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Arteries have more pressure than veins True or False True!
Arteries carry ____ blood from the heart oxygenated
Veins return ____ blood to the heart deoxygenated
Describe the heart valves job One-way, forward direction of blood and prevent backflow
What supplies blood directly to the heart? Coronary ostia give the myocardium oxygen rich blood
Conduction system does what? sustains the electrical activity of the heart
Define barorecptors pressure sensitive nerve endings
Define chemorecptors sensitive to pH and CO2
Cardiac Output is __ to __ L/min 4-8
Stroke volume is __to__ml 60-70
Define ischemia reduced blood supply that can eventually cause pain
Define anasarca generalized edema
Define orthopnea difficulty breathing laying flat
Define thrombus stationary blood clot
Define embolus mobile blood clot
Calf pain that increases with dorsiflexion is called what? Homans sign
If blood clot is suspected should you massage it? What else can you do? NOOOOOO, apply warm packs, ambulate, elevate legs, high compression socks
Define aortic stenosis aortic valve narrows, become stiff, and thickens
Define aortic regurgitation valve does not close tightly and blood can leak backwards
Define arteriosclerosis hardening of the arteries
Where is cholesterol made? The liver
Define atherosclerosis arteries that fill up with fat
Total cholesterol= less than 200 mg/dL
HDL= greater than 55 mg/dL
LDL= less than 100 mg/dL
Women are more likely to get coronary artery disease (CAD) True or false FALSE- men are more likely
Define MONA Morphine, Oxygen, Nitrates, ASA
Hypertension= over 140/90
Created by: Lynne2712
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