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med/surg male reprod

male reproduction

What are two congenital problems with the penis and prepuce Hypospadias and Episapias
Where is Hyposapadias located Urethal meatus ventral surface
Episapadias location Urethral meatus dorsal side
Phimosis Foreskin constricted around glands because of edema, inflammation
Paraphimosis permanent retracted foreskin behind glands
Epididymitis Defective prostate or urinary tract, complication of STD's
Epididymitis symptoms unilat pain, soreness inguinal canal, swelling in scrotum, elev temp, peruria, chills
Tx of Epididymitis BR, eleve scrotum, antibiotics, cold compresses, analgesics
Orchitis Inflammation of testis caused by virus or parasite
S/S or Orchitis painful, swollen, tender testes
Tx of Orchitis Antibiotics, BR, icepack to scrotum
Hydrocele Collection of fluid in testes caused by infection or injury
Transillumination Uses a flashlight to shine through the scrotum and visulalize contents
Tx of Hydrocele not required unless severe, drainage or aspiration can be done
Spermatocele frim sperm-containing painless cyst of the epididymis with transillumination
Varicocele abnormal dilation of the veins of the scrotum, infertitlity, pain, tenderness, corrected by surgical removalor injection of a sclerosing agent
Testicular Torsion Twisting of Spermatic cord that supplies blood to epididymus, medical ER, surgery
Syptoms of TT severe scrotum pain, tenderness, swelling, n/v, no urinary symptoms, pain doesn't stop with elevation
ED inablity to maintain erection
ED manifestations Less frequent erections, inability to have a firm erection, rapid detumescence
Created by: kib
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