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BVT Nervous System M

medterms in the nervous system

epi above or upon
dural pertaining to dura mater
sub below
esthesio feeling
ist specialist
neuro nerve
psycho mind
cephalo head
encephalo brain
cele hernia
meningo meninges
hydro water
concusso shaken together
ion condition
contuso bruise
intra within
cranio cranium
phasia speech
in without
somno excessive caffeine
narco stupor
lepsy seizure
ambulo walk
myelo spinal cord
polio gray
radiculo nerve root
lumbar inward curvature
pathy disease
causo burning
algia pain
esthesia sensation or feeling
echo sound
graphy process of producing a picture or record
electro electric
trans across
cutaneo skin
thalamo thalamus
otomy surgial incision
dys bad
phobia name of an object, abnormal fear
agora market place
claustro barrier
mania madness
klepto to steal
pyro fire
trichotillo related to hair
anxio anxiety
lytic destroy
Created by: msmm
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