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LSC Ch 73 Breast Prb

LSC Nursing

Fibroadenoma Most common benign lesion, teenagers to 30's, oval freely mobile and rubbery, enlarges during pregnancy, symptoms resolve after menopause
Fibrocystic Breast Imbalance estrogen/progesterone, Lobes, Ducts, Stromal(fibrous) tissues, 1st stage: premenstrual bilat tenderness, 2nd stage: bilateral multicentric nodules, 3rd stage: micro & macroscopic cysts
Interventions/Treatment for Fibrocystic Breast US & Needle aspiration to reduce pressure, Mammogram check for Cancer, Oral BCP's suppress estrogen, decrease salt intake, hot pads or ice comfort
Ductal Ectasia as approaching menopause, ductal dialation, walls thicken, duct blocks, nipple d/c, redness & edema over site, needle bx r/o cancer, skin orange peel appearance, warm compresses & antibiotics, surgical removal palpable mass
Intraductal papilloma 35-40yrs, papilloma blocks duct, bloody or serous nipple d/c, no mass palpable, R/O breast Ca
Large Breasted Women difficulty finding clothing to fit, out of proportion, expensive bras, straps cause dents in shoulders, fungal infections dvlp under breasts, pick them up, clean, & dry!, back problems, can affect breast feeding, Breast Reduction Mammoplasty Insurance cov
Small breasted Women Breast Augmentation, Ins. doesn't pay- cosmetic procedure
Saline implants placed behind chest muscle wall, graudally expand by adding saline to implant, if leaks- can be absorbed
Silicone Implants Elastic gel-filled, if leaks, cannot be absorbed
Surgical Info for Breast Augmentation Avoid Smoking, NSAIDs, Herbs (garlic, ginko biloba, ginsen), incision hidden, 1-2 drains, risk infection and leakage, expect chest soreness, breasts feel tight & sensative, warm, may itch, don't lift, pull, push, raise hands over head,
Gynecomastia Breast enlargement in Men, Not normal aging, May be from metastatic CA Lung or testicular, anti-androgen & corticosteroids, malnutrition, kidney disease, alcoholism, liver disease, hypothyroidism, obesity
Non Invasive Breast Cancer Ductal Carcinoma in situ: most common, may become invasive if not treated, Lobular Carcinoma In Situ: most often becomes invasive, not easily dx, even w/mammo
Invasive Breast Cancer Infiltrationg Ductal Carcinoma: Palpable, Inflammatory: Orange peel Appearance, Most Malignant, Metastasis Sites: bones, lungs, brain, liver
Men Risks For Breast Cancer <1%, Age >60, w/genetic mutation, hard, painless, irm subareolar mass, gynecomastia, nipple d/c, detected late
Young Women Risk Breast Cancer <40, more aggressive forms, Screening more difficult, If treated, may have infertility
High Increased Risk Females, Age >65, genetics, Family Hx, Hx, of previous breast cancer, breast density-denser breasts contain more glandular & connective tissue
Moderate Increased Risk Family Hx, Bx confirmed, recieved ionizing radiation, high postmenopausal bone density
Low Increased Risk Reporductive Hx (null or first child born after 30), menstraul hx- early menstration or late menopause, oral BCPs, HRT, Obesity
Other Risk Factors: Alcohol, High socioeconomic status, Jewish heritage
BSE (Breast Self Exam) Early detection, Palpation Teaching, Techniques: Need to know what breast normally feels like, thickening can be normal, stand in front of mirror: inspect, note dimpling, retraction, or areolar dimpling,raise arms up over head, lyingdown/standing up, fing
Assesing a breast mass ID location of mass using face of clock method, describe shape, size, consistency, of mass, assess ifi t is fixed or movable, note skin changings, assess lymph nodes, any pain or soreness
Lab Results for Breast Cancer Elevated Liver Enzymes & Se Calcium & Alkaline Phosphatase-bone elevated
Nursing Dx for Breast Ca Ineffective coping, Anticipatory grieving, acute pain-tumor compression, distured sleeping pattern, disturbed body image, sexual dysfuction r/t surgery
Breast Conserving Part of the breast removed, followed by rad, remove tumor & obtain clear margins, Lumpectomy: wide excision, Partial/Segmental Mastectomy, same day proc
Modified Radical Mastectomy Breast completly removed, pectoral muscles remain, reconstruction: Plastic surgeon guides location of incisions, recon done at same time
POST OP Care after Mastectomy Arm on surgical side- no blood draws, no bp, support on pillow Jackson Pratt Drains- gentle suction, removes fluids that impair healing, monitor for signs of infection, swelling, exercise-don't stress incision, squeeze soft ball,flex/extend elbow
Post Op care w/breast reconstruction lessens psychological strain of mastect, can use implants or autologus recon,
TRAM Flap blood supply from abdomen muscle is tunneled to breast site, compression type dressing
Adjunct Therapy Post OP Based on: stage of disease, pathologic exam, hormone receptor status, Radiation tx, Chemo, HRT, Serum tumor antigens monitored to determine response to tx: Rise when there is still CA, Lower when tx is working
CHEMOTHERAPY For Stage II or Higher: Dose dense chemo-more frequent dosing shorter intervals
Adjunct Therapy Post OP Based on: stage of disease, pathologic exam, hormone receptor status, Radiation tx, Chemo, HRT, Serum tumor antigens monitored to determine response to tx: Rise when there is still CA, Lower when tx is working
CHEMOTHERAPY For Stage II or Higher: Dose dense chemo-more frequent dosing shorter intervals
Chemotherapy Agents Cytoxin, Adriamycin, 5-FU; Taxane combos: metatastic disease, SE: INFERTILITY and systemic SE
Targeted Therapy Monoclonal antibody tratuzumab (HER2-gene) Herceptin, Bevacizumab (Avistan) stops new blood vessels that feed tumor SE Cardiac
LH-RH Agonists Prevent Ovarian release of estrogen
Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERMS) Estrogen Receptor breast CA, Take for 5 yrs after surgery/tx, Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) or Raloxifene (Evista) SE: Hot flashes & Wt Gain
Aromatase Inhibitors Post menopausal women, Inhibits conversion of androgen to estrogen, give w/tamoxifen in post menopausal women, SE: Loss of bone density/Osteoporosis
Second Line Therapy Post Menopausal Women, Fulvestrant (Faslodex) when other hormonal tx stop working
Stem Cell Transplantation Option for those at high risk for reoccurance
Post Op Care after Breast Reconstruction Monitor site and flap for infection during dressing changes, poor tissue perfusion (duskiness decreased cap refill), avoid pressure on flap & sutures, position pt on non-op side, monitor drainiage collec., opt appearance up to 3-6months
Patient & Family Education after Breast Reconstruction change dressing if it becomes soiled, some leakage is norm from drainage site, if a lot notify physician, empty drains 2x/day and measure, drains removed when drainage is <25mL/24hrs 7-10days after surgery, numbness is normal from the inner side of arm
Health Teaching: Infection Infection: Redness, swelling are normal 1st 2 weeks. If symptoms increase w/increased heat & tenderness, possible infection
Lymph Node Dissection Elevate arm 30min/day first 6 months, avoid lymphodema: keep arm up more during night, compression sock for arm, loose fitting bra or just a t-shirt
Arm Exercises 1 wk after surgery, reaching and stretching only to point of pain or pulling, exercise in water
AVOID Lymphedema and Infection in arm Protect arm and hand, wear glove/mitt when using oven/gardening, treat cuts and scrapes promptly, if lymphedema occurs, Elevatie arm to promote drainage, prevention is easier than treating once developed
Created by: ginabeana
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