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psych final review


Muscle spasms, particularly in neck andeyesTongue protrusion, dysphagia and spasms in the throat can compromise airwayAre painful and frightening to the patient Dystonic Reactions
reaction mustly linked with clozapine Agranulocytosis
Which of the following is administered for EPS? cogentin and benadrlyl
Restlessness, Pacing, Inability to be still, no purpose to movementOccurs when antipsychotic is started or increased Akathisia
Shuffling gaitMuscle stiffnessMask-like facial expressionCogwheeling of jointsDrooling Pseudoparkinsonism
Phase I: the schizoid phases- indifferent to social relationships and having a very limited range of emotions. They do not enjoy close relationships and prefer to be “loners” they appear cold and aloof
s/s: delusional thinking, Suspiciousness Nursing dx= disturbed thought processes
Positive Symptoms of schizo Also referred to as psychosis Includes hallucinations, delusions, bizarrethinking and speech, bizarre behavior
Phases II: the prodromal phase- social withdrawal; impairment in role functioning;peculiar or eccentric behav; neglect of hygiene blunted or inappropriate affect disturbances in communication; bizarre ideas; unusual perceptual experiences; and lack of initiative, interest, or energy.
Tardive Dyskinesia Abnormal, involuntary movements afterlong-term use of antipsychoticsCauses patient to socially isolateIs irreversible, but can stop progressionwith decreasing or stopping the medicationAIMS screening tool
verbalizes hearing voices listening pose Nursing dx= disturbed sensory perception (auditory)
May be poverty of speech (alogia), nointerest in life (anhedonia), lack of will,flat or blunted affect (most visible)Catatonia: rare, most bizarre of the_____ symptoms negative symptoms
Phases III: schizophrenia- psychotic symptoms are prominent. (delusions, hallucinations, social/occupational dysfunction, continuous signs for at least 6 months
Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome Can be fatalCharacterized by fever, muscle rigidity andabnormal muscle enzymes (show in lab)Must stop the antipsychotic immediately (this is an emergency), but another may work
Phase IV: residual phase- characterized by periods of remission and exacerbation. A residual phase usually follows an active phase of the illness. Symptoms are similar to those of the prodromal phase, with flat affect and impairment in role functioning being prominent.
Agranulocytosis Potentially fatalMost linked with clozapineFailure of bone marrow to produce adequate white blood cellsCharacterized by fever, malaise, sore throat
Created by: chelsea309
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