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Nclex random facts
Question | Answer |
A kid with Hepatitis A can return to school when? | 1 week within the onset of jaundice. |
After a patient has dialysis they may have a slight fever...t/f? | True this is normal due to the fact that the dialysis solution is warmed by the machine. |
Hyperkalemia presents on an EKG as | tall peaked T-waves |
The antidote for Mag Sulfate toxicity is | Calcium Gluconate |
Impetigo is | a CONTAGEOUS skin disorder and the person needs to wash ALL linens and dishes seperate from the family. They also need to wash their hands frequently and avoid contact |
Vasopressin is also known as | antidiuretic hormone |
dont give beta blockers to anyone with | respiratory problems i.e asthma, copd. |
periorbital edema sign of complication with | impetigo (indicate glomernephritis) |
Myocardial infaraction always relieve pain with | morphine 1st. sometimes the choice oxygen will be in the same question. choose morphine. |
Diagnostic test for Cystic Fibrosis | positive sweat test. |
Black Cohosh is used to treat | menopausal symptoms. When taken with an antihypertensive, it may cause hypotension. Licorice can increase potassium loss and may cause dig toxicity. |
Difference btw appendicitis and gastroenitis | With acute appendicitis, expect to see pain first then nausea and vomiting. With gastroenitis, you will see nausea and vomiting first then pain. |
If a patient is allergic to latex, they should avoid | apricots, cherries, grapes, kiwi, passion fruit, bananas, avocados, chestnuts, tomatoes and peaches. |
Do not elevate the stump after an AKA after the first 24 hours, as this may cause | flexion contracture. |
Hyperkalemia mneumonic | Bananna under a Tall Tent (elevated t waves) |
Celiac disease can't eat.. | BROW: Barley rye oats or wheat |
Post eye surgery postition | on unaffected side |
Watch for Diabetes insidipus with what surgeries? | lung, craniotomy, or putitary |
TX for preterm labor | mag sulfate and terbutaline (Brethine) |
Chest tubes should have fluctuation or not? | The level in the water seal chamber (chest tubes) fluctuates with respiration- no fluctuation indicates an obstruction and excessive bubbling indicates an air leak. |
Nephrotic Syndrome leads to | proteinuria |
Glomerulonephritis leads to | hematuria |
Goodell's Sign | the softening of the cervix at the start of the 2nd month of pregnancy |
Nagels rule | First date of last menstrual period + 7 days - 3 months + 1year. |
Vinca Alkaloids (Vincristine) | lead to neurotoxicity and can present with numbness and tingling in the legs or paralytic ileus. |
Vitamin C can cause what false postive | Occult stool |
tx for DVT | elevate, bed rest, warm compress |
Which insulin to draw first | Clear/ Regular |
Hypoglycemia symptoms (TIRED) | Tachycardia, irritability, restless, excessive hunger, diaphoresis |
pulse parodoxus | - pulse is weak on inspiration and strong on expiration...could be a sign of CARDIAC TAMPONADE |
LS ratio | 2=immature 2-3=boderline give dexamethasone |
tx of DIC | Heparin |
what med will increase intraoccular pressure with glaucoma | Atropine (don't give) |
Narcotic of choice for pancreatitis | demoral (morphine may cause spasms in the sphincter of Oddi) |
Diabetes insipidus - Dries you out... | high urine output ---> leads to hypernatremia and Dehydration) |
SIADH (syndrome of inappropriate diuretic hormone) - makes you Soaking wet... | (fluid retention ---> leads to hyponatremia and Cerebral edema) |
Prenatal visit schedules | Prenatal Visits q 4 weeks -28-32 weeksq 2 weeks -32-36 weeksq1 week -36-40 weeks |
thyroid storm Main sign | fever |
ABCDEs of malignant melanoma: | A = Asymmetry;B = Border;C = Color;D = Diameter;E = Elevation |
Widening pulse pressure is a sign of | increased ICP |
Abruptio placentae may be a complication of... | severe preeclampsia |
Amniocentesis is done as early as | 14 weeks of gestation |
Chorionic villi sampling is done as early as | 10 weeks of gestation |
Kawasaki disease tx | high dose of asprin to reduce the risk of heart problems |
schilling test | done to test for pernicious anemia, measures how well the person absorbs b12 |
Normal ICP : | 0 - 15mmHg |
Tension pneumothorax signs | tracheal shift to opposite side, decreased venous return, neck vein bulge, tachycardia and tachypnea. |
superior vena cava syndrome s/s: | nosebleeds, edema in the eyes, edema of hands, dyspnea, mental status changes. |
s/s of rheumatic fever: | painful swollen joints, jerky movements, enlarged heart, heart murmur, nontender lumps on bony areas, white painful lesions on the trunk |
s/s of vit B12 deficiency: | pallor, slight jaundice, smooth beefy red tongue, tingling hands and feet, and difficulty with gait |
VEAL CHOP | V = variable decels; C = cord compression caused E = early decels; H = head compression caused A = accels; O = okay, not a problem! L = late decels = placental insufficiency, can't fill |
Late decel position | Left side |
Chvostek's Sign | - Test which reveals spasm of the facial muscle when the face is tapped over the facial nerve, in the area of the parotid gland - positive results may indicate hypocalcemia, acid-base imbalance, or reaction to a blood transfusion |
Trousseau's Sign | carpopedal spasm that occurs when a blood pressure cuff is inflated above the client's SBP and left in place 2-3 minutes - an indication of latent tetany, which may indicate hypocalcemia |
Glucose tolerance test given when during preg? | 24-28 weeks |
zero station | level with the ischial spines (below +) (above -) |
epidural hemotoma | Epidural hematoma is most serious type of hematoma, caused by arterial bleed, forms between dura & skull from tear in meningeal artery, emergency surgery needed! |
Hemophilia A is caused by a deficiency in | clotting factor VIII. |
S/s of digitalis toxicity: | blurred vision, nausea, vomiting, light flashes, and yellowish-green halos around dark objects. |
Tumor lysis syndrome is a potential complication of | leukemia. |
the virus that causes cold sores on the lips | Herpes Simplex Type I |
If patient has an air embolus turn them on their... | left side with their head down to trap the air in the right ventricle. |
Heparin antagonist | Protamine sulfate |
Coumadin antagonist | Vit K |
IgA: | Found in body secretions, tears, saliva, colostrum and breast milk Characteristics: lines mucous membranes and protects body surfaces |
IgD: | Found in plasma Characteristics: Present on lymphocytes |
IgE: | Found in plasma, interstitial fluids, exocrine secretions Characteristics: allergic/anaphylaxis, bound to mast cells |
IgG: | Found in plasma, interstitial fluid Characteristics: crosses placenta, secondary immune response |
IgM: | Found in plasma Characteristics: primary immune response, involved in ABO antigens |
Thalassemia Major a.k.a. Cooley's anemia | is an autosomal recessive disorder. S/S are severe anemia, pallor, failure to thrive, hepatosplenomegaly, microcytic RBCs. Tx is administer folic acid, blood transfusions, monitor for iron overload, genetic counseling. |
Atrial Septal Defect : | abnormal opening between atria which causes increased flow of oxygenated blood to go into right side of heart. Right atrial & right ventrical enlarge. May be closed using cardiac catheterization or cardiopulmonary bypass done before school age. |
Flail chest- | affected side goes down with inspiration and up during expiration. Caused by fx of multiple ribs. Monitor for shock, give O2, pain meds, TCDB(turn, cough, deep breath) |
Cirrohsis: Prone to bleeding T/F | True: do not give IM injections |
Emphysema | Carbon dioxide retention, hypoxia, & respiratory acidosis.S/S anorexia, weight loss, breathlessness, cough, sputum production, flaring, acessory muscle breathing, pink puffer |
Coffee Brown emesis indicates.. | Peptic ulcer |
pulse deficit | The difference between the apical and radial pulses is called the pulse deficit. |
Position after lumbar puncture | Supine for 8 hours |
Korsakoff's Psychosis: | common in alcoholics. They need Thiamine which can be found in organ meats |
Common clinical s/s of acute pyelonephritis | include flank pain, fever, chills, dysuria, costovertibral angle tenderness, frequency , urgency, malaise, & possiblely bloody or cloudy urine. |
Sickle Cell Anemia s/sx : | jaundice, progressive impair kidney function,s/s secondary to hemolysis & thrombosis, enlarged facial/skull bones, prone to infections, leg ulcers, gallstones, splenomegaly, cardiomegaly, tachycardia, flow murmurs, growth retardation, delayed puberty. |
Lumbar puncture position | –the pt into a fetal position, The pt uses his/her arms to their hold knees in place, head bent forward. This increases space between their vertebrae. |
When administering an enema you should insert it | 3-4 inches into the rectum. |
Cellulitis | inflammation of soft tissues that can extend to surrounding tissues. The skin becomes reddened, warm, swollen, & sometimes painful. |
Grave's disease causes s/s of | hypermetabolism such as heat intolerance, diaphoresis, excess thirst, hunger & weight loss. One way to promote comfort is to keep the room temperature at a cool setting. |
Pulse pressure is the difference between | systolic & diastolic pressures |
Hydrocephalus usually causes | an enlarged head with wide or bulging fontanelles, an excessive diameter, shiny scalp with prominent veins, separation of suture lines & downward slanting eyes. |
Unequal gluteal folds, unequal thigh lengths, & shortening of affected side are s/s | of congenital hip dislocation. |
The normal neonatal heart rate is | 120-160 bpm. |
An apgar score of 5-7 indicates | mild respiratory depression. |
A baby with cleft lip & palate should be fed in an | upright postion to lower risk of aspiration. They should also be burped more often due to the fact that they may inhale more air during feedings. |
Tachycardia & lethargy may be seen in newborns with | hypoglycemia. |
Leopold's manuvers | a series of abdominal palpations that are used to check fetal position, presentation, & lie. |
Basophils | responsible for releasing histamine. |
An infant usually transfers objects from one hand to the other by | 6-7 months of age. |
An infant can grasp a rattle in the hands by | 4 months. |
Because feedings require so much energy, an infant with heart failure should | rest before feeding. |
Iron deficiency anemia is a common complication with | teenage pregnancies. |
The most serious adverse effect associated with high doses of MAOI's is | hypertensive crisis. |