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central place theory
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Unit 6 Vocab

AP Human Geography Unit 6 Vocab Ch 15-17

Boomburg suburb that has grown rapidly into a large and sprawling city with more than 100,000 residents
central place theory theory use to describe the spatial relationship between cities and their surrounding communities
edge city a type of community located on the outskirts of a larger city with commercial centers with office spaces, retail complexes, and other amenities typical of an urban center.
Exurb typically fast growing community outside of or on the edge of a metropolitan area where the residents and community are closely connected to the central city and suburbs
gravity model a model that predicts the interaction between two or more places; geographers derived the model from Newton's law of universal gravitation
Infill redevelopment that identifies and develops vacant parcels of land within previously built areas
Megacity a city with a population of more than 10 million
Metacity a city with a population of more than 20 million
metropolitan area a city with surrounding areas that are influenced economically and culturally by the city.
primate city the largest city in the country which exceeds that next city in population size and importance
Range in central place theory, the distance that someone is willing to travel for a good or service
rank-size rule explanation of size cities within a country, states that the second-largest city will be one-half the size of the largest, the third-largest will be one-third the size of the largest, so on
Threshold in central place theory the number of people needed to support a business
urban area a city and its surrounding suburbs
urban sprawl areas of poorly planned, low-density development surrounding a city
world city a city that wields political, cultural, and economic influence on a global scale
african city model a model of urban development depicting a city with three central business districts, growing outward in a series of concentric rings
concentric-zone model a model of urban development depicting a city growing outward from a central business district in a series of concentric rings
disamenity zone a high poverty urban area in a disadvantaged location containing steep slopes, flood-prone ground, rail lines, landfills, or industry
galactic city model a model of urban development depicting a city where economic activity has moved from the central business district toward loose coalitions of other urban areas and suburbs; also known as the peripheral model
latin american city model a model of urban development depicting a city with a central business district, concentric rings, and sections stricken by poverty, also known as griffin-ford model
multiple nuclei model a model of urban development depicting a city where growth occurs around the progressive integration of multiple nodes, not around one central business district
Node focal point of a functional region
sector model a model of urban development depicting a city with wedge-shaped sectors and divisions emanating from the central business districts, generally along with transit routes
south asian city model a model of urban development depicting a city oriented around a port and lacking a formal central business district, growing outward in concentric rings and along multiple nodes
squatter settlement an informal housing area beset with overcrowding and poverty that features temporary homes often made of wood scraps and metal sheeting
Zoning the process of dividing a city or urban area into zones within which only certain land uses are permitted
Blockbusting a practice by real estate agents who would stir up concern that black families would soon move into a neighborhood; the agents would convince white property owners to sell their houses at below marked prices
Brownfield abandoned and polluted industrial site in a central city or suburb
de facto segregation a segregation that results from residential settlement patterns rather that from prejudicial laws
Ecological footprint impact of a person or community on the environment, expressed as the amount of land required to sustain the use of natural resources
Eminent domain a government’s right to take over privately owned property for public use or interest
Environmental injustice the ways in which communities of color and poor people are more likely to be exposed to environmental burdens such as air pollution or contaminated water, also called environmental racism
New urbanism a school of thought that promotes designing growth to limit the amount of urban sprawl and preserve nature and usable farmland
Redling practice by which a financial institution such as a band refuses to offer home loans, on the bias of a neighborhood’s racial or ethnic makeup
Regional planning planning conducted at a regional scale that seeks to coordinate the development of housing, transportation, urban infrastructure,and economic activities
slow-growth city a city where planners have used smart-growth policies to decrease the rate at which the city grows outward
smart-growth cities policy implemented to create sustainable communities by placing development in convenient locations and designing it to be more efficient and environmentally responsible
traditional zoning zoning that creates separate zones based on land-use type or economic function such as various categories like residential, commercial, or industrial
transportation development the creation of dense, walkable, pedestrian-oriented, mixed use communities centered around or located near a transit station
urban growth boundary a boundary that separates urban land uses from rural land uses by limiting how far a city can expand
urban renewal the nation wide movement that developed in the 1950s and 1960s when US cities were given massive federal grants to tear down and clear ou crumbling neighborhoods and former industrial zones as means of rebuilding downtowns
Walkability a measure of how safe, convenient, and efficient it is to walk in an urban environment
zone of abandonment area that has been largely deserted due to lack of jobs, declines in land value, and falling demand
Filtering the process of neighborhood change in which housing vacated by more affluent groups passes down the income scale to lower-income groups
Greenbelt a ring of parkland, agricultural land or other type of open space maintained around an urban area to limit sprawl
inclusionary zoning law law that creates affordable housing by offering incentives for developers to set aside a minimum percentage of new housing construction to be allocated for low-income renters or buyers
land tenure the legal rights as defined by a society, associated with owning land
mixed-use development (MUD) a single planned development designed to include multiple uses, such as residential, retail, educational, recreational, industrial, and office spaces
mixed-use zoning zoning that multiple land uses in the same space or structure
Created by: Amelia987
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