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A & P- Unit 6.2

Anatomy and Physiology- Unit 6.2, does not include unit 6.1

Skull contains ___ bones. 22
Skull contains ___ cranial and ___ facial. 8, 14
Cranial bones form, function? Cranial cavity, protects brain
Frontal bone Forms forehead and most of anterior portion of cranial floor.
Parietal bone Forms sides and roof of cranial cavity
Temporal bone Forms inferior sides and part of cranial floor
Occipital bone Forms posterior and base of cranium
Sphenoid bone Forms middle part of base of skull
Ethmoid bone Forms anterior portion of cranial floor and medial wall of orbits
Two of these six cranial bones are in pairs: Parietal, Temporal
Nickname for sphenoid bone, why? Keystone, connects to all cranial bones
Cranial bone helps stabilize brain and provides areas of attachment for muscles that move head Ethmoid bone
Sutures Immovable joints between skull bones; holds bones together.
Coronal Frontal bones and 2 parietal bones
Sagittal unites two parietal bones
Lambdoid Unites parietal bones to occipital bone
Squamous Unites parietal bones to temporal bones
Paranasal sinuses lined w/ mucous membranes
Function of paranasal sinuses Produce mucus and resonating chamber for sound
4 sinuses: Frontal sinus, sphenoid sinus, ethmoid bone, maxillae
Fontanels membrane filled spaces between cranial bones
Process called that turns fontanels into sutures Intermembranous ossification
Four fontanels: Anterior fontanel, anterolateral fontanel, posterior fontanel, posterolateral fontanel
Hyoid bone unusual bc: Doesn't connect with any other bone
Hyoid bone suspended from: Temporal bones
Hyoid bone located between, function: Mandible and Larynx, tongue support and muscle attachment
Vertebrae bones of vertebral column
Functions of vertebrae Protects spinal cord, supports head, attachment for ribs, pelvic girdle, and back muscles
Invertebral discs Found between most adjacent vertebrae
Outer ring of invertebral discs made of Fibrocartilage
Three functions of invertebral discs Strong joint formation, vertical shock absorbers, movement
Four functions of skeletal curves Increases strength, shock absorbers, maintain balance, protect vertebrae breakage
Body Thick, weight- bearing part of a vertebra
Two processes that make up the vertebral arch Pedicles, lamina
Four process extensions of vertebral arch Transverse process, superior articular process, spinous process, Inferior articular process
Function of C1 Atlas, supports head
Function of C2 Axis, Provides pivot for head
Function of Thoracic Movement restricted by ribs and sternum
Function of Lumbar Spinous processes adapted for back muscles
Function of Sacrum Foundation of pelvic girdle
Thoracic cage made of 4 parts: sternum, ribs, costal cartilages, bodies of thoracic vertebrae
Sternum, aka the ___ made of 3 parts: breastbone, Manubrium, body, xiphoid process
There are ___ pairs of ribs. 12
Costal cartilage is made out of ___ cartilage Hyaline
True ribs got their name b/c ___ and are #___ Attach directly to the sternum, 1-7
False ribs got their name b/c___ and are #___ Cartilage attaches indirectly to sternum or not at all, 8-12
Floating ribs got their name b/c___ and are #___ not attached to sternum, 11-12
Created by: FDerstine
Popular Physical Science sets




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