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Vocab Unit 6


A flower or group of flowers; the state or time of flowering. (V)to have or produce flowers, to develop, open up, or appear. blossom
The synonyms of this word are bloom, bud; flourish, grow. blossom
The antonyms of this word are to wither, fade. blossom
To strike against each other with force; to clash. collide
The synonyms of this word are to crash, slam; to conflict. collide
The antonyms of this word are to avoid, evade; to agree, settle. collide
Never stopping; recurring; staying the same; loyal, steady. constant
The synonyms of this word are continuous, unchanging; true. constant
The antonyms of this word are variable; fickle. constant
Pleased with or accepting of; not wanting anything else. (N) an amount that is held or contained; the meaning or subject of. content
The synonyms of this word are satisfied; fulfilled (n) theme. content
The antonyms of this word are unhappy; restless. content
To draw attention to something else, cause to turn aside; to disturb. distract
The synonyms of this word are to divert, sidetrack; to bother. distract
The antonyms of this word are to focus; concentrate. distract
A long time without rain; a prolonged shortage. drought
The synonyms of this word are dryness; a lack. drought
The antonyms of this word are drenching; flood; a surplus, glut. drought
Unpleasant to the senses; dirty or polluted; dishonorable; against the rules of the sport or game; stormy or rainy. (N) a violation of the rules; a ball that goes outside of boundary lines. (V) to pollute or make filthy; to break the of a game; to foul. foul
The synonyms of this word are offensive (V) to contaminate. foul
The antonyms of this word are clean; fair. foul
Of high birth rank; outstanding; of good moral character. (N) Someone of high rank or birth. noble
The synonyms of this word are highborn; honorable (N) an aristocrat. noble
The antonym of this word is lowly. noble
A plan, set of rules, or way to act; a written insurance contract. policy
The synonyms for this word are guidelines, procedures, a code, system, practice. policy
There are no antonyms for this word. policy
A case used to hold arrows; a trembling motion. (V) To shake or tremble. quiver
The synonyms for this word are a sheath; a tremor; shiver (V) to shudder, flutter. quiver
There are no antonyms for this word. quiver
Small in size or degree; not much; not important. (V) to treat as unimportant; to make light of. (N) an act of neglect or discourtesy. slight
The synonyms for this word are slender; minor; (V) to snub (N) an insult. slight
The antonym for this word is compliment. slight
Neat and in good order; comfortable or large in amount. (V) To put things in neat or proper order. tidy
The synonyms for this word are orderly; substantial (V) to neaten. tidy
The antonyms for this word are messy (V) clutter. tidy
Created by: Mrs. Nealis
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