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La Comida Vocab
Senderos 2 Chapter 2: La Comida
Spanish | English |
El camarero | Waiter (masculine) |
La camarera | Waiter (feminine) |
La comida | The food/meal |
El dueño | The owner/landlord (masculine) |
La dueña | The owner/landlord (feminine) |
Los entremeses | Appetizers |
El menú | The menu |
El jamón | The ham |
Las uvas | The grapes |
La pera | The pear |
El tomate | The tomato |
El limón | The lemon |
La zanahoria | The carrot |
El pollo | The chicken |
El pavo | The turkey |
La carne de res | Beef |
El maíz | The corn |
La lechuga | The lettuce |
La cebolla | The onion |
El champiñon | The mushrooms |
La naranja | The orange |
La langosta | The lobster |
El atún | The tuna |
Los camarones | The shrimp |
El salmón | The salmon |
El plato (principal) | The (main) dish |
El agua | The water |
La bebida | The drink |
El helado | The ice cream |
La leche | The milk |
El postre | The dessert |
El refresco | The soft drink/soda |
El ajo | The garlic |
Las arvejas | The peas |
Los cereales | The cereal or the grains |
Los frijoles | The beans |
El durazno (Mexico), El melocotón (spain) | The peach |
El pollo asado | The roast chicken |
El queso | The cheese |
El yogur | The yogurt |
El aceite | The oil |
La margarina | The margarine |
La mayonesa | The mayonnaise |
El vinagre | The vineger |
Delicioso | Delicious (masculine) |
Deliciosa | Delicious(feminine) |
Sabroso | Tasty(masculine) |
Sabrosa | Tasty(feminine) |
Saber a | To taste or to taste like |
El desayuno | The breakfast |
El tostado | The toast |
La mantequilla | The butter |
El jugo | The juice |
El huevo | The egg |
El azúcar | The sugar |
Las papas fritas | The french fries |
Las papas | The potatoes |
El té helado | The iced tea |
La ensalada | The salad |
La sal | The salt |
La sopa | The soup |
El bistec | The steak |
Los espárragos | The asparagus |
La pimienta | The pepper |
Escoger | To choose |
Merendar | To snack |
Probar | To try or to taste |
Servir | To serve |
El té | The tea |
Recomendar | To recommend |
Frutas | Fruit |
Granos | Grains |
Vegetales | Vegtables |
Proteína | Protein |
Lácteos | Dairy |
El pan | The bread |
El pescado | The fish |
El almuerzo | The lunch |
La cena | The dinner |
Mismo | Same |
Pedir | To ask |
Almorzar | To lunch (verb) or to have/eat lunch |
Preferir | To prefer |
Probar | To prove |
Conocer | To know |
Alimentos | Food |
Cocinar | To cook |
Vegano | Vegan(masculine) |
Vegana | Vegan(feminine) |
Vegetariano | Vegetarian(masculine) |
Vegetariana | Vegetarian(feminine) |
Marisco | Seafood |
Buen provecho | Enjoy your meal |
Ahogarse | To choke |
Tirar | To throw |
La vitrina | Display case/window |
Tonto | Silly |
El jugo | The juice |
El huevo | The egg |
El azúcar | The sugar |
Las papas fritas | The french fries |
Las papas | The potatoes |
El té helado | The iced tea |
La ensalada | The salad |
La sal | The salt |
La sopa | The soup |
El bistec | The steak |
Los espárragos | The asparagus |
La pimienta | The pepper |
Escoger | To choose |
Merendar | To snack |
Probar | To try or to taste |
Servir | To serve |
El té | The tea |
Recomendar | To recommend |
Frutas | Fruit |
Granos | Grains |
Vegetales | Vegtables |
Proteína | Protein |
Lácteos | Dairy |
El pan | The bread |
El pescado | The fish |
El almuerzo | The lunch |
La cena | The dinner |
Mismo | Same |
Pedir | To ask |
Almorzar | To lunch (verb) or to have/eat lunch |
Preferir | To prefer |
Probar | To prove |
Conocer | To know |
Alimentos | Food |
Cocinar | To cook |
Vegano | Vegan(masculine) |
Vegana | Vegan(feminine) |
Vegetariano | Vegetarian(masculine) |
Vegetariana | Vegetarian(feminine) |
Marisco | Seafood |
Buen provecho | Enjoy your meal |
Ahogarse | To choke |
Tirar | To throw |
La vitrina | Display case/window |
Tonto | Silly |
Pagar | Pay |
Caro | Expensive |
Pider | To ask |
Harina | Flour |
Azúcar en polvo | Powdered Sugar |
Azúcar | Brown sugar |