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P&P 2010 immunity k

P&P 2010 immunity k

To destroy foreign agents, Prevent development & growth of abnormal cells, is the function of what ? Immune System Function:
Key Blood Cell Involved is immunity is the Lymphocyte
another word for Foreign, “Non-self” is antigen
viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites what type of antigen Infectious agents
pollens, foods, bee/snake venom are what type of antigen Environmental
drugs, vaccines, transfusions, transplanted tissue are what type pf antigen Medical –
antigens get the immune system to generate antibodies
A marker (on 6th chromosome) that marks all cells belonging to that person and prevents immune system from attacking itself is called Major Histocompatability Complex MHC
First Line – Surface Membrane Barriers, Intact skin, Intact Mucous Membranes, Mucus, Nasal hair,Cilia,Gastric juice,Lacrimal secretions (tears),and Saliva are what line of defence first line of defense
Nonspecific – Phagocytosis, Neutrophils & Monocytes → Macrophages, Inflammatory response,Fever and Antimicrobial Proteinsis what line of defense second line of defense
-what prevents viral reproduction in surrounding cells Interferon
what type of cell injects ‘perforin’ to kill virus / cancer cells natural killer cells (NK)
Cell - attacked by virus - secretes small protein …? interferon (INF)
? cannot save that cell - diffuses into nearby cells & prevents viral replication interferon
Not specific thus, interferon (INF) protects against any virus
what also activates macrophages & NK cells in the anticancer role
Nonspecific lymphocytes are also called natural killer cells
what attacks membranes & ‘shoot it’ with chemicals (perforins) → kills nucleus interferon
what can attack viruses & cancer cells interferon
a Specific Defenses - Immune Response- Specific,Systemic it has memory – stronger attack with each encounter (secondary response), and LYMPHOCYTES is what line of defense third line of defense
what does R.A.AT stand for recogination, activation, attack
Different lymphocytes have receptors for different antigens, When a lymphocyte finds its “match”, it binds it to its receptor is what step in the immune response recognition first
The binding stimulates the lymphocyte to start cell division ➵ clonal expansion (1 → 2 → 4 → 8 etc) is what step in the immune response activation second
Attack is started against all antigens of the type that were ‘recognized’ is what step of the immune response attack third
B cells –are what type of immunity
Originate in bone marrow, Travel to Thymus gland to mature, Once mature – divide the ‘workload’ is what type ofimmunity Cell-Mediated ImmunityT Cells
what type of cell directly attacks virus' with ‘perforins’ Cytotoxic T-cells
what type of cell Releases lymphokines to - Activate more T-cells, Stimulate macrophages, Attract neutrophils, Signal B-cells to start producing antibodies Helper T-cells
what inhibits T & B cells Suppressor T-cells
what type of cell Remembers this antigen for future reference Memory T-cells
B cells - bone marrow, Migrate to lymph nodes is what type of immunity Humoral Immunity (B Cells)
Clonal Expansion of B cells is the ? Primary Response
when antibodies attack antigens its called Neutralization
what binds antigens together ? Agglutination
what allows phagocytosis ? Opsonization
what activates the complement cascade? lysis
what triggers mast cell degranulation inflammatory response
what contains microbes that have been killed or attenuated vaccine
what contains bacterial toxins that have been modified to destroy toxicity toxoid
Both vaccine and toxoid induce antibody formation without causing severe disease therefore it creaits what type of immunity? active immunity
Routine immunization of children, Adults against tetanus, Immunization for a specific disease for high risk groups, Prior to travel to area where a disease is prevalent are ? indacations of use for a vaccine
what measures the level of antibodies in the blood titre Contraindications
During febrile illnesses, Immunosuppressive drug therapy, Immunodeficiency states – eg. Leukemia, and Pregnancy what is contraindicated vaccines
what type of vaccine is formulated annually,Grown in chick embryos – allergy to eggs, Single 0.5 ml IM dose influenza vaccine
what are made from an antigen/organism, Injected, and the B cells in the blood respond producing antibodies. vaccines
what binds to the antigen to "neutralize“ or inactivate it
what are produced and remain ready to respond against subsequent infection with the same disease causing agent memory cells
Provide temporary passive immunity for people already exposed to or experiencing a disease Immune Serums and Antitoxins
what is the goal of Immune Serums and Antitoxins prevent or modify disease
what aids in diagnosing tuberculosis Tuberculin
T cells are what type of immunity cell mediated immunity
Created by: kfroel4
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