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LSC Ch 65 Endo

LSC Nursing

Anterior Pituitary Gland - Adenohypophysis Over or Under Secretion of Hormones: GH, TSH, ACTH (Corticotropin), FSH, LH, MSH (melanocyte stim. horm), PRL (Prolactin) * MOST LIFE THREATENING
Hypopituitarism Short Stature; GH: Decreased Somatomedin C-Decreased Bone Density, Decreased Se Cholesterol, Gonadotropins & FSH: Decreased testes & ovary stimulation
Assessment of Pituitary Hypofunction Change in physical appearance, loss of 2ndary sex characteristics (facial & body hair loss in men women amenorrhea, breast atrophy, decreased pubic hair, Nuerological vision changes,
Dx Tests Pituitary Hypofunction CT/MRI Enlargement in sella turcica Labs: Vary
Interventions of Hypopituitarism Males: Androgen (testosterone)Therapy, Avoid in prostate CA, Gyencomastia, & Prostate Enlargement. Women: Estrogen & Progesterone Therapy, Risk: HTN & DVT's, Chlomid induces ovulation
Hyperpituitarism Over production of: GH, Prolactin, TSH, ACTH, FSH, LH, MSH; cause: Pituitary adenoma (benign) or hyperplasia in anterior pituitary, may be genetic
Symptoms of Pituitary Tumor Visual Changes, HA, Galactorrhea, AMenorrhea, Infertility Increased ICP
Gigantism Excess secretion of GH before Puberty, rapid proportional growth in all lengths of bones
Acromegaly Excess secretion of GH after growth plates have closed. increased skeletal thickness, hypertrophy of skin, enlargement of many organs liver & heart
Hyperglycemia in Acromegaly Occurs because GH blocks the secretion of insulin
Progression Acromegaly Increased Strength & metabolism, Replaced w/lethargy & weakness, compression optic nerve, skin: perspires, oily, Enlarged organs, HTN, Enlarged tonue - dysphagia, Deep voice-larynx hypertrophy, Hypogonadism - small glands
Psychosocial Assessment Acromegaly Change in Appearance, Impact on personal relationships, infertility, Emotional Lability, Fear of Dx, surgery, tumor
Lab & Radiology Assessment: Acromegaly Determine which hormone is in excess, Skull XR, CT/MRI's, Suppression tests (blood)
Common Nursing Dx for Acromegaly Disturbed Body Image, Sexual Dysfunction, Addl... Pain, Fear, Anxiety, Ineffective coping, Activity Intolerance, Disturbed sensory perception, Deficient knowledge
Disturbed Body Image Expected Outcomes: Reduce/Eliminate HA & Visual Disturbances, Reverse as many body changes as possible, Sense of congruence between reality and body presentation
Dopamine Agonists Bromocriptine mesylate (Parlodel) give w/meals, SE: orthostatic hypotension, gastric irritation, abd pain, N&V, constipation, HA; cardiac SE rare, go to ER if chest pain; start dose slowly gradually increase; not during pregnancy
Somatostatin Analogs Octreotide (Sandostatin), Pegvisomant (Somavert), Decrease neg. feedback, block grwth hormone receptors; Weekly IM Inj SE: Gallbladder disease
Rad Therapy Acromegaly not immediate tx, long term tx slow to show results, gamma knife: increased accuracy, brachytherapy-seeds inside tumor
Hypophysectomy Remove pituitary & tumor, reverses some body changes, improves sex cannot reverse organ enlargement, skeletal, & visual changes, Nasal packing 2-3 days w/mustache dressing, *CANT brush teeth, cough, sneeze or bend forward (Increased ICP)
Post OP Care Monitor Neuro Stats, watch for complications DI, CS leak, Infection, Inc. ICP, KEep HOB elevated 30 degrees, report post nasal drip or halo sign on dresssings, avoid cough, lifelong meds for whole gland removal thyroid & glucocorticoids
Drugs for sexual dysfunction Bromocriptine, Hormone Replacement Androgens or Estrogen/ progesterone
Diabetes Insipidus Insufficient release of ADH, Polyuria: water excreted in excess- unabsorbed by tubules, DEHYDRATION: severe (causes decreased BP, Decreased Cardiac Output, Tenting of Skin), U/O>4-30L/day, Fluid replacement to prevent shock
Common Nursing Dx for DI Deficient Fluid Volume, Decreased Cardiac Output, Impaired Oral Mucous Membranes, Potential for Dysrhuthmias
Nursing Interventions DI Accurate & Frequent I&O (Hourly), Low Specific Gravity, dilute almost like H2O, Monitor for dehydration, weigh daily, drink fluids to equal U/O
Partial Deficit DI Drug Therapy Chlorpropamide (Diabinese), stimulates remaining ADH, check allergies to sulfa, teach symptoms of hypoglycemia, carry concentrated sugar
Complete Deficit DI Drug Therapy Vasopressin Therapy in Hospital & DDAVP Desmopressin at home; DOn't drink more than 3L/day, Blow nose B4 using spray, sit up, hold breath: keep med in contact w/nasal mucosa, Lifetime tx
Pt Education DI Monitor for Signs of DI, if Wt gain or loss, contact MD, MEdications can cause fluid overload, HA, Acute Confusion, Wear a Medical Bracelet
Syndrome of Inappropriate ADH (SIADH) Vasopressin secreted even when not needed, Water Retention, Dilutional Hyponatremia (Na+), Increased GFR inhibits renin and aldosterone release leading to increased NA loss or Hyponatremia
Assessment SIADH Symptoms of H20 Retention (Na level <115), Lethargy w/decreasing LOC to coma, HA, Hostility, confusion, Seizures,
Diagnostic Assessment SIADH Urine Osmolarity Increases (Concentrated Urine), Plasma Osmolarity Decreases, Urine Na levels and specific gravity increase
Non Surgical Interventions for SIADH Fluid Restriction 500mL/24hrs, Includes parenteral meds, need good oral hygeine, remind not to swallow; measure I&O daily wt, IV's: 3% NaCl replaces Na, Diuretics if HF present
Drug Therapy SIADH Demclomycin preferred, SE: yeast infections, Need good oral care, rinse toothbrush in 10%bleach, eat yogurt, Monitor for Fluid Overload: pulm edema & HF(can occur quickly), bounding rapid HR, JVD Distention, perpheral edema, Moist Lung Sounds
Interventions for SIADH Safety due to confusion, Neuro stats q2-4hrs, muscle twitching progressing to seizures or coma, Quiet Environment
Addison's Disease Most common cause is withdrawl of glucocorticoid meds (prednisone), hypoglycemia, Reduced urea nitrogen excretion- anorexia/wt. loss, Reduced aldosterone secretion: K+ excretion reduced Hypokalemia, Hyponatremia, Hypovolemia, Low androgen levels hair
Addison's Crisis Acute Insufficiency, Response to stressful event, severe fluid & electrolyte loss: rapid loss Na, High K, Hypovolemia, Hypotension, Tachycardia, Death, causes: Steroids, Stress Ulcers
Hx Assessment Addison's Disease Decreased activity level, Muscle weakness Salt craving, GI Problems, Anorexia, N, V, D, Wt. loss, Menstrual changes/impotence
Physical Assessment Addison's Disease Symptoms previously listed, hyperpigmentation, hypoglycemia, Volume Depletion, Hyperkalemia-cardiac dysrrhythmias
Diagnostic tests Addison's Decreased BG, Decreased Na+, Decreased Cortisol, Increased K+, Increased BUN, Low levels Cortisol in UA, Skull XR check pituitary, ACTH stim test- lack response of cortisol
Interventions for Addison's Daily wt, I&O, VS, watch for sighns of crisis, replacement hormones 2/3 in am, 1/3 in pm, Cortisol: glucose, Aldosterone: Na & H2O, Mineralcorticoids to maintain electrolyte balance
Corticosteroids for Addison's Great & Dangerous drugs, SE Hungry, Moon Face, Buffalo Hump, Fragile Skin, Weak bones, stress ulcers,
Corticosteroids Medication Info Weaning: acute use<6days, chronic>7days, must wean/taper doses to cease drug (assists adrenal gland to slowly make them), Sudden withdrawal of LT use leads to Crisis/death, Increased stress requires increased dosing (surg, trauma, emotional, etc)
Doses for Corticosteroids Prefer to give in AM if once a day dosing, sometimes use every other day dosing, take w/meals (GI irritation), Prednisone half life 18-36hrs Elderly more prone to adrenal suppression, exacerbated symptoms
Adrenal Gland Hyperfunction excess cortisol: cushings, excess aldosterone: hyperaldosteronism, excess androgens: sex, The 3 S's Sugar, Salt, & SEX, Adrenal Tumor: excess catecholamines epinephrine & norepinephrine bad for heart
Cushings Disease less responsive to hormones, decreased metabolism, increased body fat, buffalo hump, moon face, changes in activity or sleep patterns, fatigue, muscle weakness, bone pain, frequent infections, easy bruising, GI problems, menses
Androgen production Acne, Excessive Hair Grwth, Clitoral Hypertrophy, Decrease estrogen production, no menstration
Assessment Cushing's Disease Emotional, mood swings, irritability, confusion, depression, fatigue and sleep difficulties,
Diagnostic Tests For Cushing's INCREASE: Cortisol, ACTH, BG, Na, DECREASE: Lymphocyte, Ca, K, Cortisol elevated in UA, XR, CT, MRI: lesions on adrenal gland, Increased salivary cortisol level, Dexamethasone Suppression tests: normally cortisol is suppressed by this test-elevated
Nursing Dx: for Cushing's *Excess Fluid Volume, *Risk For Infection, *Risk for Injury, Disturbed Body Image, Sleep Deprivation, Risk for falls, Deficient Knowledge, Imbalanced Nutrition
Interventions: Excess Fluid Volume: Cushing's Mitotane (Lysodren) Interferes w/ACTH, Nutrition Therapy, Fluid & Na Restrictions, Monitor signs of fluid status: I&O, wt, Schedule fluids throughout day, Specific Gravity- Low, IV's need to be included in total intake
Rad Therapy for Cushing's Pituitary Adenomas: not always effective- destroys normal tissue
Surgical Mgmt Cushing's Hypophysectomy: pituitary adenoma, Adrenalectomy: Adrenal Tumor
PreOp Care Cushing's Regulate Electrolyte Imbalance, Cardiac Monitoring, Hyperglycemia, Prevent infections, Safety- decrease risk of falls*Glucocorticoids during surgery to prevent adrenal crisis after removal of tumor
Post Op Care Cusing's Monitor closely for signs of shock, skin b/d, pathological fx, GI bleeding
Risk For Injury Cushing's skin assessment & protection, use tape sparingly, gentle handling, monitor wounds for healing, drug therapy for gastric ulcers - H2 Receptor Blockers
Risk For Infection Cushing's Corticosteroids mask infections, may only have low grade fever, pus type wound drainage, Monitor vS for minor ele. of temp, Skin care hygeine & lubrication, Pulmonary Hygeine, CDB, assess lungs
Potential for Acute Adrenal Insufficiency (Cushing's) Highest risk: pt taking glucocorticoids, Adrenal gland atrophy, stop producing glucocorticoids, life threatening if stopped suddenly - need to wean
Hyperaldosteronism Increased Na & Fluid Retention, Increased Aldosterone Secretion, Increased Blood volume & BP, K Loss
Assessment Hyperaldosteronism HA, Fatigue, Muscle weakness, Nocturia, Polydipsia, Polyuria, Paresthesia
Interventions Hyperaldosteronism Surg - Adrenalectomy, K levels must be Normal First, Tx & outcome same for SIADH
Pheochromocytoma Tumor of Adrenal medulla, excess release of epinephrine & Norepinephrine, Overstimulation of Sympathetic Nervous System
Assessment Hx Pheochromocytoma *HTN, Severe HA, Profuse Diaphoresis, Flushing, Apprehension/sense of doom, Chest Pain, N&V, Heat Intolerance, Wt Loss, Tremors
Interventions Surgery, Control BP prior to surg, calm environment, care similar to post adrenalectomy, monitor HTN or hypotension closely, Hypovolemia, Hemorrhage & shock, treat w/blood & plasma, I&O, if inoperable Treat HTN w/alpha & beta adrenergic blockers MonitorBP
Created by: ginabeana
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