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Safety and Hygiene

Where would you place a patient who is at high risk for falls? In a room very close to the nurse's station
What should the room of a patient who is at risk for falls be like? Free of clutter, well lit
The use of restraints is regulated by ________. OBRA
True or false: A vest restraint is considered a chemical restraint. False!
True or false: a restraint should be used as soon as a patient begins exhibiting potentially harmful behavior. False! It is a last resort, and you must try alternatives first.
If a patient is being restrained, a _____ _______ must be in place for the eventual removal of the restraint care plan
A patient in restraints should be observed and documented on every ______ ________. 15 minutes
True or false: social isolation can result from the use of restraints. True!
True or false: you should avoid giving hygienic care according to your client's preferences because it is time consuming. False!
What type of pressure ulcer involves partial thickness loss of the dermis or epidermis or both? Stage 2
True or false: Dementia is a risk factor for pressure ulcers. True, dementia is an example of decreased mental status.
True of false: if a patient is not eating enough and is losing weight, this is considered a risk factor for pressure ulcers. True!
Can undermining and tunneling be present in a stage 3 pressure ulcer? Yes!
In what stage of pressure ulcer might you be able to see bone in some cases? Stage 4
What should the nurse monitor if the patient already has as pressure ulcer? Size and depth, amount and color of exudate, presence of pain or odor, color of the exposed tissue.
True or False: Keeping your patient's skin and clothing dry will help prevent pressure ulcers from forming. True!
True or False: If a patient has as skin tear, the nurse should place a plain gauze pad on the area and tape it to the skin. False! A NON-ADHERENT dressing should be placed on the area and NO tape should be placed on the skin.
How should dentures be placed back into a patient's mouth after cleansing them? Uppers first, then lowers
What types of patients should not have their feet soaked during the bath? Diabetics, patients with peripheral vascular problems
How should the eyes be cleaned during the bath? With clean water, no soap, from inner canthus to outer canthus.
Your patient is taking a blood thinner. What type of razor should be used to shave his face? Electric razor
In what direction should the nurse shave a patient's face with a razor? In the direction of hair growth
Created by: ProfessorGemmel
Popular Nursing sets




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