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Midterm Global Issue

Globality The evolving way different places in the world interact with each other.
Global Imaginary people's growing consciousness of belonging to a global community
Globalism The idea that the world is becoming increasingly interconnected
4 qualities of globalization increasing social networks, relations, and interactions.
Mechanical Societies These types of societies are small, pre-modern ones that are held together by beliefs, values, and emotional ties.
Organic Societies are large and complex. They have an extensive division of labor, and specialized tasks, and are held together by the interdependence of specialized individuals.
Hunter-Gatherer Era people lived a nomadic type of lifestyle gathering in bands with a focus on the well-being of the whole group. Resources were shared and regulated by complex systems of obligations to the group.
IMF, World Bank, GATT 3 organizations that was established for Bretton Woods
Doesn't stop racism or discrimination Critics of Neoliberalism think
Globalization Actions or processes that involve the entire world and result in making something worldwide in scope.
Herding and Horticultural Societies Kept herds of domesticated animals, used primitive gardening. Produce a food surplus, leading to material inequalities, status and power hierarchies
Agriculture society Advanced farming techniques, complex caste systems
Industrial Revolution Society Cities got more populated they also got filthier, there was overcrowding, and poverty.
Denso Wave Who invented QR codes?
15,000 bits How much data can a QR code hold?
Expand Trade, binding rules for international economic activities, more stable monetary exchange 3 Main ideas of the Emergence of Global Order
47 billion to 19.5 trillion Value of world trade 1947-2018
Adam Smith and David Ricardo Neoliberalism Founders
Created by: Luyar
Popular Histology sets




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