
OS left eye
OD right eye
RUQ right upper quad
RLQ right lower quad
RBC red blood cell/count
COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CAD cornary artery disease
WBC white blood cell/count
HIV human immune deficiency virus
DX diagnosis
DM diabetes mellitus
s/s a half
MI myocardial infraction
HX history
Ac before a meal
Wt weight
T temperature
EEG electroence phalogram
CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation
ECG/EKG electrocardio
BP blood pressure
DNR do not resuscitate
UTI urinal tract infection
ROM range of motion
IV intravenous
HR heart rate
URI upper respiratory infection
Tx treatment
TIA transient ischemic attack
SOB shortness of breath
Sx symptons
TB turberculosis
Rx medical prescription
q4h every 4 hours
q every
Hs bedtime
B.I.D twice a day
Ad Lib as desired
p.c after meal
OTC over the counter
NPO nothing by mouth
q.d everyday
qh everyhour
p.o orally
q.i.d 4 times a day
q2h every 2 hours
p.r.n as needed
Tid 3 times a day
Created by: K4Y
Popular Physical Science sets




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