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medical terms / words you need to know

TermDefinitionroot prefixsuffix
Presby old age x
ab away from x
Ad towards x
circum around x
dia through x
ecto out, outside x
endo within x
epi upon x
ex away from x
exo outside x
inter between x
intra within x
peri around x
sub under x
trans across x
ante before x
post after x
ectomy removal of x
trophy nutrition x
desis surgical fixation x
esthesia sensation x
cytosis condition of cells x
penia deficiency x
lithiasis presence of stone x
scopy process of looking x
paresis slight paralysis x
edema swelling x
rrhagia excessive flow x
ptosis drooping , falling down x
physis growing x
ema condition x
itis inflammation x
ism condition x
tomy surgical incision x
stomy surgical opening x
megaly enlargement x
trophic pertaining to nutrition x
ology study of x
pathy disease x
centesis puncture x
cele hernia x
asthesia weakness x
emesis vomiting x
iasis presence of x
plegia paralysis x
osis condition, state, process x
pnea breathiing x
enia blood x
phonia sound x
phobia fear of x
plegic pertaining to paralysis x
algia pain x
dynia pain x
scope instrument used to look x
plasty surgical fixation / correction x
oto ear x
kinesis movement x
hyster uterus x
cardi /o heart x
coron/o heart vessel x
coron/ary pertaining to heart vessel x
cardio pulmon/ary pertaning to heart and lungs x
dermis 2nd layer of skin x
cutane/o skin x
sub/cutane/o 3rd layer of skin x
cardio/myo/pathy heart / muscle.disease x
enter/o small intestine x
hypo low x
athro joint x
dermis skin x
myringo eardrum x
oophor ovaries x
pneumo air and lungs x
meno menstrual x
neur/o nerve x
hepat liver x
muscle my/o , myos/o , muscl/o x
blood hem/o hemat/o x
nephro kidney x
epidermis 1st layer of skin x
cardio heart x
rhino nose x
amino amniotic sac x
angio vessel x
kinesia movement x
gastro stomach x
pneum lungs x
pneumon pneumonia x
tachy fast x
hypertension high blood pressure
blood pressure 130 / 80 blood pumped against arteries
febril signs of fever
afebril no signs of fever
hyperpyrexia abnormally high fever
pulse radial artery (60 to 100 bpm )
brady slow x
respiration how well your body is providing O2 to tissues ( 12 to 20 )
korotkoff sounds sounds detected by the stethoscope
oral mouth
rectal bottom
axillary under arm
tympanic ear
temporal head
auscultation means to listen
syncope fainting x
ac pertaining to x
al pertaining to x
ar pertaning to x
ary pertaning to x
form like or resembling x
ic pertaning to x
ical pertaining to x
ile pertaining to x
ile pertaning to x
old pertaning to x
ory pertaning to x
ous pertaning to x
rectosyl anus falling out x
anti against x
contra against x
de away from x
dys bad x
eu good x
mal bad , inadequate x
re again x
semi half x
hemi half x
syl together , joined , union x
sym together , joined , union x
syn together , joined , union x
sys together,joined,union x
ultra beyond , excessive x
adip/o fat,fatty x
hidro sweat x
ichthy fish,scaly x
kerat/o horny tissue x
lip/o fat x
melan/o black x
myc/o fungus x
onych/o nail x
pil/o hair x
seb/o sebum x
glands oil x
steat/o fat x
trich/o hair x
xanth/o yellow x
xer/o dry x
Ankyl/o bent,crooked x
athr/o joint x
brachi/o arm x
burs/o bursa x
calcane/o heel x
calci/o calcium x
carp/o wrist x
cephal/o head x
cervic/o neck x
chondr/o cartilage x
condyl/o knob, kunckle x
cost/o rib x
crani/o skull x
dactyl/o fingers, toes x
fasci/o fascia x
femor/o femur x
fibr/o fiber x
humer/o humerus x
illi/o illium x
ischi/o ischium x
kyph/o hump,bent x
lamin/o lamina x
leiomy/o smooth muscle x
lumb/o lumbar x
maxill/o upper jaw x
metacarp/o metacarpal x
my/o muscle x
myel/o spinal cord , bone marrow x
oste/o bone x
patell/o knee x
ped/i ped/o foot x
pelv/o pelvis x
phlang/o finger , toe bone x
pod/o foot x
pub/o pubes x
rachi/o spine x
radi/o forearm bone x
scapul/o scalpula x
scoli/o curved x
spondyl/o vertebra x
stern/o sternum x
synov/o synovial membrane x
tars/o tarus x
ten/o , tend/o,tendin/o tendon x
thorac/o thorax x
rhytid/o wrinkle x
tibi/o tibia x
uln/o ulna x
vertebr/o vertebra x
ossicle ear x
Created by: Kayaaa1
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