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Fund - Module 9

Fundamentals Exam 3 - Urinary Elimination

what is the average urinary output? 1500-2000 mL/day
how many mL/hour is a cause for concern? less than 30 mL/hour for more than 2 hours
what is the role of the kidneys in urinary elimination? filter and excrete blood constituents not needed and retain those that are needed
ureters transport urine from kidneys to bladder
internal sphincter guards opening between bladder and urethra
urethra transports urine from bladder to exterior of body
what is the length of a female urethra? 1.5-2.5 in
what is the length of a male urethra? 5.5-6.25 in
external sphincter controls retention and release of urine from urethra
how many mL can the bladder hold until there is a desire to void? 150-250 mL
what is unique about the first voided urine of the day? it is usually more concentrated than other urine excreted
anuria absence of urine output typically found during kidney failure; less than 50 mL over a 24 hour period
dysuria painful or difficult urination
frequency the need to urinate several times in normal or less than normal volumes; usually accompanied by feeling of urgency
hematuria blood in the urine
oliguria decreased urine output; less than 500 mL of urine in a 24 hour period or less than 0.5 mL/kg/hour for adults and children
nocturne the need to get up at night on a regular basis to urinate
polyuria greater than 2.5 L of urine over 24 hours; urine typically clear with no color
pysuria at least 10 WBC per cubic millimeter of urine, indicating infection; pus may be visible in urine
urgency a sensation of an urgent need to void, can cause urge incontinence
Created by: ballen9519
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