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RBN Unit 3

Terms to Know

Adolescence the developmental period between puberty and maturity
Puberty the period when a person becomes able to reproduce sexually
Preadolescence another name for early adolescent that ranges from 11 to 14
Nocturnal Emission involuntary discharge of semen while sleeping
Menarche the onset of menstruation
Emerging adulthood diverse and unique period of life that ranges from later teens to the mid-40's
Intimacy establishing relationships with others
Isolation remaining detached
Generativity adults who are deciding to pass on learning and share skills with younger generations
Stagnation adults who focus on personal pursuits and interests
Midlife Crises/Transition feeling they have failed to achieve the goals of their youth
Prebycusis the gradual loss of hearing in both ears that gradually occurs in the middle age
Presbyopia is the loss of flexibility of the lenses of both eye, making it difficult to see close objects
Gerontolgy the study of the aging process
Geriatrics the study of medical and social problems and care associated with older adult individuals
Senescence the process of becoming old or can refer to the characteristics of old age
Ageism the labeling and discrimination against older adults
Reminiscence the act of discussing, thinking, or writing about things that happened in the past
IADL Instrumental Activities of Daily Living
ADL Activities of Daily Living
Young-Old Adult the person whose age ranges approximately between 50 and 79 years old
Polypharmacy the use of multiple medications and/or the administration of medications that may not be clinically effective
Proprioception the unconscious awareness of how one's body is positioned when standing, sitting, or moving in a space, that is, spatial orientation
Medical Diagnosis determined by a primary healthcare provider, emphasizes on the disease process and includes identification of the specific disease or disorder
Acute Disease develops suddenly and runs it course in days or weeks
Chronic Disease a disease that may continue for months, years, or life
Acuity refers to disorder's level of severity
Complication unexpected event in the disease's course that often delays the client's recovery
Primary Disease occurs independently (by itself) such as strep throat
Secondary Disease directly results from, or depends on, another disorder
Signs objective evidence (data)
Symptoms subjective evidence (data)
Malaise Generalized discomfort
Exudate an excess of fluid and cells
Serous Exudate clear drainage
Sanguineous Exudate bloody discharge
Purulent Exudate contains pus, caused by the presence of bacteria
Suppuration the formulation of us
Abscess a collection of pus in a localized area
Necrosis dead tissue
Sloughed destroyed tissue that may be cast off
Granulation Tissue an area that fills with new tissue around a wound
Ulcer a local unhealed injury often leaves a scar called an
Fistula an abnormal tube-like passage that connects two internal organs, or connects an internal organ to the surface of the body
Observation looking at the client or watching for general characteristics
Inspection careful, close, and detailed visual examination of a body part
Auscultation listening for sounds from within the body, usually with the aid of a stethoscope
Palpation feeling body tissues or parts with the hands or fingers
Percussion tapping or striking the fingers or a percussion hammer against the body
Emaciation the state of being abnormally thin or weak
Erythema Redness in skin
Vitiligo Loss of pigmentation
Cyanosis blueish in white skin
Pallor pale looking skin
Jaundice yellowish skin color
Anasarca massive, generalized edema
Ecchymosis bruising or discoloration of the skin
Macule a freckle, liver spots of aging, some skin rashes
Papule mole, wart
Wheal hive, insect bite
Vesicle blister, chickenpox, herpes
Pustule Acne lesion, impetigo, burn
Fissure Chapped lips, fungal infection
Ulcer pressure wound
Nodule Fatty tumor (lipoma), localized scar tissue, cyst
Tumor Larger lipoma or malignancy
PERRLA+C Pupils equal, round, round, reactive to light, accommodation ok, and coordinated
Created by: sygomez.92
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