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CCC-Medical Lab

chapter 7

EHR computerized documents stored Electronic Health Record
requisition form used to document what was ordered by physician
accession number number assigned to order received in lab
STAT within the hour, immediately
RT routine
ASAP as soon as possible
rapport aka bedside manner, behavior that puts a patient at ease
code of ethics set of written or unwritten rules or guidelines to specify values, actions, choices to help determine right or wrong
law rule of conduct or action prescribed or formally recognized as binding or enforced by a controlling authority
respondeat superior let the master speak
battery action that causes bodily harm
assault threat or bodily harm
negligence neglecting to perform in the manner expected by the profession
the 4 D's of negligence duty, derelict, direct cause, & damages
informed consent informing patient about procedure in order to receive permission
implied consent patients action shows they are ready to have procedure done
chain of custody specimens used in a court of law required form signed by all whom came in contact with specimen
HIPAA health insurance portability & accountability act
hemoconcentration rapid increase in the ratio of blood components (cells) to liquids (plasma)
hemodilution increase in plasma water lead to decrease in blood-water intoxication
sedentary sitting for long periods , no physical activity
fasting at rest no food just water
basal state fasting, no exercise
diurnal variation normal changes in lab values throughout the day
post prandial 2 hours after eating
TDM therapeutic drug monitoring
therapeutic drug monitoring monitoring the therapeutic effects of prescribed medication
trough level collecting blood when drug is at lowest point before next dosage
peak level collecting at drugs highest point in body right after dose
analyte substance whose chemical constituents are being identified and measured
lipemic cloudy serum or plasma due to increased lipids
interfering substance substance that can alter lab results
edema increased fluids causing swelling
HITECH health information technology for economic & clinical health
health information technology for economic & clinical health act passed in 2010 encouraging use of EHR for faster exchange of patient information
LIS laboratory information system
laboratory information system computer systems used in the lab
HIS hospital information system
hospital information system computers used in a hospital setting
Bedside Manner behavior that puts patient at ease, courtesy, respect
ambulatory walking
Created by: Kfoulkes
Popular Phlebotomy sets




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