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Chapter 7

General Physiology

Apocrine sweat glands Large sweat glands that are found under the arms, around the nipples, and in the genital region.
Appendicular skeleton Portion of the skeleton that consists of the upper extremities and pelvic girdle
Ateries Large blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart
Articulation Another term for joint
Axial skeleton Portion of the skeleton that consists of the skull, spinal column, ribs, and sternum
Bone marrow Gelatinous material that produces white blood cells, or platelets.
Cancellous bone Lightweight bone found in the interior of bones
Capillaries A system of microscopic vessels that connects the arterial and venous systems
Cartilage Tough, connective tissue, nonvascular elastic tissue
Central nervous system (CNS) The brain and spinal cord
Compact bone Outer layer of bones, where needed for strength; also known as cortical bone
Gomphosis A type of fibrous joint such as a tooth into the alveolus
Integumentary system The skin system
Involuntary muscles Muscles that function automatically without concious control
Joints Structural areas where two or more bones come together
Muscle insertion Location where the muscle ends; the portion away from the body's midline
Muscle origin Location where the muscle begins; the portion toward the body's midline
Neurons Direct nerve impulses
Osteoblasts Cells that form bone
Pericardium Double-walled sac that encloses the heart
Periosteum Specailized connective tissue that covers all bones of the body
Peripheral nervous system Crainial nerves and spinal nerves
Peristalsis Rhythmic action that moves food through the digestive tract
Plasma A straw-colored fluid that transports nutrients, hormones, and waste products
Red blood cells Cells that contain the blood protein hemoglobin, which plays an essential role in oxygen transport; also known as erythrocytes
Sebaceous glands Oil glands that keep the hair and skin soft and are associated with sex hormones
Sharpey's fibers Tissues that anchor the periosteum to the bone
Sudoriferous glands Sweat glands that are widely distributed over the body and provide heat regulation
Viens Blood vessels that carry blood to the heart
White blood cells Cells that have the primary function of fighting disease in the body; also known as leukocytes
Created by: KalynBaimakovich
Popular Dentistry sets




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