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All spanish words
Term | Definition |
Twin | Gramela |
Eat | Comer |
Family | Familia |
Husband | Esposo |
Wife | Esposa |
application | la aplication |
la cámara digital/de video | digital/video camera |
el canal | (TV) channel |
el cargador | charger |
cybercafé | el cibercafé |
el control remoto | remote control |
el correo de voz | voice mail |
CD | el disco compacto |
el estéreo | stereo |
la pantalla táctil | touch screen |
el radio | radio (set) |
el reproductor de CD | CD player |
el reproductor de MP3 | MP3 player |
el (teléfono) celular | cell phone |
el televisor | television set |
la autopista, la carretera | highway |
trunk | el baúl |
la calle | street |
el capó, el cofre | hood |
car | el carro, el coche |
traffic | la circulación, el tráfico |
garage; (mechanic's) repair shop | el garaje, el taller (mecánico) |
la gasolina | gasoline |
la gasolinera | gas station |
apagar | to turn off |
funcionar | to work |
llamar | to call |
to turn on | poner, prender |
to ring | sonar (o:ue) |
not working; out of order | descompuesto/a |
slow | lento/a |
full | lleno/a |
la licencia de conducir | driver’s license |
la llanta | tire |
el/la mecánico/a | mechanic |
el navegador GPS | GPS |
el parabrisas | windshield |
la policía | police (force) |
speed limit | la velocidad máxima |
el volante | steering wheel |
arrancar | to start |
arreglar | to fix; to arrange |
bajar(se) de | to get off of/out of (a vehicle) |
conducir, manejar | to drive |
estacionar | to park |
abrazar(se) | to hug; to embrace (each other) |
ayudar(se) | to help (each other) |
besar(se) | to kiss (each other) |
encontrar(se) (o:ue) | to meet (each other); to run into (each other) |
saludar(se) | to greet (each other) |
por aquí | around here |
por ejemplo | for example |
por eso | that’s why; therefore |
por fin | finally |
la computadora (portátil) | (portable) computer; (laptop) |
la conexión inalámbrica | wireless (connection) |
la dirección electrónica | e-mail address |
la impresora | printer |
Internet | Internet |
el mensaje de texto | text message |
el monitor | (computer) monitor |
la página principal | home page |
la pantalla | screen |
el programa de computación | software |
el ratón | mouse |
la red | network; Web |
el reproductor de DVD | DVD player |
el sitio web | website |
el teclado | keyboard |
borrar | to erase |
chatear | to chat |
descargar | to download |
escanear | to scan |
grabar | to record |
guardar | to save |
imprimir | to print |
navegar (en Internet) | to surf (the Internet) |
la boca | mouth |
el brazo | arm |
la cabeza | head |
el corazón | heart |
el cuello | neck |
el cuerpo | body |
el dedo | finger |
el dedo del pie | toe |
el estómago | stomach |
la garganta | throat |
el hueso | bone |
la nariz | nose |
el oído | (sense of) hearing; inner ear |
el ojo | eye |
la oreja | (outer) ear |
el pie | foot |
la pierna | leg |
la rodilla | knee |
el tobillo | ankle |
el accidente | accident |
el antibiótico | antibiotic |
la aspirina | aspirin |
la clínica | clinic |
el consultorio | doctor's office |
el/la dentista | dentist |
el/la doctor(a) | doctor |
el dolor (de cabeza) | (head)ache; pain |
el/la enfermero/a | nurse |
el examen médico | physical exam |
la farmacia | pharmacy |
la gripe | flu |
el hospital | hospital |
la infección | infection |
el medicamento | medication |
la medicina | medicine |
la operación | operation |
el/la paciente | patient |
la pastilla | pill; tablet |
la radiografía | X-ray |
la receta | prescription |
el resfriado | cold (illness) |
la sala de emergencia(s) | emergency room |
la salud | health |
el síntoma | symptom |
la tos | cough |
caerse | to fall (down) |
dañar | to damage; to break down |
darse con | to bump into; to run into |
doler (o:ue) | to hurt |
enfermarse | to get sick |
estar enfermo/a | to be sick |
estornudar | to sneeze |
lastimarse (el pie) | to injure (one's foot) |
olvidar | to forget |
poner una inyección | to give an injection |
prohibir | to prohibit |
recetar | to prescribe |
romper | to break |
romperse (la pierna) | to break (one's leg) |
sacar(se) un diente | to have a tooth removed |
ser alérgico/a (a) | to be allergic (to) |
sufrir una enfermedad | to suffer an illness |
tener dolor (m.) | to have pain |
tener fiebre (f.) | to have a fever |
tomar la temperatura | to take someone's temperature |
torcerse (o:ue) (el tobillo) | to sprain (one's ankle) |
toser | to cough |
congestionado/a | congested; stuffed-up |
embarazada | pregnant |
grave | grave; serious |
mareado/a | dizzy; nauseated |
médico/a | medical |
saludable | healthy |
sano/a | healthy |
a menudo | often |
a tiempo | on time |
a veces | sometimes |
además (de) | furthermore; besides |
apenas | hardly; scarcely |
así | like this; so |
bastante | enough; rather |
casi | almost |
con frecuencia | frequently |
de niño/a | as a child |
de vez en cuando | from time to time |
despacio | slowly |
menos | less |
muchas veces | a lot; many times |
poco | little |
por lo menos | at least |
pronto | soon |
rápido | quick |
todos los días | every day |
mientras | while |
las afueras | suburbs; outskirts |
el alquiler | rent (payment) |
el ama (m., f.) de casa | housekeeper; caretaker |
el barrio | neighborhood |
el edificio de apartamentos | apartment building |
el/la vecino/a | neighbor |
la vivienda | housing |
alquilar | to rent |
mudarse | to move (from one house to another) |
el altillo | attic |
el balcón | balcony |
la cocina | kitchen |
el comedor | dining room |
el dormitorio | bedroom |
la entrada | entrance |
la escalera | stairs; stairway |
el garaje | garage |
el jardín | garden; yard |
la oficina | office |
el pasillo | hallway |
el patio | patio; yard |
la sala | living room |
el sótano | basement; cellar |
la alfombra | carpet; rug |
la almohada | pillow |
el armario | closet |
el cartel | poster |
la cómoda | chest of drawers |
las cortinas | curtains |
el cuadro | picture |
el estante | bookcase; bookshelves |
la lámpara | lamp |
la luz | light; electricity |
la manta | blanket |
la mesita | end table |
la mesita de noche | night stand |
los muebles | furniture |
la pared | wall |
la pintura | painting; picture |
el sillón | armchair |
el sofá | couch; sofa |
la cafetera | coffee maker |
la cocina, la estufa | stove |
el congelador | freezer |
el electrodoméstico | electric appliance |
el horno (de microondas) | (microwave) oven |
la lavadora | washing machine |
el lavaplatos | dishwasher |
el refrigerador | refrigerator |
la secadora | clothes dryer |
la tostadora | toaster |
la copa | wineglass |
la cuchara | (table or large) spoon |
el cuchillo | knife |
el plato | plate |
la servilleta | napkin |
la taza | cup |
el tenedor | fork |
el vaso | glass |
arreglar | to neaten; to straighten up |
barrer el suelo | to sweep the floor |
cocinar | to cook |
ensuciar | to get (something) dirty |
hacer la cama | to make the bed |
hacer quehaceres domésticos | to do household chores |
lavar (el suelo, los platos) | to wash (the floor, the dishes) |
limpiar la casa | to clean the house |
pasar la aspiradora | to vacuum |
planchar (la ropa) | to iron (the clothes) |
poner la mesa | to set the table |
quitar la mesa | to clear the table |
quitar el polvo | to dust |
sacar la basura | to take out the trash |
sacudir los muebles | to dust the furniture |
aconsejar | to advise |
insistir (en) | to insist (on) |
mandar | to order |
recomendar (e:ie) | to recommend |
rogar (o:ue) | to beg |
sugerir (e:ie) | to suggest |
Es bueno que… | It’s good that... |
Es importante que… | It’s important that... |
Es malo que… | It’s bad that... |
Es mejor que… | It’s better that... |
Es necesario que… | It’s necessary that... |
Es urgente que… | It’s urgent that... |
Por | movement; motion by a general location |
Por | time; duration of an action |
Por | Action; reason or motive for an action |
Por | object of a search |
Por | means by which something was done |
Por | exchange or substitution |
Por | unit of measurement |
para | movement;destination |
para | time ;deadline or a specific time in the future |
para | Action; purpose or goal+[Initiative] |
para | purpose+[noun] |
para | the recipient of something |
para | comparison with others or an opinion |
para | in the employment of |
regular(formal command) rules for -ar verbs | -ar verbs ->e/(plural)-en |
regular(formal command) rules for -er/ir verbs | -er/ir verbs ->a/(plural)-an |
(Irregular commands);dar | Usted; de Ustedes; den |
(Irregular commands);estar | Usted; este Ustedes; esten |
(Irregular commands);ir | Usted; vaya Ustedes;vayan |
(Irregular commands);saber | Usted; sepa Ustedes; sepan |
leer | to read |
dormir | to sleep |
(Irregular commands);ser | Usted; sea Ustedes; sean |
regular(formal command) rules for verbs that end in -car | c ->qu |
regular(formal command) rules for verbs that end in -gar | g ->gu |
regular(formal command) rules for verbs that end in -zar | z ->c |
if the usted command is affirmitive | the reflexie pronouns are atteced to the end |
if the usted command is negative | the reflexive pronouns go at the biggening of the verb phrase |
(Imperfect) irregular verb:ser(yo) | era |
(Imperfect) irregular verb:ser(Tu) | eras |
(Imperfect) irregular verb:ser(El/ella/Usted) | era |
(Imperfect) irregular verb:ser(Nosotros) | eramos |
(Imperfect) irregular verb:ser(Ellos/Ellas/Usted) | eran |
(Imperfect) irregular verb:ir(yo) | iba |
(Imperfect) irregular verb:ir(Tu) | ibas |
(Imperfect) irregular verb:ir(El/ella/Usted) | iba |
(Imperfect) irregular verb:ir(Nosotros) | ibamos |
(Imperfect) irregular verb:ir(El/Ella/Usted) | iban |
(Imperfect) verb conjugation for -ar verbs(yo) | -aba |
el árbol | tree |
el bosque (tropical) | (tropical; rain) forest |
el cielo | sky |
el cráter | crater |
el desierto | desert |
la estrella | star |
la flor | flower |
la hierba | grass |
el lago | lake |
la luna | moon |
la naturaleza | nature |
la nube | cloud |
la piedra | stone |
la planta | plant |
el río | river |
la selva, la jungla | jungle |
el sendero | trail; path |
el sol | sun |
la tierra | land; soil |
el valle | valley |
el volcán | volcano |
el animal | animal |
el ave, el pájaro | bird |
el gato | cat |
el perro | dog |
el pez (sing.), los peces (pl.) | fish |
la vaca | cow |
el calentamiento global | global warming |
el cambio climático | climate change |
la conservación | conservation |
la contaminación (del aire; del agua) | (air; water) pollution |
la deforestación | deforestation |
la ecología | ecology |
el/la ecologista | ecologist |
el ecoturismo | ecotourism |
la energía (nuclear, solar) | (nuclear, solar) energy |
el envase | container |
la extinción | extinction |
la fábrica | factory |
el gobierno | government |
la lata | (tin) can |
la ley | law |
el medio ambiente | environment |
el peligro | danger |
la (sobre)población | (over)population |
el reciclaje | recycling |
el recurso natural | natural resource |
la solución | solution |
cazar | to hunt |
conservar | to conserve |
contaminar | to pollute |
controlar | to control |
cuidar | to take care of |
dejar de (+ inf.) | to stop (doing something) |
desarrollar | to develop |
descubrir | to discover |
destruir | to destroy |
estar afectado/a (por) | to be affected (by) |
estar contaminado/a | to be polluted |
evitar | to avoid |
mejorar | to improve |
proteger | to protect |
reciclar | to recycle |
recoger | to pick up |
reducir | to reduce |
resolver (o:ue) | to resolve; to solve |
respirar | to breathe |
de aluminio | (made) of aluminum |
de plástico | (made) of plastic |
de vidrio | (made) of glass |
ecologista | ecological |
puro/a | pure |
renovable | renewable |
alegrarse (de) | to be happy |
esperar | to hope; to wish |
sentir (e:ie) | to be sorry; to regret |
temer | to fear; to be afraid |
es extraño | it’s strange |
es una lástima | it’s a shame |
es ridículo | it’s ridiculous |
es terrible | it’s terrible |
es triste | it’s sad |
ojalá (que) | I hope (that); I wish (that) |
(no) creer | (not) to believe |
(no) dudar | (not) to doubt |
(no) negar (e:ie) | (not) to deny |
es imposible | it’s impossible |
es improbable | it’s improbable |
es obvio | it’s obvious |
no cabe duda de | there is no doubt that |
no hay duda de | there is no doubt that |
(no) es cierto | it’s (not) certain |
(no) es posible | it’s (not) possible |
(no) es probable | it’s (not) probable |
(no) es seguro | it’s (not) certain |
(no) es verdad | it’s (not) true |
a menos que | unless |
antes (de) que | before |
con tal (de) que | provided (that) |
cuando | when |
después de que | after |
en caso (de) que | in case (that) |
en cuanto | as soon as |
hasta que | until |
para que | so that |
sin que | without |
tan pronto como | as soon as |
la cuadra | (city) block |
la dirección | address |
la esquina | corner |
el letrero | sign |
cruzar | to cross |
indicar cómo llegar | to give directions |
doblar | to turn |
estar perdido, estar perdida | to be lost |
quedar | to be located |
este, al este | (to the) east |
norte, al norte | (to the) north |
oeste, al oeste | (to the) west |
sur, al sur | (to the) south |
derecho | straight (ahead) |
enfrente de | opposite; facing |
hacia | toward |
Izquierda | to the left |
recto/ derecho dedrecho | Straight ahead |
da vuelta | around |
cruzar | across |
pasar por | pass |
entre...y... | in the middle of...and... |
a lado de | to the right of |
enfrente de | Infront of |
en la esquina de | in the corner of |
hacia arriba | going up |
hacia abajo | going down |
tome la 1ra (cuadra) a la derecha | take the first block to the right |
tome la 2de (cuadra) a la izquierda | take the 2nd block to the left |
Atravesar | through |
subir | up |
bajar | down |
dablar | turn |
girar | turn |
virar | turn |
use of Subjunctive | uncertain/don't know, "pregunta"(question);Exception personal 'a' cannot be used for hypothetical people; used with "a" when hay is is for questioning |
use of Indicative | certain, an answer to a question, used with a confirmed verb; When hay is not used for questioning |
buscar | to look for |
Conocer | know |
saber | know |
cerca | near |
pregunta | ask |
auxilio | help |
la caja | box |
con premiso | Excuse me (request permision) |
por ejemplo | for example |
floristeria | florist's shop |
falda | skirt |
perdon | Excuse me (to get one's attention) |
respetar | respect |
tardar | late |
Alguien | someone |
hay | there is |
encontró | found |
present progressive for -ar verbs | -ando |
present progressive for -er/-ir verbs | -iendo |
present progressive for -ar/-ir/er verbs when it ends with a vowel after dropping the ending | -yendo |
bailar | dance |